Problem with those Preemptive pardons, it opened the door for him to do that if he ever leaves.
Everything his cult is doing will never face justice because he will swing that pen.
That is why the pressure for Biden to stop sending Israel money and supplies was so loud.
Congress created that package in law.
If Biden listened to the call to break the law of stopping Congressional approved funding, Trump would have used presidence to have stopped all funding he disliked.
Trump had already done that, at the end of his first term. He even demanded money for his pardons. Biden would never have done this, had he not known what a psychotic and vengeful criminal Trump is.
Those would be regular pardons with his 10% for the big guy kickback lol
Every President does Pardons. Preemptive pardons are a double edge. Yes he had to to protect the Jan6 committee. But Trump will use that same reasoning when he Preemptive pardons everyone who's ever worked for him .
I refuse to believe that anything Biden did could have given Trump ideas, or 'permission.' He has a team of goons (Bannon, Miller-who looks like a ghoul) who must spend their nights dreaming of ways to hurt people. Look at him now, blatantly ignoring judge's orders. He'd have done that anyway.
You're right--but I would bet my house that had Hunter Biden not been pardoned, Trump would have brought him up on charges--the man who is an adjudicated rapist and guilty of 34 financial crimes.
100% agree they all would be in hell right now Hunter Jan6 committee and so many more. Did he have to make that move with Preemptive 100% but that's why it's a double edge sword.
I wonder IF we had a majority in one of the houses, could we introduce legislation that would not allow those pardon prior to trump leaving (haha I made a joke….like trump will ever leave.)
If that were the case he would have Preemptive pardoned on his way out the door for everyone who's ever worked for him. Probably including himself and his whole family.
Ge gave pardons out to the highest bidder yes but those were convicted pardon.
They've sided against him three times since he was inaugurated. This Supreme Court sucks, but it's clear it's not so much outright Trumpist as much as it is Federalist, which is an important distinction.
Specifically, Federalist Theory believes that if it is not OUTRIGHT EXPLICITLY STATED as a right in the constitution (just implied isn't good enough), than it's not a protected right.
And yeah, neither Roe v Wade/Affirmative Action are explicitly mentioned as a right in the constitution -- not to suggest I like them being overturned (I super don't) -- in Federalist theory, they're thus "not rights protected by the constitution"
Trump is firmly parked in attack and destroy mode. Maximum destruction, minimum creation. Harm attack and suppress. destroy destroy destroy. He can't turn it off. This is why he is dangerous. He has literally become a loose cannon.
Note: Jan. 6th Committee members & participants all have immunity from prosecution under the speech or debate clause.
We are rapidly approaching the point where Trump will be naming his political rivals combatants and shipping them off to El Salvador. Immigrants are all enemy combatants. That pig said so just recently.
When Biden signed those pardons, that's when I knew for sure that you guys were fucked after the takeover. It tells you a lot about the perceived risk.
Except now Chump is trying to nullify Biden’s pardons, because he didn’t personally sign them, and he’s saying that Biden wasn’t even aware that some of them were signed. 🙄
That's what I said to magats who trashed Biden as a "criminal" for pardoning people ahead of time.
It's not bc they did anything wrong. It's bc we have someone who thinks it should be illegal to speak out against him.
#democracy #impeachtrump
Trump have taken away the SS agents protecting Hunter Biden and Ashley Biden. Hunter Biden is currently on vacation in Afrika when his security detail is suddenly removed. I wonder why Trump took it away now and what he want to gain from Hunter Biden suddenly being vulnerable in Africa.
How do you pardon someone who hasn’t been charged with crime unless they are guilty of something - now what could Fauci and the j6 committee and hunter be guilty of?
You tell me….it doesnt seem there would be a reason unless they were guilty and being protected
I also remember everyone up in arms when it was “rumored” that Trump would do it yet liberals are jumping for joy and defending biden for doing it - make it make sense unless they just hate trump
The j6 committee lied - fauci lied and they lied about hunters crimes - THAT IS WHY BIDEN PARDONED THEM - oh wait - joe didnt pardon them so the pardons are invalid - autopen does t count
I didnt bring it up - i responded to the person that brought it up - i would like to know why we are “pardoning” people who have been charged of a crime?
He will go after Cheney & Kinzinger first, then the rest of the Jan 6 committee. Hunter Biden as well because why not. trump will not obey the law. Will the SC actually stand up to him? I doubt it. He has already called Roberts impartiality into question. Why was he was given immunity by the SC?
It's weird how I still see republicans use references like "the Biden crime family" but I don't see any real push back, even when it's trump doing it. Recently saw Comer say Act Blue was the biggest money launderer since the BCF. FFS, they win when this shitty innuendo goes unrebutted.
Not only Trump — The entire Republican cabal in Congress and the White House are supporting this regime in it’s shredding of the Constitution — These Republicans are all traitors, and a clear and present danger to the American people and the rest of the world.
Can you imagine what would have happened to Hunter if Biden had left him in the system. Likely shipped off in the middle of the night to El Salvador or worse.
Biden's pardons don't mean anything if tfg can disappear any one he wants to El Salvador or who knows where. I saw no reason to bother with preemptive pardons because they mean nothing to tfg while making Biden look bad.
... They have been believing fanatical propaganda so long that their fantasy about fascist ideals and oppression is all they care about. This pretend little role play of "save the USA from woke tyranny" will be their epitaph
This means they DO NOT seek information but, rather seek bias confirmation. These people are lost, and will likely never come back to the herd. Their burning desire for vindication and revenge is much stronger than any humility or honest acceptance of the real world.
I agree, but what I don't understand is vindication for what?
Losing a legitimate election? Criminals facing the consequences of their actions? What? What do they need this vindication for?
This isn't directed at you. I just really don't know.
They have NO thru-line. Republicans have zero issues that are legit gripes or philosophical scruples. (Except *maybe* abortion)
99.9% of their rhetoric is based around an imaginary crime, which is usually empathy/compassion for the poor or a bullshit agenda by Democrats to "take their guns"
They thought it was SO incredibly clever to say WE were the dumb ones, we were the extremists, we had the disorders.
There were 2 major events that chilled me to my bones, when a press secretary in the pre-covid era said "alternative facts" & expected to be taken seriously
This is the dual-edged nature of freedom; the majority of us value intelligence and genuinely seek real facts. Despite the occasional collision of our personal biases/convenience with reality.
However a large number of Americans claim to be Christian but actually worship the God of convenience.
To be fair, less that 31% of the eligible voting population voted for Trump. Pretty wild when you think of it. Too bad Biden didn't use that presidential immunity the supreme court gave him. I'd love to have seen him pass an executive order making voting mandatory.
Despite being a felon, enough of our countrymen & women saw fit to vote for him.
What is wrong with you & everyone who wants to place blame on everyone but the actual people who are to blame?!?
No. But, trump won the GOP primaries. What does it say about our democracy for Biden to interfere with that? The SC ruled he could run. Biden would be no better than trump had he interfered. The people spoke. Are you the same person that blames the rape victim?
Let the peasants pretend I have a huge phallus, for I am king. And watch “The Apprentice” on Prime where I fire everyone to assuage my enormous phallus.
Love the passion. Just wish ya'll could do something concrete to disable him and his 'conga line of sycophants'.. (I never get sick of using that phrase, thanks, Mal)
It's become a nightmare you can't wake up from 👽
Dictator donny
his goons sent a
14 year old kid to BUKELE in El Salvidor for what?
at 3 in morning... SOON very SOON
If Biden hadn’t pardoned them, and Trump’s DOJ started investigations, Biden would be criticized for his timidity in not pardoning them. Biden always seemed to be damned if he did and damned if he didn’t.
100% I am sick of people saying "Biden should have..." He did what he could and got this country back on track. Let's blame those who voted for the felon or who DIDN'T VOTE
Biden did plenty. But everyone was too into Trump’s court cases to pay attention. Including MSM. Comments on BlueSky make me realize how little people know about Biden’s accomplishments.
I'm fully aware of all that Biden accomplished. But RIGHT NOW? Our democratic leadership is few and far between, and a lot of those with the power aren't standing up to do their part.
We not only have people demanding Biden be hung upside down on a hook for not assassinating Trump when Biden "had the chance," but we have these same morons still shitting on "Killary" #sic for "bringing us Trump." But then they get so mad when I ask them why they expected Democrats to be genies
No I trump is a dictator what he does is legal and if he doesn’t like you you are illegal. He will be come JUDGE, JURY, and executioner. That’s a true dictator. He setting it all up and the democrats are voting with him to appease him. Ask how PM chamberlain strategy work with Hitler.
That seems to be the position Democrats are put in all of the time at large. Like having to defend the institutions that Trump and the Republicans have undermined. Or trans people who they have demonized. Or Protesters with unsympathetic views. Republicans play a dirty game and it works. 🥺
Totally agree. Republicans are the abusers, Dems are the abused. It’s like a bad marriage. The non-abusive spouse is always damned if you do & damned if you don’t. The hard part is getting out of that dynamic when you can’t get a divorce.
And to all those F*cking people who cried into crunchy granola about Biden going against his word. F all of you. You failed to imagine what could happen. What was so damn obvious. You probably even voted 3rd party just to protest. Well thank you for all you did to bring us to this moment. Happy?
Derision will get us nowhere. The people who let you down in the past now have to be your allies, or we'll all lose this fight. Join us in redirecting our collective outrage and passion in the right direction: towards billionaires and wannabe dictators.
Not just them. You. Me. Folks who regret their choice. Folks who saw from the beginning. Folks who aren't allowed to vote. As many people we can mobilize from EVERY walk of life, the better.
There is no singular correct perspective to take. That's the kind of ideology we are fighting against.
You're right. I get so angry, but we're going straight into IRL Mad Max territory if we feel there must be retribution for every individual misjudgement.
Mass harm, theft, & destruction is what demands justice & requires vast work if we want freedom to exist again in the US in our lifetimes.
Agreed. I have said on other posts that there was enough people of color and those who didn't vote that made the difference. They thought that we could live thru 4 years like we did before. That is the failure to image the obvious desire of Trump to be a dictator.
The smug superiority came from the I'm alright Jack's who thought they could keep bullying those voters to keep their comforts for them while they continued to suffer. Not so smug now are they?
It was the case, previously, where you could make a protest vote, and not lose our Democracy. it has always been the case that so many people don't care about the government. They will all fit nicely into some kind of work-camp very nicely. Voting ha ha ha a thing of the past.
Shouldn't you be angry at the people who gave them nothing to vote for? It's been known since forever you can't leave people behind. Either bring them along or get what you got.
So as deranged & vindictive as
is.GOP are going to
goose step in line
need to counter attack be noisy It certainly gets repetitive
But it nearly has to be ridiculously numbing to where it will
Be the anniversary special of complaints to file
Others will
Have to step in to give breaks
Difficulty: Half of the population thinks crime and abuse from the wealthy are great, even as they're robbed and abused, because they fantasize that they'll be the wealthy abusers some day. Propaganda ruined the minds of half of Americans, and they're taking the rest of us down with them.
I wish it detailed exactly what I'm agreeing to. If it's "you're just signing up to receive updates" then knowing that would help - But there's a separate signup for "receive updates" so I don't think it's that. Not willing to sign a 'blank check' (so to speak).
Anyone paying attention knew why he did the pardons. Less clear is why he allowed Garland to let Inmate #P01135809 get away with his crimes. He acted to save the few from direct persecution but chose not to save the country as a whole.
Trump is like the fat kid nobody on the playground ever picked him for any team, and he never forgot those sleeples nights when he cried himself to sleep.
So all the pardons that the felon gave before he left office are null and void? So Jared dad has to come back from France? All the criminals he pardoned go back to jail? 1,500 pardoned for the insurrection? And I can go on and on….who will step up and say anything? I’ll wait
Biden could have made Garland to be more aggressive in prosecuting the Felon because they already gathered highly incriminating evidence and sworn testimonies that Congress and the DOJ collected. But no. The Democratic leadership wasted four years of indicisiveness and made him get away with it.
And he didn’t see him reversing those protections? Any dictator would and that’s why he removed their security detail. They’re pardoned from the law not from social violence.
Why such deranged felon still being allowed to continue doing devilish-deeds….
Oh shit 💩, PPL elected that shit 💩 as the pRes of the USA 🇺🇸 …. What ?!?!
(Never mind ….. 😭)
Like the French unfortunately it has to get wild. Seems no one is listening. Each day we slide further into a fascist government. This is not cool. This is not normal. If we don’t stop it now it’s just gonna get harder to end it.
Just a thought for Christian Nationalists... If by the slimmest of chances you reach heaven and see souls from minorities, what will you tell GOD? Would GOD need to become a Christian Nationalist or be voted and change heaven with Executive Orders?
I'm thinking that very soon, many of those who were pardoned may discover that their passports have been canceled and they are not allowed to leave the country.
They never had the corner on these values. They just brow beat the American public for past 60 years on values they really didn't have. Some people fell for it, some of us DID NOT.
The latest Trump disregard for court orders shows he has no respect for the law or the US Constitution. If I was an American, I would be seriously getting very nervous. A breakdown of law and order at the highest level is uncivilized and pure evil. It's only a matter of time... Chaos at all levels.!
The latest Trump disregard for court orders shows he has no respect for the law or the US Constitution. If I was an American, I would be seriously getting very nervous. A breakdown of law and order at the highest level is uncivilized and pure evil. It's only a matter of time... Chaos at all levels.!
They say that fascist governance can be boiled down to two ideas: there should be laws that protect the in-group without binding, and laws that bind the out-group without protecting it. Hypocrisy is a virtue signal of this — say a thing knowing fully it’s a lie, because you can lie, “they” cant.
“Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words.” -Sartre
Was thankful he did that. Would have been more thankful if he had trump arrested before the swearing in. After all he was above the law according to the SCOTUS.
Maybe if Biden had fired garland and appointed a stronger AG he wouldn’t have needed to pre-pardon those people. He’s solely responsible for the clusterfuck we’re in now!
Stop blaming Biden. The reason we are stuck with Trump is because REPUBLICANS HAVE NO BACKBONE. They had every opportunity to get rid of Trump AND DID NOTHING!
I will not stop blaming Biden. He had the power to stop Scump for four years and did nothing. Biden had years to throw Scump in prison and failed the country badly.
This is like RED MAGA saying that Nancy Pelosi was responsible for January 6th. We could have and should have done better. We yelled and screamed about Project 2025 but we didn't have a plan to defeat it. Garland fucked this country and he should own it.
Yeah he is but unless we only care about bashing Trump, we need to carve out his followers who are beginning to see Don the Con duped them with hollow victories as he sets himself up as KING & his court of oligarkkks.
Trump, where the middleclass help the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
They should have refused pardons on principle. Why? Look what just happened. Trump waved his hand and declared the pardons illegitimate, presaging an attempt to prosecute anyway. Now they'll claim the acceptance of a pardon is an admission of guilt, maybe just start flinging people into jail.
Void all of Trump’s pardons first. Both in his first term and the present. While we are at it let’s send Andrew Tate and his brother back to Romania to stand trial.
Dr. Bandy X Lee and a number of other psychiatrists/psychologists tried to warn repeatedly! They even wrote two effing books about how dangerous trump is!
I was so angry with everyone who beat on Biden because he pardon his son. He knew what Trump would do if he hadn't done so. Everyone should have known.
The people should have taken action and voted for democracy!!! Don’t blame Joe for the dummies who sat at home or voted for chaos. They knew that clown was chaos and still voted for him.
This is the thing. He’s not deranged. He’s doing exactly what he said he would do. He intends to be dictator/king and install his family as the next one. Dynasty. He makes the laws. He decides who wins and loses. And he jails anyone who disagrees. When our rule of law fails so does our country.
Deranged? He is insane. Filled with rage and hate. The flame is on high, the pots on the boil, and the lid is sealed tight. Just a matter of time before it explodes.
He believes in his own hype that he is a golf pro & worthy of winning golf tournaments. His sycophants perpetuate that delusion by telling him that he is good. He is not. They are lying to him. Not the only things that they are lying to him about.
He thinks despite being illiterate and having not even 2nd grade knowledge of history, geography, and science that he is a genius. He thinks he is a business guru despite SIX BANKRUPTCIES and failing at every product he branded -- he never created anything -- that he is a business guru.
With all this shit this monster has done to this country since 1/20- I don’t want to hear another thing about Hunter’s fucking laptop or Hillary’s emails. I don’t want to ever speak to anyone who voted for this. Ever.
We need some kind of organization, like a political party. We could make it up of people who value democracy, so maybe call it a democratic party. Dang, if only we had a group like that with. But, you know, with leaders who weren't useless, appeasing cowards.
Last time sort of followed the rules and he learned that just break them to get what you want. He in charge has money behind him so there are no negative consequences
I saw this coming and yet so many still think things are great.This will continue to get worse now until there is an uprising or the next election provides enough democrats to impeach 47.
Oh my gosh… if I hear, he hasn’t done that yet. You’re overreacting, overthinking… TDS. What do you think he is doing? It’s all happening. Keep your blinders on till it’s too late.
What Biden should have done was tell Merrick Garland to get his shit together and get trump tried and put in jail. Garland is partially responsible for this mess. Mostly I blame Mitch McConnell, then all the republicans and then the democrats for being so incompetent.
Stop blaming Biden for Trump. Republicans are responsible for our continuing problem of Trump. They had many opportunities to stop him and DID NOTHING. NOT A DAMNED THING.
Okay, I gotta asked - what can a democratic country do to save democracy after it has democratically elected a dictator who is prepared to ignore the law and the courts, and is assisted by an Inner Circle of sycophants that Adolf Hitler would have envied? Anyone?
And it won't matter anyway, since Trump seems to have no intention of respecting the rule of law, the rights of the people, or the Constitution itself.
…This is how his sick criminal mind works, and personal vendettas are NOT within the scope of the presidency.
This country is headed towards some very dangerous times if he continues to spew nonsense like this... 🤨🙄🤦♂️
#NotMyFelon #CareerCriminal #NoRuleOfLaw #PresidentsAreNotKings
Everything his cult is doing will never face justice because he will swing that pen.
Double edge sword that sucks.
Congress created that package in law.
If Biden listened to the call to break the law of stopping Congressional approved funding, Trump would have used presidence to have stopped all funding he disliked.
Every President does Pardons. Preemptive pardons are a double edge. Yes he had to to protect the Jan6 committee. But Trump will use that same reasoning when he Preemptive pardons everyone who's ever worked for him .
Pardons are for after conviction now they can be pending before any conviction or even an investigation.
Ge gave pardons out to the highest bidder yes but those were convicted pardon.
I can find any Preemptive pardons from the ass.
We are rapidly approaching the point where Trump will be naming his political rivals combatants and shipping them off to El Salvador. Immigrants are all enemy combatants. That pig said so just recently.
Sometimes, cops will keep tabs on cop killers and do these extra judiciously.
This is where we are. We could have choosen something better but we will continue to slip lower.
It's not bc they did anything wrong. It's bc we have someone who thinks it should be illegal to speak out against him.
#democracy #impeachtrump
We The People Rise Up!!!
I also remember everyone up in arms when it was “rumored” that Trump would do it yet liberals are jumping for joy and defending biden for doing it - make it make sense unless they just hate trump
So now go eff yourself piyush.
Losing a legitimate election? Criminals facing the consequences of their actions? What? What do they need this vindication for?
This isn't directed at you. I just really don't know.
Creating one is clearly an option for these people, no matter the cost to us or our Nation
99.9% of their rhetoric is based around an imaginary crime, which is usually empathy/compassion for the poor or a bullshit agenda by Democrats to "take their guns"
Its absolute insanity.
Both were confessions rather than accusations, and were subconscious slips which revealed intent to deceive
One day, if we make it out of this, their psychopathy will be studied for decades.
There were 2 major events that chilled me to my bones, when a press secretary in the pre-covid era said "alternative facts" & expected to be taken seriously
However a large number of Americans claim to be Christian but actually worship the God of convenience.
He turned the presidency into an official crime syndicate.
Had Biden prosecuted the organizers of a failed auto-coup, they wouldn't be in charge of our government now.
He's the proverbial "good man" who allows evil to prevail by doing nothing.
He took care of his own, then handed the keys to the fascists.
That's not honorable.
The only reason trump is president, is that people voted for him.
What is wrong with you & everyone who wants to place blame on everyone but the actual people who are to blame?!?
It's become a nightmare you can't wake up from 👽
his goons sent a
14 year old kid to BUKELE in El Salvidor for what?
at 3 in morning... SOON very SOON
Well that’s all I read anyways
There is no singular correct perspective to take. That's the kind of ideology we are fighting against.
Mass harm, theft, & destruction is what demands justice & requires vast work if we want freedom to exist again in the US in our lifetimes.
I don’t think I’ll ever get over that, ever.
I don't vote for child abuse, murder, torture or genocide.
There is no such thing as better child abuse, better murder, better torture or better genocide.
is.GOP are going to
goose step in line
need to counter attack be noisy It certainly gets repetitive
But it nearly has to be ridiculously numbing to where it will
Be the anniversary special of complaints to file
Others will
Have to step in to give breaks
Hurts their fascist machine.
Hunts & holds fascist accountable
Hurts their billionaire wallets
These organizations have a resistance plan.
I really wish that we could get the numbers for the General Strike! We could shut this whole country DOWN. They have nothing without our labor.
Please everyone, we need you to fill out your general strike card so we can communicate and coordinate!
We need to use every legal action at our disposal to stop Trump’s growing authoritarianism.
not even me, and i expected the worst immediately
We all knew Trump would. Here we are.
Trump has immunity, then what?
Trump auto pen Pardons
What a hypocrite!
#autopen #BidenPardons #USDemocracy
That man projects so hard he could get a job at a movie theatre.
Expect our nation2b run like 3rd worlds now. FIGHT EVERY BATTLE
Currently there is a gigantic arsehole bully baby man squatting in the People’s House who wants revenge upon any & all who won’t kiss his arse.
I will never comply!
Oh shit 💩, PPL elected that shit 💩 as the pRes of the USA 🇺🇸 …. What ?!?!
(Never mind ….. 😭)
And not one person does not know it
His nephew n knows
Like you son with disabilities die
Could that not be more clear
He’s a monster
Willingly turning an eye is not to be easily forgiven
You can’t reason with stupid.
Trump, where the middleclass help the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
He is off the hook “batshit crazy “”
Illegal!! screams the emboldened lunatic.
And a child raping fraud!!
After they openly break the law
Way to go Biden
Immunity 3 branches SCOTUS DOJ election commission
Garland was a big mistake and I think Biden regretted it
Of course NOW the DOJ is run by the President
I think this will be Bidens biggest regret
Biden predicted this.
Now Trump is throwing ketchup at the walls again.
What a petty, little man.
This country is headed towards some very dangerous times if he continues to spew nonsense like this... 🤨🙄🤦♂️
#NotMyFelon #CareerCriminal #NoRuleOfLaw #PresidentsAreNotKings