I think all the time about the interviewer who asked Meryl Streep “how did you not know about Weinstein” and she was like “I didn’t know because he NEEDED me not to know”
it isn’t a character flaw to have been deceived by someone who is a deceit expert cultivating the cover of your faith & goodwill
it isn’t a character flaw to have been deceived by someone who is a deceit expert cultivating the cover of your faith & goodwill
Reposted from
Hillary Monahan
Whenever someone is outed as problematic, there are a billion people who need to see, in sky-writing, "you didn't know, that's ok, but now you do, act accordingly."
No one expects you to be psychic or in on every whisper network, and folks inferring so aren't being fair. WHISPER networks. WHISPER.
No one expects you to be psychic or in on every whisper network, and folks inferring so aren't being fair. WHISPER networks. WHISPER.
Considering how long it took for any of the allegations to stick, I'd say he had a lot of practice
Don't want your wife to know about the time you slept with so and so ,keep your mouth shut
At one point Louis is asked if he feels like he was groomed too, in a sense, & he's kinda stunned into silence.
The fact that groomers groom character witnesses. That it is indeed a thing that some truly never see any signs v purposefully set up by the groomer. It’s so much more clear to me!
As I hear it, her friends BEGGED her not to keep the appointment.
She didn't.
Bullet dodged.
Her stories of film school at USC and stage hand work at the Cleveland Shakespeare Theatre are worth listening to. 😁 She's connected to her share of Hollywood.
We can never know for sure, but it seems to me to be the most likely that, at most, Pratchett knew he was a cheater.
The best—still awful—outcome is finding kinship and common cause with the victims, because you were one as well.
holds for abusers of all ideologies
Once you know the truth, act on it, but assuming "everyone" knew and that anyone who didn't know is culpable is itself a form of victim blaming.
Because guess who didn't know?