“One Democratic senator granted anonymity to share private discussions said conversations are starting about whether Schumer should be their leader going forward. …The frustration reflects a boiling anger among Democrats over what they view as their party’s lack of a strategy for taking on Trump.”
They need to strategize a REMOVAL of these traitors!
The MAGA republicans are supporting Trump who’s breaking CONSTITUTIONAL LAWS! They are no longer a DEMOCRATIC PARTY!!
Cc @aoc.bsky.social @chrismurphyct.bsky.social
Sorry for poking fun, but that is the funniest spellcheck sabotage I have seen in awhile.
Please continue to spread your saucy humor!
Schumer has got to go.
Insiders say private talks are questioning whether Schumer should remain leader after his failure to take a hard stance against Trump. The party’s anger is boiling over — they want a fighter, not a bystander. 👀 #LeadershipCrisis #SchumerFail
Adios, Amigo.
Say goodnight, Gracie.
Chuck serves Israel before NY.
One of those hypothetical Gaza suites perhaps?
If you’re serving in public office you do the job - you’re elected to do over anything else.
Exceptions to key family events and time with family but not a book signing
That got me thinking. 🤔 Who could fairly and clearly take sides here? I can't any more.
2 Gen X
1 DINO (#JohnFetterman - Kirstin Sinema's replacement)
All Boomer Dem Congressman are Moderate Republicans who apparently are okay with Fascism as long as it doesn't effect them
Schumer thinks it’s ingenious, because really — how could Trump ever even see this coming from what are supposed to be his main opponents?
Their weakness will likely be our downfall, since the citizens, while not doing nothing at all, aren’t doing nearly enough.
Unbelievably out of touch.
AOC for senate!
Send him to Gaza.
W. T. A. F??? When Plan A goes to $#*+, that's not the time to START working on Plan B.
That statement was so milquetoast I highly doubt there's much fire behind it, save for the usual handful of Democrats.
Dems don't have it in them.
“We the People” need intelligent leaders like AOC who tell us the truth! @aoc.bsky.social
(I'll take it though, time for change)
And he is a terrible communicator. And isn't a fighter.
These two came up.
A filibuster could’ve forced GOP to the table.
He didn’t even TRY!
get this fat-cat fucker outta there RIGHT NOW!!!!!
The problem is a lot of talk with zero action.
Retirement is calling his name!
He’s definitely past his expiration date.
There’s no fight in this old man.
Where was Schumer during the election❓️
We are a visual society and excellent and effective orators, across multicultural and multigenerational avenues, can make a powerful shift in our country.
I respect your opinion. But wonder with more time we could have seen more of HER being her. Because I truly think she cares about this country.
Soon he will label all the offended Democrats anti-semites for asking him to work his day job, or protect students, or not screw the Congress.