A while back I asked where people thought the capital of Black America was. Consensus was Atlanta, with Houston comin in hot.
If y'all could *pick* where would you put it? Assuming it would be Black AF and safe regardless?
If y'all could *pick* where would you put it? Assuming it would be Black AF and safe regardless?
Same for representational politics. Just been burned on that stove WAY too many times.
As a matter of cultural logistics, it sits at the center of MANY different branches of the black experience. It's a crossroads between east and west, past and future, Deep South and Great Migration.
Second choice is New Orleans, for similar reasons.
Good public transit is doable. Good schools are doable. Safe neighborhoods are doable. Black wealth and black investment are doable.
It's not a question of where IS it. It's question of where would we BUILD it.
"How would we do it?" is the fun part.
I really like that, actually.
If I could pick something to "restore" that would be safe and Black AF I'd like the symbolic nature of restoring Greenwood and Black Wall Street.
For the midwest closer to where I am it's gotta be Chicago or Detroit right?
It does a lot right.
It's open cause my default is closed. If the above does not apply, this conversation is not for you.
Yes, I'm biased. I was raised here, LOL
My grandmother left Texas for reasons. My dad fled the Deep South for reasons. Why does Black America need to be segregated in the South?
over Portland.
Houston is my hometown and there are literally pockets where there's nothing but Black people.
I, as a black gay man, like ATL for obvious reasons; however, I would never live there. Too many scammers and too expensive.