A leaked Wall Street memo confirms that privatizing the Post Office would mean higher prices, mass layoffs, and worse service — especially for rural America.
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Guess what nobody will use that s*** and nobody will use their competitors either we'll find another way. But the thing is the post office is in litigation for all these illegal firings and the court will reverse that. Everybody that they fire is getting their jobs back plus a bonus because Doge is
Nah….he got what he wanted! Trump keep feeding his voters, bigotry, racism, white grievance, misogamy, and hate, so he doesn’t really care about who voted for him now.
The post office is a workable system. Our government was a workable system until a few weeks ago. Our military was a workable system. Our schools were a workable system. Our justice department was a workable system. Everything they are dismantling were workable systems created to solve problems.
Nuclear oversight was a workable system. Giving every citizen a fighting chance to survive here was a workable system. They don't even ask why these systems were created to benefit Americans. They destroy and ask later. This is unnecessary evil. They are destroying assets of the American people.
We must shut down the country on 3/22-23 for 48 hours, and again on 3/25-27 for 72 hours. Stop work as you can, call in sick, take 1/2days off, come in late, take long lunches, leave early. We must work stop our airlines, trucking, transportation and retail and industrial manufacturing.
Sending packages is already more expensive via UPS and FedEx, so, yep, exactly. Bezos needs to make a few phone calls now that he's buddies with the Felon.
Medicare, free WiFi access and postal services including online shopping shipments, those should be the public services since we all needed. Federal employment rates were highest at the American golden age. Also the private prisons were such a crazy idea.
Same memo as the last five times it came up. This would be an assault on magas. But if trump says it they will agree to pay for service and see their local offices closed. Until it hits their wallet. Trump is killing the maga wallet. In about two months there will be a huge demand at food banks.
This is what I don’t get. Laying off all these rural workers, including postmen, teachers and Park Rangers, takes money out of rural economies. This is gonna push the divide between rural and city even wider. Those rural post office buildings aren’t gonna be worth much. Maybe that’s the point.
I believe the people doing these layoffs do not understand rural America at all.
This is a numbers game and a political game. They do not take any time to understand exactly what they are doing. They see a low value post office building but the community sees it as a necessity critical to them
You mean the people who fire people, yell "look what a great thing we did!", then have to hire them back when people point out those positions are needed, don't take time to understand what they are doing?
You don't say!!! 😀
They aren't clueless. They are doing this on purpose. It's part of Coup2.0
It is part of it especially in the sense of them moving very quickly to destroy everything. The question is at what point is there pushback. When do politicians worry about their district and not about being primaried. When is the noise from their district to
loud to ignore. We are not there yet
Please join the postal service workers on Sunday 3/23. Their slogan is FIGHT LIKE HELL!!!!
Click your state in the link and find out where they will be.
I’m just curious what this administration thinks our tax dollars should pay for as they continue to cut services that were never meant to be for profit , if anyone knows the answer please let me know as I’m
Asking for a friend
The rural Americans who voted for this spiteful wannabe dictator are about to feel some things when their mail doesn’t show up anymore. #FAFO phases have begun
Does it also suggest this action would remove Louis DeJoy's private business' major competitor- USPS. This will make Louis DeJoy a much wealthier POS. And I HOPE EVERYONE realizes MANY of those fired are US Veterans. Everyone says that is because Trump despises the military & veterans.
That's the truth! ...funny thing about truth, it does not naturally rise to the surface, it often comes at great sacrifice, and it usually causes pain. On that basis, it is almost a miracle we ever know the truth about anything...
Original posts were at inns, leased horses and published newspapers. Maybe instead of cutting post offices they need to make them multi functional again.
Yes, and most post offices are busy enough already. I’m thinking of the very rural offices that don’t serve enough people and are likely to get closed.
It was largely rural areas that got Trump elected. The same rural areas that will be hit hard if the postal service is privatized. They don’t know what they get from government. They just know the government is bad. They are about to get a civics lesson.
A civics lesson they didn't get in school because civics classes were somehow cut from the curriculum, because... "Yes, in the back row, Mr. Trump, "Because then the voters are left clueless and easier to manipulate." Correct. Now class, turn to chapter 86, The End of a Democratic Republic."
Well the post office itself as currently con-figured cannot seem to control prices. The real “secret” to privatizing USPS is enrichment of the oligarchs by terminating the pensions of lifetime employees
For the human race to survive the United States of the American empire must end. Nothing to save and Nothing worth saving. Only fascists love it. Only rich people benefit from it. I'm posting a lot of marx lenin Stalin mao There's nothing Authentic about Bernie AOC or anyone in the oligarchy parties
Then, why would they think we the people would use it? I can’t remember the last time I went to my post office. All my mail is paperless so no important mail, only junk mail!
Even former Pres Eisenhower warned of the dangers of the military-senate-industrial complex and he was a republican.
Repubs like Ronnie Raygun began dismantling and disparaging the progressive improvements begun by the Roosevelts, Truman, Kennedy, Johnson. The 77 million trumpery voters are silent.
WTF!! It is in the CONSTITUTION!! Article 1, Section 8, Clause 7, Congress shall: Create post offices & post roads, Designate mail routes,
Control land for post roads,
Control buildings for mail delivery, Designate certain materials as non-mailable, & Pass laws against abuses of the postal system.
Exactly but They -in the executive - are the few. Those in the Legislative and Judicial branches, WHO KNOW BETTER, need to grow spines and DO SOMETHING, NOW.
We are taking a stand - WE THE PEOPLE - are roaring at them and it is having effects. So, get loud, stand proud, and tell those idiots in both party leadership roles to #StopTheCoup. Save the USPO or vote by mail that 46% of voters use, will be destroyed.
Yes, the people are making a stand, but we're not getting support.
Congress: Stripped of the "power of the purse," as the exec branch just doesn't send the funds where they've been allocated. Result: Business as usual.
Courts: Court orders are ignored. Result: Business as usual.
William janklow In our state sold off our state cement plant To Mexican company, legislators went along
Ever notice gop performers they love taking advantage of govt programs
Savings & loan during Reagan years
Old one William Harding Tea pot dome scandal
Now Dt, billionaire proof tested in $
They will miss it when they need it. Was sending a package to Alaska. UPS was going to charge about $100 and take 2 weeks. Went to the USPS and was $16 and was there in 5 days.
If they don’t use, the post office is always the UPS, but this is gonna suck for a lot of people both in service and in jobs. It already cost a hell of a lot to send a letter.
Just look at the UK we had an amazing postal service then it got privatised and it costs a fortune to send anything, the workers are unhappy and first class takes days to arrive - used to be guaranteed next day
Yup. Let’s all stand up 4 our postal service, delivering rain r shine, even 2 “unprofitable”routes. Pls.- We can all support it by signing up 4 actions fr the postal workers’ union. They give actions fr letters to reps, to text alerts 2 easily call yr reps, to protests! https://apwu.org/
Fair point! But at the risk of nitpicking, that’s actually payment for specific services rendered, so not exactly a taxpayer subsidy as one usually thinks of it.
This is another move that will also hurt people's side hustles to make a little extra money each other. Like selling on eBay or Etsy etc, this makes that harder and just feels like another gut punch to the people trying to make enough money.
Privatizations is always bad for rural America. Many places are too distance to allow for rural America to be served at an affordable cost. The Urban areas subsidize rural America not because it is cheaper, but because they are part of the United States.
People should order copies of critical documents now, while the mail service still works. Birth certificate, marriage certificate, passport - just do it now so you don't get stuck later.
Not to mention, it will impact mail-in voting for states that mail in ballots: Washington, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Vermont & Washington state (mostly blue states.)
USPS is not perfect; but I trust it more than I would if it were a for profit, privatized post office.
Well, Elon wants FAA, SS, Post Office, Got 350billion into Trump crypto fund with his buddy in charge- Just put Starlink in the WH
And now getting briefed on top secrets war plans?? Sounds like a dictator in charge.
1775 was the birth of the predecessor to the modern version of the USPS. It survived wars, internal and foreign, humans in space; depressions, recessions, and pandemics, spreading its influence globally only to be potentially destroyed by fascism on domestic soil, 250 years after its inception. 😪🇨🇦
I don't think we needed a memo for that. We know what's going on here. It's a full scale war of the rich against the poor, and it's disgusting and nauseating. You folks who voted for Trump, as well as you non-voters, can all go to hell, as far as I'm concerned.
I get pensions. But when the rest of the country in private sector doesn’t have pensions or even pensions and 401ks (yes both) maybe the logical solution is to adjust instead of just gutting and firing. I know usps staff won’t want to hear this and I’m sorry.
As a country we were never perfect but for 248 years I'd like to think that, for the most part, we at least tried to be better today than we were yesterday. Not any longer. The rich are no longer happy with most of the money. They want it all.
Can somebody explain to me how The Postal Service could possibly give worse service than they do? The only way that I could think of that, they can do it as if they put all the mail in a gigantic pile and just lit it on fire. Trump’s little soldier did a number on the Postal Service.
Speaking from a country where our government was stupid enough to do this many years ago, I can confirm that privatisation has ruined our postal service.
But Wall Street “salivating” at their potential profits. You know what? It’s about time these narcissistic “masters of the universe” in Wall Street got taxed. And taxed HARD. They think they’re untouchable because they wholly own the political process post-citizens united. But you know else? Just /2
/2 as is their hyper-abstract deliberately opaque system of finance is but a construct, so too is democracy while voting still happens. And as with money, if everyone buys in it’s real.
I'm very curious how this would work internationally. If I send a letter from Spain to the US, it gets delivered with a Spanish stamp. Likewise a letter mailed from the US would be delivered to Spain with US stamps.
If the post office is privatized, would they still follow these agreements?
In expensive postage is a critival part of a nations INFASTRUCTURE that is just as important as highways & bridges. Its not meant to be profitable or even brake even. Privatizing the Postal Service will at least tripple prices make America even less competitive.
Privatization of anything is a recipe for disaster for us. The rich will get richer, and since they are the only game in town we must PAY.
Than would end the sale and mailing of cards.
For me the internet would pick up the slack.
Could employees organize?
One of things about this country that sucks is its capacity to normalize the abnormal. While fractured relations with our allies have them fighting against the authoritarian in the WH, companies here are looking to get in on the grift. History has taught them all nothing. 🖕this💩.
This article missed another thing the USPS does *exclusively* (unless I missed it in the article?):
Only the USPS is permitted to deliver cremated human remains. I received my dad's remains thru the USPS. They handle it with discretion and hand the box to you personslly & give their condolences.
Welcome to the Musk/Trump & puppy dog JDVs Billionaires Gilded Age or the Oligarchs United States of America Country Club. He, They, Them have to help their Banker Buddies because we didn’t have a government bail out of the banks under Biden and they needs some wind fall profits.
We must fight for Trump to back off from having any right to the Post office -
We all know this is where he will then bring in the end to voting my mail.
which he loves so much - We must stop him, outright -
I’m aghast that they are privatizing any of the government. History shows it only results in worse service, higher prices and higher costs. Postal service will not survive privatization. Another example of history being erased
The Conservative government did this to our Post Office..seems that a lot of Conservative policy on both sides of the Atlantic has been tried in the UK first…
Elon's DOGE-Bags have been accessing computer systems. Don't count on them not getting access to voting machine software. I wouldn't be shocked to find that they've already been there.
DeJoy set this in motion Trump first term and plan all along. Trump and plunderers want to take the $200 billion retirement funds and leave retirees with nothing.
Exactly! We’ll have 50 different mail companies grabbing only lucrative markets (cities and large population zones) with no accountability and high costs.
Today’s USPS is a breakeven run business and stamps and parcels prices are ment to cover operational costs.
On top of that... the biggest price hikes would hit rural Americans... Trump voters.
Because while I would benefit from living in a populous area... the more rural the neighborhood, the higher the cost for postal service to it. Which in a private company world, gets passed along to those consumers
The fight will be on for that one, though. The post office was created under Article I of the Constitution. I'm not an attorney, but since the Postal Office is in Article I, only Congress has the right to disband or privatize it.
The Assumption. That a Future Private Owner would keep the present post office Civil Servent.
Really. He'd would be dismissed before the ink dried.
Oh. I was naturally under the impression that the postal service was a Public service. And the head would be appointed by Congress. Making him a Civil servant. Much like the Potus.
Normally, yes. But DT put DeJoy in as head of the USPS ahead of the 2020 elections (who got rid of a lot of the vote by mail sorting machines) trying to set up privatization the 1st time around. Biden filled in the board that could oust him, but they never did. It made us all anxious. & here we are.
At this point, I'm like, yeah, go ahead and screw rural America... I wish I didn't feel that way, and I know it will hurt good people, but I have a friend at USAID that got hurt because rural America voted for crazy. Lossing compassion and want those responsibile to pay.
trumpery's "administration" tries to tell us that having less personnel in federal jobs like the IRS, and now the postal service is going to be more *efficient*. it was recently reported that the IRS has been missing out on *billions* due from tax cheats because there were not enough IRS agents!
The Postal Service is a service not a business. It is there to provide something important to all Americans, not to profit off the ones that can afford it.
Trump issued a "directive" to Chief Justice Roberts—does he not understand separation of powers? The government has three equal branches: Executive, Legislative, and Judicial. America is a democracy, not a dictatorship!
So... rural America which primarily voted for Trump will get screwed out of postal services in the near future... everyone in rural America will have to travel far to the nearest big city to get their mail... sending a letter will cost $5 minimum (unless you are sending eggs)... 🤨
Communications are the basis of every democracy. The more you can communicate and trade, the more you developp a sense of community and belonging. The ruthless war on communication and the single authorized message by Trump and Musk therefore aims to isolate everybody.
This is a numbers game and a political game. They do not take any time to understand exactly what they are doing. They see a low value post office building but the community sees it as a necessity critical to them
You don't say!!! 😀
They aren't clueless. They are doing this on purpose. It's part of Coup2.0
loud to ignore. We are not there yet
Click your state in the link and find out where they will be.
Asking for a friend
And now just like down home Grandaddys about to get corn holed
But hey, somebody will make a killing from the privatization right?
That's Capitalism in a nutshell:
Make more money by delivering as little as possible!!
Repubs like Ronnie Raygun began dismantling and disparaging the progressive improvements begun by the Roosevelts, Truman, Kennedy, Johnson. The 77 million trumpery voters are silent.
Control land for post roads,
Control buildings for mail delivery, Designate certain materials as non-mailable, & Pass laws against abuses of the postal system.
You mean the one they ignore with impunity? That one?
Every day, we see them ignore judge's orders. Nothing happens. It's "Stop, or I will say stop again."
Congress: Stripped of the "power of the purse," as the exec branch just doesn't send the funds where they've been allocated. Result: Business as usual.
Courts: Court orders are ignored. Result: Business as usual.
Ever notice gop performers they love taking advantage of govt programs
Savings & loan during Reagan years
Old one William Harding Tea pot dome scandal
Now Dt, billionaire proof tested in $
💙 Show up!
💙 Make signs!
💙 Bring friends!
💙 Alert local media!
💙 And keep up the boycotts!
USPS is not perfect; but I trust it more than I would if it were a for profit, privatized post office.
Just like they are doing with your conversations if you have an alexa spying on you.
Just like google is doing right now with your email.
It will all be used to profile you.
And now getting briefed on top secrets war plans?? Sounds like a dictator in charge.
It's not even viable as a business.
The whole point of national post is that it's for the nation.
Private postal service is for... you guessed it... the private owner!
If the post office is privatized, would they still follow these agreements?
Than would end the sale and mailing of cards.
For me the internet would pick up the slack.
Could employees organize?
Break the govt into small pieces to give to friends and family for profit.
Corporate greed on steroids.
Only the USPS is permitted to deliver cremated human remains. I received my dad's remains thru the USPS. They handle it with discretion and hand the box to you personslly & give their condolences.
We all know this is where he will then bring in the end to voting my mail.
which he loves so much - We must stop him, outright -
Corporate carpetbaggers: Don’t fuck with our USPS.
Today’s USPS is a breakeven run business and stamps and parcels prices are ment to cover operational costs.
Because while I would benefit from living in a populous area... the more rural the neighborhood, the higher the cost for postal service to it. Which in a private company world, gets passed along to those consumers
Has anyone ever worked with FedEx, UPS? They cost more, often provide shoddy service.
Really. He'd would be dismissed before the ink dried.
Hands off the fucking post office.
Fuck these people.