yikes, imagine getting stomped to death by jackbooted thugs but also terrible k-pop is blaring out of gigantic speakers on the humvee they just ran you over with.
Yeah, I know, didin't mean it like Trump did this or had anything to do with what happened in SK. It was just a joke implying that declaring a martial law is something Trump might do at some point. I guess it was a bit far-fetched.
A heartwarming civil protest?
At this time of year?
At that time of day?
In that part of South Korea?
Localised entirely outside the S.K’s National Assembly?
Can I see it?
At least the Parliament blocked the martial law and reportedly the Korean Army has backed off at least for now.
Bad pun & not the first to try it, but I did check the comments to see if this particular variation had been tried yet.
*Below 38th parallel
This time serious.
At this time of year?
At that time of day?
In that part of South Korea?
Localised entirely outside the S.K’s National Assembly?
“No mother, it’s just defence against communists and anti-state agitators”