In these terrible times we are going through, I wanted to share this beautiful crocus defiantly growing between cobblestones in our garden with you.
Take care! Stay strong!
Take care! Stay strong!
I see so much potential in creating an alliance for the good!
- Nelson Mandela
Die kleinen Blumen zwischen den Eisenbahnschwellen.
Erich Kästner
George Carlin
l'animo nostro informe, e a lettere di fuoco
lo dichiari e risplenda come un croco
Perduto in mezzo a un polveroso prato.
agli altri ed a se stesso amico,
e l'ombra sua non cura che la canicola
stampa sopra uno scalcinato muro!
sì qualche storta sillaba e secca come un ramo.
Codesto solo oggi possiamo dirti,
ciò che non siamo, ciò che non vogliamo.
(Eugenio Montale)
(English translation by Paul Archer of 'Non chiederci la parola' of Eugenio Montale)
Don't ask us for the word that scrutinises
our shapeless soul, and in letters of fire
declaims and displays it like a crocus
lost in the middle of a dusty field.
a friend to others as well as himself,
and doesn't care that the hot sun
stamps his shadow on a crumbling wall!
some syllable that's distorted and dry as a stick.
All that we can tell you today is this:
what we aren't, and what we don't wish for.
We have to stay optimistic!
Thats a sign for sure!
The world will survive/thrive when we are gone.
I pluck you out of the crannies.
If I could hold you in my hands,
Root and all and all in all,
I would know what
God and man is
Thank goodness.
Lovely flower ::
—George Carlin
we must honor the cracks in life
it's how the light gets in
It's beautiful, but when you hear its name, it sounds like it's asking you to kill it.
Croak us! Please. I've seen too much, hear too much. I just wanna rest. Please. Make my suffering end.
Gov: Sorry. We prosecute for assisted suicide.
I believe America is like that
We have gotten pushed down and have struggled to see the light
But we rise with the dawn of a new day like the beautiful unique creation we are