Composer Hector Berlioz was born on 11 December 1803. Not only did he compose, but he also wrote extensively about music, often with a sharp wit and vivid detail. What are your favourite Berlioz works and recordings? #classicalmusic
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When people ask "what historical figure would you invite to dinner?" Berlioz always comes to mind.
When his ex left him for another guy, he hatched a plan to kill them both, disguised as a woman, carrying poison and guns.
But halfway there, he changed his mind. Yikes.
Messe Solennelle
Symphonie Fantastique, Op. 14
L'Enfance du Christ, Op25
Symphonie Fantastique, with Louis Fremaux, probably not a popular choice but I have fond memories of him with the CBSO and he always gave French music that extra spark.
Requiem, Colin Davis, LSO
also Scherchen
La Damnation de Faust, Solti. Chicago
also, magnificent performance on Berlin Phil's Digital Concert Hall w/ Ludovic Tézier & Joyce di Donato, Rattle
I love the goofy "clarinet symphony": Symphonie Funèbre, Digital Concert Hall😼