Impossible to get that square peg through that round hole when "preserving inflated asset values for incumbent Boomer homeowners" is the loadstar of state and federal housing policy.
Nothing will happen as long as ‘protect inflated Boomer asset values at all costs, all other considerations secondary. Crew expendable’ is the thrust of public policy.
It's so fucked how obvious the problem is with just middle school economics, but it won't be addressed because powerful people benefit from the broken system.
YUP the idea that "market rate" and "affordable" housing are separate is a dumb idea.
The process of making housing affordable must involve dropping the actual market rate. There is no cheat code to preserve property values and to create affordable real property
It also works in reverse! Building lower price point options frees up larger and more expensive housing options.
Maybe you don't want a tiny house or a plot with RV hookups, but cheaper choices besides expensive condos or a single family home leaves more for other people who genuinely want them.
Impossible to get that square peg through that round hole when "preserving inflated asset values for incumbent Boomer homeowners" is the loadstar of state and federal housing policy.
The process of making housing affordable must involve dropping the actual market rate. There is no cheat code to preserve property values and to create affordable real property
Maybe you don't want a tiny house or a plot with RV hookups, but cheaper choices besides expensive condos or a single family home leaves more for other people who genuinely want them.