Easy krang, amorphous blob bent on world domination but so self serving and traitorous even to his own people that he bumbles it. And a voice that everyone hates.
Sort of a cross between Elmer Fudd, Hades from Disney’s Hercules, and Max from Tiny Toons. Finding a single character is tough. His combination of selfishness, amorality, narcissism, vengefulness, and stupidity seems far fetched even by animated standards.
A cartoon might imply he’s funny but he is just a waste of space which is why he loves Elon Musk so much. Perhaps he should fly into space never to return to Earth along with his tribe 👽🚀
Yo Semite Sam, for sure. loud, brash, and unshakably confident. Both thrive on bluster, grand proclamations, and diving headfirst into chaos, all with an oversized personality that's impossible to ignore. It’s chaos, comedy, and drama combined!
If Donald Trump were a cartoon character, he might resemble Heat Miser from The Year Without a Santa Claus. Both share a distinctive hairstyle and a fiery personality. 
Natasha is Melanie
His followers do it for the LOLs
That one.
Very hated and cruel.
Not a single one of them deserves to be compared to this lousy guy.
Always trying to win with cheating and trickery.
His voters are the Coyote. He is nothing but a TOOL
That fucker gave me nightmares.
Grand Vizier Iznogoud 🤨
I’ve actually started referring to him as Boris
BTW, Jon we were mutuals on Tw-would you mind reconnecting here, pls?