The recession was predicted back before Biden took office. He was able to strategically keep it at bay, up until the new guy came and destroyed it all.
These morons still voted for him AGAIN. Wtf man… smdh. THIS. WAS. PREDICTABLE. nay… THIS. WAS. PREDICTED! Dude called Covid a “New hoax invented by dems to hurt Trump” in a speech on Feb. 28th after we had Covid deaths already. He ignored that shot till too late. He’s a bum.
1 Campaign on Autocracy
2 Purge the Bureaucracy
3 Ignore the Courts
4 Co-Opt the Congress
5 Centralise Police and Powers
5 Shut Down Elite Media and Academic Institutions
6 Turn Out the People
He did it last term so we should not expect anything less. actually, he has done it to everything he touches or endorses. His agenda is becoming more and more obvious.
And the 77 dumbest citizens voted for orange convicted rapist....are cheering his actions..
Meanwhile blaming Obama for every fuck up actually by dipshit orange Mussolini dumbfuck.
cause you’re Canadian you get a pass. the idea Biden had a good economy comes as kind of a laugh to the people down here living it. See that’s why they lost the election they gaslighted a good economy when that’s not the truth of what we re living. Groceries and gas increased over 30% with Biden
I must have missed CNN’s headlines describing Biden’s economy as “booming” at any point in his presidency. Corporate media mxtherfxckers are partly to blame for what is happening.
Considering where Biden started with the pandemic, he brought us back and to the envy of the world, economically, I believe is what I heard said often by the media about his economy. Pretty damn good if not booming.
I agree with your first point but don’t recall headlines praising President Biden’s policies or describing the economy in flattering terms with the single exception of the stock market. Americans don’t read.
Of course! But I’m talking about mainstream media like CNN. The average American never has and never will see an article in American Progress, let alone read one.
You are absolutely correct. Mainstream news (tv news casts, where most people get their news) were critical of the Biden administration and the Harris presidential campaign. But seemed to gloss over drumps shortcomings, which are many to choose from.
Since Trump confirmed his grand tariff plan in early February, the Dow Jones has fallen by 10 per cent, wiping more than $US1.5 trillion from its value.
Oralè Resisters
I’ve been calling for
Democrats Shadow Government:
Pete Buttigieg is leading the opposition and the DNC
Would do well with him as the lead spokesperson to combat
The evil Trump administration
#BlueShadow #USDemocracy #PeteButtigieg #DNC #GOPCutsHurtVets
With MAGA GOP forcing a VETERAN to feel like he has to do this is beyond unacceptable! MAGA GOP & billionaires have targeted our children, women, minorities, education, state and federal employees, unions, nurses & doctors, public school teachers, & LGBTQ! Enough is Enough!
And don’t forget @cnn helped him get elected by not asking any questions about a fake assassination and downplaying Biden’s booming economy at every turn. Thanks
who voted for a transition from the dollar to crypto and too man up the statue of liberty? great again in completely never tried before method. somewhere somehow control went out the window? or in the window?
I cringe when I hear Trump and acolytes talk about Putins illegal invasion of Ukraine say “You’ve got no cards, they’ve got the cards, balls in your court, let’s get the show on the road”
Innocent men, women and children are being killed, maimed and kidnapped.
It’s a war for Christ’s sake.
What's the surprise ? The WSJ warned that Trumps policies would lead to a recession within the first 6 months .. and that warning came 3-4 months ago .
cuz dumbass cnn and nbc and fox and abc and cbs couldn't stop putting his face on tv after his loss to Biden so it's like a never ending campaign versus us lateral passing at the 10yrd line to kamala because george clooney was scared of donors running away from our slightly older incumbent candidate
Notice how these scum bag oil companies are giving Trump an assist during this economic downturn? Gas was $2.85 on City Ave just now. Still not the $2.78 Biden had us down to around election day. But I’ll bet oil companies are keeping gas cheap to help Donald. Just a hunch.
THIS republican threatens stand by and allow Russia and China to take over critical trade routes that oil gets shipped on though.. So I think cowardice and capitulation are also in play here. Rex Tillerson was an oil exec. Even he couldn’t fuck with Trump for long before leaving the administration.
My wife and I, as we are both getting close to retirement, met w our financial advisor just 3 wks ago. He told us our 401Ks were doing great. We both felt very good abt our financial future.
Just 3 weeks later and it’s fear and uncertainty, Russia is the good guy and measles outbreaks!
Donald Trump is THE cause of this trash stock market right now. He is a quite plainly a stupid bum. If he reversed his dumb decisions and the market recovers, watch.. He’s gonna take “credit” for “fixing” the shit he broke. He’ll blame a democrat or the left in general most likely.
Agreed.. Our standing in the world is gonna take a long time if ever to recover. So much of our “super power-ness” is due to alliances, friendships, and permissions to have bases around the globe to maintain safe trade routes among other things..
If we need to save/help a friend or stop/deter an enemy, a lot of that depends on how rapidly we can deploy. It also has to do with citizens who still believe in our country to voluntarily serve.. If we start losing bases.. If we start to struggle to get soldiers. It makes us far less “super”.
If anything he's a record breaker !
Although for all the wrong reasons, like the number of criminal convictions he's racked up etc.
And the number of lawsuits against his regime -
BREAKING NEWS - Trump finds out simplistic thinking doesn’t work in a complex world. Orders cabinet to compensate by increasing the flow of wishful thinking to help stabilize the economy.
Notice how CNN helps him out by minimizing it as a “scare” while they ran nonstop headlines gleefully finding ways to shit on a BOOMING economy under Biden.
Damn everyone always forgets about the sidekick! Unsung hero of the time. No one wants to be Robin, when they could be Batman! We wouldn’t be where we are today without him! Credit deserved, credit given. Soooo much credit!
Trumpcession is real. Tariffs, mass layoffs and all the repercussions! We haven’t even felt the impact yet. The stock market is the canary in the coal mine. We are literally and figuratively fucked!
As I was listening to mofo Lutz wig or lugnut, I'm not sure what his name is, this morning, I realized the us/ canadian economies are pretty much determined by how better one can stoke the ego of numbnut Donald Trump. Why don't the people in the US oust that obviously demented man.
He’s been propped up throughout his life. Yup. Real Billionaires don’t need to secure financing from Russia and other Eastern Bloc lenders to get a building project started.
I get it you just want to hate hate hate Trump. Now I know Biden kept prices low and gas woooo that $7 was amazing. But you gotta give Trump some time.
Yeah he said he'd do a lot of unrealistic things on Day One and you believed him. Now he's trying to delay his supporters wrath with the whole "more time" thing and not only are you believing it again but you're parroting his talking point.
Trump hate hate hates YOU.
Trump thinks you're a loser.
For the record, I just think you've been fooled. "Trump must be real" or your whole belief system (they spent years building) just crumbles. Be ready for the crumble; it will be obvious even to you soon. It's okay, let the realism settle in when it comes. Be angry at him then, not yourself.
Damn that’s sad. I was at least able to root for Biden cause if he succeeds we benefit. If he fails we suffer. It seems you would rather the country suffer just so you can hate Trump.
I don't hate Trump; he hates all of us. We're losers to him. I feel sorry for him because he has NO ability to feel empathy, maybe frontal temporal dementia and other issues. And I feel sorry and frustrated that he is so easily able to hurt (and cause the deaths of), ruin lives so many Americans.
It is because I don't want the country to suffer that I will fight for democracy and the rule of law, something Trump has now completely abandoned.
I think it won't take long, a few months at most, by summer the mess the USA and GOP are in will be obvious to even his staunchest supporters, you too.
Aw now play nice. every candidate promises the world. They don’t always deliver everything. I get it your guy lost you hate being wrong. Believing what again? We elected him cause we liked how he ran things the first time. Quit your whining. Youre just embarrassing yourself
He's not like any other candidate in the history of the USA. His second term is nothing like his first. You elected him because he duped you. You'll realize that very soon. You're not ready yet, I get it, still trying to defend his shitshow out of some misguided loyalty issues. You just need time.
I fucking hate these people.
you know what I mean, I think.
People still haven't truly woken up.
There's no way to halt this. The fallout and ripple effects are just beginning.
The phrase "Backed by the full faith and credit of the US government" IS the economy.
The dollar will collapse.
1 Campaign on Autocracy
2 Purge the Bureaucracy
3 Ignore the Courts
4 Co-Opt the Congress
5 Centralise Police and Powers
5 Shut Down Elite Media and Academic Institutions
6 Turn Out the People
Meanwhile blaming Obama for every fuck up actually by dipshit orange Mussolini dumbfuck.
Is there any doubt?
Remove them and the GOP
OK, likely not. Until he's dead.
Mainstream media = Legitimate Journalism
Fox News, and Trump’s GOP have brainwashed half the country BY eroding trust in the 3rd rail, legitimate journalism.
Fox News and CNN aren’t the same, CNN doesn’t intentionally spread lies.
I’ve been calling for
Democrats Shadow Government:
Pete Buttigieg is leading the opposition and the DNC
Would do well with him as the lead spokesperson to combat
The evil Trump administration
#BlueShadow #USDemocracy #PeteButtigieg #DNC #GOPCutsHurtVets
Elon. Fucking. Mush.
We aren’t scared, it’s a recession and will likely be a depression by the time we are done with layoffs in the private sector.
So many people are gonna be hurt by the end. So many 401k bottomed out.
Both are called Trump.
We. Fucking. Told. You!
GRADE: A++++
Live with the Circus.
Innocent men, women and children are being killed, maimed and kidnapped.
It’s a war for Christ’s sake.
2. How likely is it that the Republican party is afraid of a guy with dementia
Fuck Ford
Fuck Chrysler
Fuck every other car company.
Just 3 weeks later and it’s fear and uncertainty, Russia is the good guy and measles outbreaks!
He bankrupt his companies and now he’s going to destroy America.
He’s happy as long as Putin is happy.
Treason in America 🇺🇸
But remember
1. They tanked American
Schools bc they want us
Dumb/UNcritical thinkers
2. They keep us sick so we can’t fight back
3. They tie success 2 the
Grind-so we’ll never stop
2 consider a better way
4. If u get sick u lose
Everything (Me)
5. They keep us
Although for all the wrong reasons, like the number of criminal convictions he's racked up etc.
And the number of lawsuits against his regime -
*Total number of cases tracked: 119*
Well done Maga! 👌
also, its not a "scare"
Damn everyone always forgets about the sidekick! Unsung hero of the time. No one wants to be Robin, when they could be Batman! We wouldn’t be where we are today without him! Credit deserved, credit given. Soooo much credit!
Encourage him to rocket! 🚀
That guy has more power than Trump will ever have.
It must suck being so weak.
it already happened
just need to wait for current quarter numbers to be finalized
Use a picture of a microphone lying on the ground below the headline and call it good to go.
Trump hate hate hates YOU.
Trump thinks you're a loser.
I think it won't take long, a few months at most, by summer the mess the USA and GOP are in will be obvious to even his staunchest supporters, you too.