It’s Trudeauver
someone (Liv Agar) explain what this means
someone (Liv Agar) explain what this means
(Local queer loses last shred of faith in fellow citizens they didn't even know they had)
another reason to kill god.
Sigh. Please don't pick Carney, please don't pick Carney...
(if you want a serious answer, hmu, I'm reasonably well educated on this)
Also not quite the same
They actually did the confidence vote
poor Joe didn’t last 6 months did he?
I keep asking ppl what the deal-breaker was.. i dont like that he bought the pipeline or bailed on electoral reform but neither were suprising
the only answers i get are the ones amplified by 'canadaproud' trolls which arent actually important or worse than smolPP's basic daily missteps
Damn that's the new trend !
And sorry, I think our president just launched a trend.
That's a thing with us Frenchies : always setting new trends😄