Alito says that when he talked on the phone with Trump yesterday, they only discussed his former law clerk's suitability for a low-level legal position in his administration which is totally believable because Trump is well-known for staying on topic and respecting ethical lines
(bet Alito didn't inhale either)
Not one of them deserves to be on the bench at any level
Surely, the Chief Justice will demand Alito's recusal now, right? Right?
Yeah, that's exactly what we all know will really happen.
How can any nation trust usa ever again? Not like u come back from this level of open corruption.
What do u teach your kids?
Intimidation, lies,coercion, threats, extortion?
This is presidential behaviour, the peak of US society.
I see Alito getting more and more frustrated as the call goes on, finally yelling at him to just hire my law clerk already!
Ethics are dead, along with the rule of law.
Joe’s Family would have to go into hiding though. Donny controls his security after the 20th.
“Quaint” in my brain.
How many times does a Pres elect have a personal conversation with a SC Justice ?? He’s already asked them to postpone his sentencing in NY
Ohh well