Also suspect his posture is related to Trump’s policy on anti-semitism. Gotta wonder why Nazi’s have an anti-semitism task force - must be part of a deal.
You’d like to hope that’s the case. He’s weak. He’s weak and ineffectual. His failure to properly mitigate Trump’s behaviour is a damning indictment of the state of his party right now.
Wall Street.
They did not want a further crash.
While some of us have been purposely taking a capital gains hit in order to cause that crash.
The people around Trump want to devalue the dollar and will cause a crash. This lets them control it and direct it towards critics.
I found out from Sen. Whitehouse how worse a shutdown would be than the CR. I understood later that usually congress that shuts down government is the opposing party, not the same destructive cult.
Yes, been preaching that. Schumer said that several times but that message got lost in the fury. If you have any written materials/posts from him, can you point me to them? Greatly appreciated 🙏. If you analyze it like chess, Schumer saved his caucus (like Whitehouse) and took the bullets himself.
Whitehouse voted no. Also, the line of reasoning that Trump wanted a shutdown makes no sense. If Trump or Project 2025 had determined a shutdown gave him more power, he could have easily stopped the CR in House. Instead, he pushed House to pass it. Schumer was protecting his donors.
True, but only because the GOP Speaker of the House planned not to have Congress in session to vote for any Senate amendments, etc.
The Senate had its own bill, but after passing the House Bill, Speaker Johnson sent Congress home so they wouldn't be available to vote on the Senate Bill.
It’s American History 300 level. This country was founded on and has always sought to exploit the cheapest labor. Why hasn’t federal minimum gone up in 16 years? Why scare a hardworking tax paying immigrant population? Where’s this going? Where’s my daytime ration of brandy?
Tbf at least in Libya we were helping the people uprise against their oppressors. It's horrible that it didn't work out though, as is sometimes the nature of violent revolution
When it's that blatant, you know he was paid by somebody. He's nearing the end of his grift, so he probably wanted one last pay day before leaving. He's 74, I doubt he's running again.
Yes it is definitely time for Schumer to be replaced. We need someone willing to fight for Dems and the American people. He is too old and still thinks he can use a press conference to speak to the voters for the Dems and it has been failing. There has to be a way to move Schumer out fast!
He thinks it will all work out if he follows the rules and decorum of the Senate. Take a look around the US is on fire and you just threw more lighter fluid on it!
Don’t punish others for the 10 clowns’ foolishness! There are 3 Congressional Special Elections coming up and even 1 win changes the dynamics in the House!
Please✅vote record. Schumer voted to move bill to a vote. Then. He voted No. Seriously please get a grip, angry people. Mob mentality is what Trump Wants. Government remains Open! Courts. Need remain Open! I cannot stand the felon rapist 💩. If honor killings were still legal he’d be dead Long ago…
I’ve never been this angry. I sent an email to telling them they’re not getting a dime from me and to stop sending me text messages until Schumer is removed as leader of the Senate and they get their shit together.
Remember how to see the forest for the trees. The culprits are the Republicans. We all need to get them out of office by lowering the gavel on them, meaning the current office holders on every level, every judge who would favor them, the corporate moguls lining their pockets and Fox noise! Sue them!
Instead of being angry about a gesture, why not be angry about democrats having no strategy against project 2025?how they are going to win the 3 house by elections?That would make a difference this year! Now!
Btw, I didn't know there was a 28th Amendment! I think it added an asterisk to the constitution, which now reads " We the People*".
* The constitution only applies to Rich People, the top 1% of the US population. I think this amendment was passed in the 2000s and confirmed by SC by Citizen United.
The issue is ,i am all busy and tried having to earn a living in this fucked up economy. I only have energy to give a fuck about a few things, so I have to pick what I give a fuck about. Do I give a fuck about someone grandstanding or the party I vote for increasingly shown as clueless and dumb!
Have mentioned this. Without a plan and putting acceptable people as candidates the democrats will lose again. It is off the utmost importance that democrats get it together. People will either not vote…again… or vote Republican. We are fully doomed in that case.
For that to happen, we voters need to ask hard questions to the democrat leadership! Also, ourselves, too! Like it or not, the GOP voters were very laser focused on what they wanted and patient, but we are trying to do too many things and distracted easily. We have to be strategic and realistic!
Agree. I think that is beginning to happen, but so far has had no impact. Can it within the next year? I hope so. There will be no second chance. That will be the LAST election if the democrats lose.
To be fair, state level Democrats have done well. Especially Democratic AGs. They got together and spent an entire year preparing.
However, that only serves to highlight the incompetence of the national Democratic leadership
But state AG's can only do so much when the GOP worked for decades for successful taking over the judiciary via federalist society. That's what really frustrates me about the sheer incompetence of the DNC leadership. They knew it was happening with no plan to pushback!
I will give an ex. The voters on right had an issue on, say, 2nd amendment. And they kept judging their politicians for decades on that single issue until they got what they wanted. Say they had 10 things , do you think you can maintain the same fervor/patience on all 10 for decades? I doubt it.
Think about it another way, if you have 10 things you are angry about . What do you hold the politicians against. It's like having 10 different requirements. Which one do you judge someone's performance based on? All 10?
Sure , be angry. But anger should have a purpose. If not, it's just pissing in the sea against a breeze! What did it get us being angry with everything GOP does every day for the past 8 years? They got elected back with a majority of votes! The point of GOP is to keep liberals angry and distracted!
Let it be known. Chuck ‘s legacy will always be remembered as the man who handed the only power Congress had to resist an autocratic regime, right back to the dictator at its head.
I'm giving him the Biden treatment. No support for Dems or money until he resigns or is removed. The other 9 need to be primaried if they don't resign first.
Time to chuck Chuck, he should now be referred to as lying fukc shitmore, the 2 faced NAZI lover. Liars, theives, murderers = NAZIs Call your senators & representatives, remind them to do their jobs & thank them if they do represent the people & constitution
🔥 Schumer’s time is UP. Weak leadership, failed strategy — Democrats need a fighter, not a bystander. The clock is ticking, and the party’s patience is running out. SHARE if you agree it’s time for new leadership!
She should have been primaried last time she ran. Her career should have been over after what she pulled with Franken. Both of my state senators just need to go.
You know I usually defend the dems, I think it's a distraction to attack them instead of the literal fascists. But I agree with this. I don't hate Schumer. But we need unity and he broke from that. We need new leadership.
I’d like to see him gone just for wearing those stupid glasses on the end of his nose. He drips with privilege and elitism, the exact opposite of what we need in this moment. We need a street fighter, not Neville Chamberlain.
If the government shut down wouldn't have all the court cases against Trump administration been shut down? All the folks that just got their jobs back and everyone else would be out of a job again. Benefits stopped for folks. We need to just keep hammering the awful job Trump is doing.
All jews should be deported until they stop the genocide of indiginous Palestinians in Palestine, and vacate their expired lease as per the Balfour agreement. History will repeat itself if we allow occupying Israeli war crimes to continue.
Time to remove th #SurrenderCaucus
Picture* = 1000 words
A perfect comparison
GOP Clowns laugh & continue to destroy American democracy while impotent Dems divide then cave into the demands of an unelected vile asshole & an insane evil #FOTUS
In my nightmare, there will be no "minorities" to lead. They are quickly destroying the fabric of what was once our governmental system. We have Democrats in government for their entertainment only and our judicial system is scrap-this based on the fact that all federal judgements have been ignored.
As he should be done - thrown out of that position immediately. Nothing is worse than giving trump more power, he's destroying America fast enough. shumer should be ashamed of himself for this piss-poor decision
The average age of Senators is 65. The oldest is 91 followed by 83, 81, 80, 79. They refuse to give up power to the generations that actually have to live with the decisions being made
He's just done. I don't think any of us would care if we never saw his face again. And the book tour starts this weekend. Tank those book sales. Make those sales so bad that the publisher asks for the advanced back. And it makes Tesla look like a booming market.
But do feel free to go and chat with him about what he did during his signings. And do it respectfully and respectfully tell him it will be a cold day in hell when you ever support the Democrats again due to him. It'll get a few twitches out of him.
IMO as an outsider, there has to be a limit in age. I get you have seen stuff, but you can be a consultant. Fresh young ideas, wit, blood, ideas and gumption is needed to progress the country. Old people get tired, I am sorry, but they just do.
Jeffries was very much against the CR and managed to get almost every single Democrat in the House to get in line. But he has been rather lackluster in his overall resistance. I guess even the milquetoast moderates have their red lines
The entire #senate needs to be overhauled to give states proportionate representation.
Maybe this current nightmare (which arose b/c of our f-d up system) will lead to some much needed changes.
Have to hit rock bottom before the powers that be LEARN from history.
IMO, senate should just be abolished and the House expanded by 100, along with independent redistricting becoming law. Unicameral legislature makes politicians much more accountable and the process faster.
No. The House is a pretty much the same as a dirty dive bar at around an hour before closing time. The Senate at least pretends to be a fancy restaurant, even though they usually just serve sirloin steak with a glass of two-buck chuck.
Its the way the Constitution was set up. It was a messy time, we were starting something new and had to get everyone (13 colonies) to agree. It was the Great Compromise.
Here's some cites, given the character limit here:
Huh!Stop talking Crap!Your Party is Dead and it will take you 10 years to come right?Where is your Vision,Strategy and Leadership?Schumer is the only person who can make a difference.Your Left leaning idiot's destroyed your party and trying to elevate Tampon Tim/Military Imposter,is so embarrassing!
Force him out! If you’re pissed about Sen. Chuck Schumer caving to Trump and Elon Musk, take the pledge to boycott contributions to all Senate Democrats until they replace him as leader:
How do we force a vote on this by our elected leaders? Phone calls? Where’s this man’s main office in state? Or does he live in DC near his friends on K street?
We need to do the Schumer what was done to Biden. I was scared about that because it was so close to the election, but we have almost 2 years to mobilize before the midterms and we so clearly need a leader who is both more inspiring rhetorically and strategic politically in this moment.
I think the demos were to be hung for a sheep or a lamb
If I understand
If it was to be a Senate No gave Krasnov Trump FULL power to do anything for ( how many?) weeks.
By giving a yes, it was at least no full power to Krasnov .but the Repubs sneaked some poison into the wound.
I hope they do some media coverage of his book signings and do all these different places so we can see what’s going to happen. It’s not going to be good. There’s not gonna be anybody to buy his fucking book now he fucked up Major and I think he’s too stupid to even get it. That’s a maggot for you!
He ended his long career with his vote to cave with the spending bill. I'm sure he will hear about it while promoting his book. That will be entertaining.
He's stuck in 'work together, at all costs' mode, rather than looking at what that bill will do to the country over the coming months. His advisors must be afraid of djt more than the blowback he'll personally receive on the book tour. We'll see if they were right.
Fuck Israel free palistine. legitimately care about people They're out in the world organizing for a better world. Unlike elected people on book tours. Ignoring people who voted for them. Not talking about what needs doing if elected. JUST DOING IT ALL THE TIME
Finally! It's about time someone held him accountable. Schumer's been enabling the Democratic establishment's worst impulses for far too long. His leadership has been a major obstacle to real progressive change. Good riddance!
You know, I thought Harry Reid was too soft-spoken (but more effective) in the position and that goes double for the blandly banal Schumer. The times call for fiery, effective rhetoric. Bernie comes to mind but there are others....
I 100% agree! But I don't see a lot of that in the democrats right now. A lot of empty slogans about messaging! A lot of grandstanding and then they just cave!
This third-party stuff has been around since I started voting in the 1980s. Nothing ever happens with it. Until we have a parliamentary system, it won't happen. 1. Replace the entire system or 2. Primary & replace until we can replace.
Need a total reset of the D party and mission going into the elections. Sen's Sanders and Murphy, others are beginning to show the way. Cannot be back to 'big govt' and endless spend. Must show lean efficiency on BEHALF of the people, FAIR SHARE contribution, engage biz, reassert clear priorities.
Ten out of 213. I know my democratic representative walked out and voted against censure. It's easier to name those that are lame duck cowards afraid of their own shadow that should be primaried.
We don’t know that, and it’s pretty clear that no concessions would have been given. He actually did explain his move, but I don’t think people are paying attention. We need to be less reactionary and more thoughtful.
There was a 4-year window with Biden to put the boots to them but no one wanted to be accused of 'being like republicans'.
Dems namby-pamby, hands-off approach to maga and insurrectionists sealed their fate and gave you tRUmp 2.0.
Even now they don't want to hear it.
It'll outlast Trump, but I'm worried about those that will follow because the sludge and shit has weakened the foundation we thought was made of stone. Trump won't last, Vance is too weak - the people really running Trump have to be stopped.
Guaranteed! We also need to primary the Vichy collaborators who caved to the GQP. Shaheen & Peter are not running for re-election, but the others must be shown the door!
Please, no. As a Minnesotan I learned how terribly she treats her own staff. She also voted to confirm Rubio, who is now enabling trafficking of Ukrainian children— as per an article she herself just posted on blue sky! She capitulates to republicans and corporate donors way too much to trust.
Not sure how that makes it better lol. We deserve better than this and need to work hard leading up to primary season to send that message. At the very least she should grow a backbone and own her mistake, but she’s acting like she didn’t have anything to do with this. Not leadership material!
Truer words have never been spoken.
I’m on husband number four. Slow learner. But at least the book I published in ‘97 about motherhood in this country has found its way to some banned book lists. I must have done something right, lol
Women must work toward the recognition that reproductive rights are privacy and human rights. Then they must demand codification on a federal level, utilizing the Fourth Amendment.
Most of FDR’s actions were because they were his wife’s, Eleanor. She was the one always thinking about lifting Americans up. After his death she pressed the US to join the United Nations. She was their 1st chair for human rights. She oversaw the drafting of universal declaration of Human Rights. 💙
Not always, I present MTG and Lauren Boebert. I will say, the best women do seem to come from the left. AOC and Jasmine Crockett have it all. Smart, without any fucks to give, and no fear. I'd go into battle with those two strong women in a heart beat. I'll be funding both of them when needed.
AOC and Jasmine are Representatives. Not Senators. NY needs to primary Schumer. Get him out of there. Besides the vote recently with the Republicans, He was ineffective when the Democrats had the Senate.
I’m fully aware the point of my post is I want them leading everything. Stop thinking you’re correcting someone and read for comprehension not rebuttal.
As much as I agree AOC has the fire, clearly our country is still too misogynistic. Evidence, Hillary Clinton, Kamala Harris and Donald Trump. I am a fierce feminist. But we cannot pot forward a woman as party leader, sadly.
I agree! I think we are ready! I think Kamala would have one, if not for Elon. I don’t think we’re any further off than Mexico is… we could have a female leader, with a real election.
Lots like closing the barn door after all the cows have gotten out. I warned you people for the last two months about it! I'm with Mark Twain all politicians totally suck-some suck more like child rapist trumpers and others suck on the down low like Schumers who keep child rapists in office!
I've always been curious about the Trump supporter hatred of DEI and EEO, and their statement that the most qualified person should get the job. Since when is a, at best, high school educated white man always the most qualified?
it's always about the donor$.
He's a well kept man.
Also suspect his posture is related to Trump’s policy on anti-semitism. Gotta wonder why Nazi’s have an anti-semitism task force - must be part of a deal.
They did not want a further crash.
While some of us have been purposely taking a capital gains hit in order to cause that crash.
The people around Trump want to devalue the dollar and will cause a crash. This lets them control it and direct it towards critics.
The Senate had its own bill, but after passing the House Bill, Speaker Johnson sent Congress home so they wouldn't be available to vote on the Senate Bill.
Stop swallowing propaganda.
We've attempted coups in at least 91 nations since hiring nazi scientists in WW2, and werent really the good guy in any of them.
No leadership change NO MONEY.
Dems better read the room, cuz enablers may go first.
Not a dime until you remove the grime.
* The constitution only applies to Rich People, the top 1% of the US population. I think this amendment was passed in the 2000s and confirmed by SC by Citizen United.
However, that only serves to highlight the incompetence of the national Democratic leadership
Plus here’s his book tour … 😉
So, we penned [parodied] a little bit early this morning.
Here’s a bit of it.
Ways and Means Committee
Washington DC
Picture* = 1000 words
A perfect comparison
GOP Clowns laugh & continue to destroy American democracy while impotent Dems divide then cave into the demands of an unelected vile asshole & an insane evil #FOTUS
Now he’s not only weak,
He’s a fucking traitor,
Helping President Putin destroy America
The entire #senate needs to be overhauled to give states proportionate representation.
Maybe this current nightmare (which arose b/c of our f-d up system) will lead to some much needed changes.
Have to hit rock bottom before the powers that be LEARN from history.
In pretty much most of Europe this would never stand. They fight for their democracies and rights.
Here's some cites, given the character limit here:
Statehood for DC!
This is what happened afterwards 👀
🔥🎥 #footage
#StrongerTogether #Resistance #14thNOW #50501Movement #Election2024
#VerifyTheVote #StandUpForYourRights
If I understand
If it was to be a Senate No gave Krasnov Trump FULL power to do anything for ( how many?) weeks.
By giving a yes, it was at least no full power to Krasnov .but the Repubs sneaked some poison into the wound.
He is no longer useful to the American people.
Fuck Israel free palistine. legitimately care about people They're out in the world organizing for a better world. Unlike elected people on book tours. Ignoring people who voted for them. Not talking about what needs doing if elected. JUST DOING IT ALL THE TIME
The problem is, it will be a matter of a long time.
Get the team on board, get a clear message and get going!!
Just a thought.
You primary weak old men like Schumer and replace them with Dems who might actually have some fight.
Share now!
Dems namby-pamby, hands-off approach to maga and insurrectionists sealed their fate and gave you tRUmp 2.0.
Even now they don't want to hear it.
A matter of time.
Sing the song of the Army of the Rhine.
May impure blood
Water our fields!
Except for Fetterman. That would just be a waste of time and effort.
She kicked Al Franken out of the Senate and is way too conciliatory with Republicans. Chris Murphy or Corey Booker instead.
We are the greatest influences
That’s why the saying says behind every great man there is a great woman.
I’m on husband number four. Slow learner. But at least the book I published in ‘97 about motherhood in this country has found its way to some banned book lists. I must have done something right, lol
The girl’s projects rocked!
Women aren’t behind any man!!!
Women are more intelligent and just better humans the majority of the time!!
(I’m male)
Shocking how many women voted for the child rapist!!
Erase ‘day’
Strong, intelligent women know when to be strong and when to show tenderness.
make sure the DEI stands for #DefinitelyEarnedIt."
(Dr. Johnna Frierson, Associate Dean of DEI for basic sciences at Duke University Medical School)