My wrist broke day after thanksgiving, need surgery, I was just trying to fold laundry, tripped over a cat, hit hubs chair, braced, wrist broke. No money, I'm so depressed
Haven’t done that one yet. We usually fish for carp, for sport. Catch and release. We’ve been going to Dale Hollow once a year chasing the big ones. So far my biggest was 37lbs. Some think they’re junk fish but they’re some good fighters and fun to catch. We’ve caught a lot of cats too.Your biggest?
I will arise and go now, for always night and day
I hear lake water lapping with low sounds by the shore;
While I stand on the roadway, or on the pavements grey,
I hear it in the deep heart's core.
My husband, an avid flyfisherman, quoted something from Facebook yesterday that said you burn 16 calories while fishing. Now he’s telling me he needs to go fishing so he can work on losing weight.
Some of the greatest memories I have are sitting on the bank of the pond on my Papas farm with my Granny,fishing for perch and blue gills!She always said it teaches you patience. She was right! It's so calming and comforting. It makes you one with nature and we all need to experience more of that!💙
“The fisherman even has a phrase to describe what he does when he studies the patterns of a river. He says he is ‘reading the water,’ and perhaps to tell his stories he has to do much the same thing.”
Come on up and visit, my friend. For all the joy you’ve given me over the years, I’d be more than happy to guide you in Idaho or Oregon. Just say the word.
It's amazing how many times I've come up with novel ideas on how to solve world and national problems while fishing. But then I catch one and get so excited, I can't remember the details of those resolutions...dagnabit!
When i worked at Paramount on Melrose in '92 I used to go into Henry Winklers' office everyday.
His assistant was a wonderful woman who gave me cookies and told me stories of how he started out and Henry was always one of the nicest, most genuine people I've met along the way.
Hi Henry. I saw Jodi Ritzen's post about the February Happy Days convention in Orlando. I am hoping there is an opportunity for people that live too far away to purchase autographs or merch or something.
I sit and watch the water flow. Where it goes, I do not know. The same as the wind, and the passing of time....
Here, then gone, while I sit and dream of what has been. And what comes next.
Remake of A River Runs Through It with Henry Winkler in the Tom Skerrit/Dad role and (I think it might be mandatory atm) Timothee Chalamet as one of the sons?
I dream of living in the forest....smelling the pines....watching the wind blowing through the tree tops....enjoying the wildlife....appreciating the peacefulness.
You know I'm glad you're ahead of me in the standings here. Wouldn't be right to take the lead from the Fonz.
I hear lake water lapping with low sounds by the shore;
While I stand on the roadway, or on the pavements grey,
I hear it in the deep heart's core.
“The fisherman even has a phrase to describe what he does when he studies the patterns of a river. He says he is ‘reading the water,’ and perhaps to tell his stories he has to do much the same thing.”
In any event, all about the flies.
His assistant was a wonderful woman who gave me cookies and told me stories of how he started out and Henry was always one of the nicest, most genuine people I've met along the way.
Huge thanks!!
What is this place, please
Good luck
Nothing like the tranquility of the early morning on the water.
You’re still “Fonzie” to me. 🥰
Your trout are waiting for you.
Sweet, sweet dreams.
I dream of pie.
Fruit pie. Maybe Olallieberry.
Here, then gone, while I sit and dream of what has been. And what comes next.