Those Nazis marched through Columbus yelling the n-word and other slurs over a bull horn. You think the black people who marched the next day weren’t scared? Maybe our fear means nothing to you.
Black people in Columbus were scared and marched ANYWAY. Other scared groups just put out statements.
Black people in Columbus were scared and marched ANYWAY. Other scared groups just put out statements.
We will not survive this without solidarity.
only certain bodies matter to some...
shaking my head and also muting her account. don't need to hear from anyone who can't appreciate or see the humanity in all.
If we don't... well, Nazi Germany happened for a reason.
It was because people didn't stand when they had a chance.
There's no more time for fear or excuses.
This is why I keep saying “Godspeed.” This is why you’re seeing so many black women, in particular, say that they are taking a step back. Y’all don’t even think we’re capable of fear!
The callous disrespect even as black people show up for others is really appalling.
The scared argument is hard when they face themselves.
My, my.
Black men in Columbus, Ohio are linking arms and marching right through the wall of their fear to look out for themselves AND others. And doing it alone.
Toughen up and get focused, friend.
My god. Are black people the only adults in the room? What is going ON?
Stacy Abrams. Latosha Brown! WP thru America under the bus again. I trust POC only. Taking the lead from the ladies. Just finished this recommended book.
yes, the Black ppl are the only adults in the room and have been for centuries. ESP Black women
AGES overdue for the rest of us to listen and join in action
If all offended but too scared to act showed up anyway, Nazis be outnumbered 10 to 1.
Ppl gonna need to get way more comfortable w/ taking a punch for right reasons.
Huge love & respect to every person who showed up next day.