Didn't they get the memo that when Trump does something, they are to dust off The Good Words and only when Trumps enemies do anything at all, they are allowed to use The Bad Words?
Republican Congressional backbone? Is this temporary, like a cold? Or is this a sign that Republican Congress critters are suddenly finding their courage? (looks like a cold to me.)
That's not a good thing the Republicans are trying to do. I think it is so Trump can have the Armed Forces tasked in country and to protect him and his cronies.
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🤣🤣 As if they have anything to say about it
GOP - he’s a Nazi Dictator like the party you belong to
That’s what you wanted, that’s what you got. There is no Congressional power, much less a Committee. We’re down to fighting for Judicial power now - please try to keep up
Well, Trump’s boot lickers?
You had the opportunity not to confirm an unqualified Hegseth as SecDef.
Not to confirm a Putin asset Tulsi Gabbard as head of national intelligence.
Now you’re concerned?
It’s still not too late to work with the democrats to end this madness and reign in Trump & Musk
The current people in power are not concerned about those who lack power. Instead, they focus on ensuring that those already in power can gain more and remain in power without facing any resistance.
The GOP cowards will fold in 2 seconds once trump and Musk threaten primaries. GOP politician cowards care more about their jobs than their love and loyalty for America.
Time to make sure that winning the Republican primary no longer makes their seat safe…
Until then, Republicans are always gonna school up the farthest to the right they can get like a bunch of beta cuck sardines at the first threat of primary.
Um, he's literally the Commander in Chief. Maybe we should stop sending strongly worded memos and, I don't know, spitballing here, it's crazy, but...remove him???
Removing him and his entire administration we would also need to remove all Republicans in the House and Senate! Not a single one of upheld the Constitution, as they sat and agreed with what he has done.
They must've left themselves bread crumbs. I hope the others in the GOP-led Congress can find theirs as well. Hopefully the left a map to their locations.
Trump is doing what pootin demands. Making weaknesses to exploit. And he's counting on his cult to help him for promises of riches or threats. Either way....
One can only hope that this will encourage some of the other GOP cowards that there's strength in numbers and it's okay to speak up. Hell, even SCOTUS is starting to worry about the monster they helped create.
I’m thinking post fascism there needs to be a way to actually control the purse for Congress as in they need to be able to either run the treasury and from Congress, and have control and freezing ability of same.
I definitely agree. Look up military hierchy and how it functions. The executive can't just gut the armed forces, and a lot (not all but most) of the house/senate GOP military guys won't bend to these sort of matters.
When it comes to the military, they do their own thing behind closed doors.
I don’t know… sounded more like “we are *concerned* he needs to fuck off” to me, but tomato/tomahto.
Though I am hoping for the house of cards that is the MAGA-GOP Joint Ass Kissery to start crumbling. 🤞🏻
When it comes to the military, I firmly believe that that's where the ass kissing will stop.
They're not going to make strategically stupid decisions that will create billions of dollars of losses and the deaths of their top guys. Even if he orders them to do so, they'll ignore him
Nobody is coming to save you. If Americans don't fight for their democracy, it will be gone.
It would be REALLY helpful if Democrats stopped waiting for people to magically wake up and produce a compelling alternate vision for people to rally around.
Get ready for Wicker and Rogers to be replaced. The military has been watching Fox for 30 years on bases around the world. They will do anything he wants.
I mean, who is this objective “they” though? That may be important— the chain of command is very real in the military. Somebody would have to give the order.
What they don’t yet seem to understand is that the trump administration is ON THE SIDE of our adversaries. Their whole intention is to weaken our military infrastructure and bargaining position.
This is all about the Trump regime plans to misuse the military to suppress dissent, deport those lawfully present in the U.S., and to declare martial law and cancel elections.
Be careful here. This may just be window dressing for secretive changes being carried out already. If Roger Wicker is involved in it, it is crooked as hell. The man doesn’t have an honest bone in his body. He is a Nazi. Beware!
Sorry, this ship has sailed. None of them will openly oppose the Tyrant and Musk will fund a primary against them if they step the least bit out of line. They've made their bed, and now we all need to lie in it.
The south african ketonerd will tell the incandescent orange idiot to fire them. And, he’ll do it for his man-love, Putin. Can we ever have enough fucking around without finding out?
You know.. I'm really not that worried about the US invading Canada with Hegseth, Trump, and Muskov in charge. They'll end up killing their own military before they reach the border!
Plus, im sure a large % of them voted for this, so uh, reap what you sew or something like that. Thoughts and prayers? Is that what we say when we don't actually care but are supposed to?
U.S.M.C. vet here. All militaries around the world are made up of people "only doing there jobs" That's why they recruit us when we are young and "Patriotic".
This. And ‘state of emergency’, martial law - no elections … and this. Using military and groups like Blackwater to stop protests and arrest opposition. My two greatest worries…
The world and particularly The West has enjoyed 80 years of peace thanks to America, known as Pax Americanus. Brave Americans gave their lives to deliver this.
We need now to show the same love of peace and the rule of law and fight to prevent this facistic takeover of the American government.
They'll accept anything King Krasnov tells them to, or they'll be escorted from the People's House in chains, whipped naked down the streets as MAGAts yell "SHAME!" while pelting them w/rotten fruit, mailed off to a foreign tropical black site & forced to chug FlavorAid until they bend the knee
My daughter & her family are stationed in South Korea. The commander there sent a similar letter refusing changes demanded and schooled them on the proper procedures to make changes. It was gratifying to hear.
Amazing, unexpected, actual Congress persons SPEAKING UP, SPEAKING OUT!!!!!
With a "hillbilly 'mountain dew' drip" sitting as SofD, with a name like "Hogsbreth" Congress better step in and step up. With fewer, potentially NO Allies, defense is nothing to jack around meaninglessly.
Wait, I thought the Congress had self castrated! Did two members actually find their cajones? Or are they just stomping around and snorting while being impotent?
🤣👏🏽 The legislature might wanna have a quick call with the Judiciary to see how that will go. Here's Hegseth and Trump: 🖕🏿
They don't care. I don't know who's not getting that. Frankly, I'm not certain what an impeachment and conviction would do at this point. Deals with the devil are very costly.
They already allowed someone who knows how to fight wars and has commanded groups to be moved out as Joint Chief and replacing him someone unqualified. Why speak now
His boss Putin told him to do it so Russian can waltz right in unopposed and make the US another Russian Federal subject or their version of provinces.
They blessed Hegseth, I wonder if they're going to be ignored now. I don't think Hegseth or Trump care about Congress really. But Congress tripped over themselves to help Trump. Couldn't move out of his way fast enough.
“detracting from our negotiating with America’s adversaries”?? So in other words with everyone except Russia and Belarus? Because, I don’t believe we have any allies at this point!
Where is my data? Or has it already been sold?
It has that smell that some do love, of napalm and despair.
As it is now, your post is basically empty for the visually impaired reader.
GOP - he’s a Nazi Dictator like the party you belong to
That’s what you wanted, that’s what you got. There is no Congressional power, much less a Committee. We’re down to fighting for Judicial power now - please try to keep up
You had the opportunity not to confirm an unqualified Hegseth as SecDef.
Not to confirm a Putin asset Tulsi Gabbard as head of national intelligence.
Now you’re concerned?
It’s still not too late to work with the democrats to end this madness and reign in Trump & Musk
The current people in power are not concerned about those who lack power. Instead, they focus on ensuring that those already in power can gain more and remain in power without facing any resistance.
Cowards and greedy fools
Until then, Republicans are always gonna school up the farthest to the right they can get like a bunch of beta cuck sardines at the first threat of primary.
Change of mind
"His name sounds like Victor, like victory... so it's an excellent decision"
Someone is standing up for America literally telling a bonespur draftdodger to fuck off.
A primary is the least of their worries if they fuck over the defense contractors
They will be shown what happens to them if they don't. And then they will fold.
In fact, then they will proclaim to always having been for it.
I’m thinking post fascism there needs to be a way to actually control the purse for Congress as in they need to be able to either run the treasury and from Congress, and have control and freezing ability of same.
When it comes to the military, they do their own thing behind closed doors.
Military hierchy isnt easily disrupted by the president. They'd sooner tell him no than they would bend to his will. At least the top brass would.
The guys up there are incredibly intelligent and can't be fired. The military has its own system.
Yes, that’s hyperbole, but not by much
Don’t be so sure
Though I am hoping for the house of cards that is the MAGA-GOP Joint Ass Kissery to start crumbling. 🤞🏻
They're not going to make strategically stupid decisions that will create billions of dollars of losses and the deaths of their top guys. Even if he orders them to do so, they'll ignore him
Nobody is coming to save you. If Americans don't fight for their democracy, it will be gone.
It would be REALLY helpful if Democrats stopped waiting for people to magically wake up and produce a compelling alternate vision for people to rally around.
I like to think that the second he pushes shit too far that they'll take action.
hoping military does something
knowing congress won't do anything
where is the CIA and their heart attack inducing dart icicle gun when we need them?
So say Trump orders martial law. Top brass might tell him "ok got it sir" and then they might mandate a bunch of things to stall for time.
In the meantime, news breaks that he wants to declare martial law
Nobody wants to live under martial law. I think that will be the point that we finally put an end to this madness.
Either that or the CIA steps in and makes something happen, whatever that entails.
Lotta Fox News blaring on those bases, y’know…
Pretty sure that’s important
I didn’t go to war college though so I’m not an expert
I don’t think Congress or the President, or some twats that never fought, should be trying to change shit they don’t know anything about
That removes the problem of American troops firing on Americans. They’ll keep Americans overseas or up north and have Wagner troops handle the US.
How very stable genius of him.
Ok, ok, everybody will get their turn. Please, form an orderly queue. One slap per person.
Trump is just the tail of this snake, heritage foundation is the head.
Paralyze Heritage Foundation.
2 - You have to get rid of him NOW. Waiting longer will be much harder to fix the damage.
3 - A world war or a nuclear attack on you might end everything. He's creating enemies. Ask Macron.
I don't think you want no.3!!
Trump want the American military to directly resemble the Russian/Soviet military command structure.
If you can’t figure out why, for yourself, then there’s really no hope for you.
My brother in Christ, your party IS an adversary of the United States!
Who's military?
We need now to show the same love of peace and the rule of law and fight to prevent this facistic takeover of the American government.
I am trying to remain hopeful though
Are they all treasonous religious FUCKS like Flynn?!?
What freaking world are we living IN?!?
All roads lead to Putin
The military aren't coming to save us.
But they are coming.
Who goes first, a head of lettuce, or GOP “ leaders”?
With a "hillbilly 'mountain dew' drip" sitting as SofD, with a name like "Hogsbreth" Congress better step in and step up. With fewer, potentially NO Allies, defense is nothing to jack around meaninglessly.
They don't care. I don't know who's not getting that. Frankly, I'm not certain what an impeachment and conviction would do at this point. Deals with the devil are very costly.