The Internet is distorting effects here but my sense is that if you can type in complete sentences on a dating app, not say anything weird, take a decent photo, and be employed above minimum wage you are probably killing it as a Zoomer man in the dating market.
I'm only on the apps for casual sex so I care a lot less about that last bullet point, and it's a damn struggle finding millennial men who tick those boxes
This is tough to express without sounding A Certain Way but one wrench in all that is the height filter. It's so common to set that to 6' because it's nice and round, and I imagine that for women the benefit is that it's always useful to filter by *something* because of getting swamped. But.
(To clarify further, I think that benefit is obviously illusory, because if only a small minority of men are nonshitty, and your preferences don't happen to correlate too strongly with height, then filtering it further means you're just competing on even narrower terrain!)
That's almost too literal of an example, but a lot of cultural output geared towards/from women in an earlier era - like magazines, romantic comedies, or, like, Grey's Anatomy - was some version of "Ugh, how hard is it to find a decent guy? What are we even looking for?"
I think this kind of attitude became seen as gauche, if not sexist. But it was good to communicate, in mainstream culture, what desirable men looked and acted like? Because look how low the bar has gotten since Cosmo articles and network TV shows went out of style!
I’m not a zoomer. Gen X and, we turned out pretty awful!
But while I still have some baggage and am a work in progress, I swear to god I knocked it out of the park re: dating and romance and managed to marry well beyond my weight class.
My female friends were over the moon when they found out I used a top sheet. It was bizzare realizing how few dudes apparently can do basic household living.
But while I still have some baggage and am a work in progress, I swear to god I knocked it out of the park re: dating and romance and managed to marry well beyond my weight class.