one of the greatest clergy characters in any movie. Disney's Robin Hood does a remarkably effective job of explaining to children how poverty is an artificial sociopolitical construct which every decent person morally obligated to resist, by breaking the law if necessary - even priests
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Aurora, all too Aurora
Friar Tuck is the only decent Disney Christian that comes to mind
Right before Tuck tries to lay the beat down on the Sheriff was gold.
does it all land differently as an adult than it did when I was six, before I knew what the Crusades were
but "Phony King of England" is still Disney's catchiest diss track
Oodle lolly golly smash the state
But “I wanna be like you”, sung by King Loui in Jungle Book wins it for me re Disney songs.
plus it's got that roger miller soundtrack and contains the line "death to tyrants!"
the song has the bit about "while bonny good King Richard leads that great Crusade he's on" and then he turns up at the end like a deus ex machina to bless everybody with his golden lion vibes
maybe I need a rewatch
oh my god okay MIND BLOWN by the idea that Hiss was in fact the Big Bad all along, this is incredible
god I love Sir Hiss, an absolute all-timer of a bitchy sidekick
me in my head, at all times, without prompting: 🎶 TOO LATE TO BE KNOWN AS JOHN THE FIRST, HE'S SURE TO BE KNOWN AS JOHN THE WORST 🎶
so you know how little kids will get obsessed with watching one movie over and over again, and repeat their favorite bits of dialogue just kind of at random
and you know how there are long stretches of silence at various intervals throughout a Catholic Mass