I feel physically ill when I think about innocent hard working people who are forced into one of the harshest prisons in Central America. It's beyond cruel.
I know it's not happening to white america it's happening to brown,black,marginalized ppls.
At what point, white america, will u stand up & be heard. your silence is deafening.
I know, there's some of u out there & yet we know the're more than 100 mil white ppl that could be on streets right now😞
Everyday since this happened I think about how absolutely horrible and unfathomable this is. How would any of us be feeling if this happened to us or our loved one. Can you imagine!!??
Well, there’s the problem! None of them have the officially approved Swastika, SS lighting bolts or Tesla logo! Only these clearly subversive obscure images.
Do not get distracted by any of Agent Orange's antics. THIS is the thing he's trying to distract from. That innocent people are being brutalized and disappeared to a foreign country. Don't get distracted.
Fight for them!
Was just thinking….
Sooo Ive got a total of 10 tattoos and 🤷🏻♂️ maybe I should reconsider getting my annual deep dark Summer tan this year? Probably should think about going blonde if I do though🤦🏻♂️
I’m seriously not even really joking 😒 This is so completely fukkedup that these are now valid thoughts🫤
Republican members of Congress need to be made more afraid of their constituents than of Donald Trump. That is the only way we are going to get him out of the White House.
The #KKK #Nazis are in the White House, led by #PutinsPuppet.
AI is not human and neither are the guys using it. aI has an excuse. Trumps DOGE does not. As usual all the minions take the heat and the ringleader sits his fat ass on the throne. Tight fit!!!!
Ah, democracy, the thing America used to have before the weekend happened. You know, back when judges’ rulings actually mattered, government institutions weren’t being gutted like a fish, and migrants weren’t deported based on presidential whims. https://aiwillybillhuman.substack.com/p/american-democracy-in-crisis
I've dropped a number of art shows this season because I'm certain my art might be considered reason for criminal charges under this administration. Just kidding I will take my chances and stand firm.
When you run a country from the high horse of bigotry, this is what happens. They instill fear because they themselves fear what they don't understand.
So they've deported a loving father, a sports fanatic, and someone with empathy. Good thing they had their various crimes tattooed on themselves otherwise they might never have been found out.
We already knew they weren't f'ing gang members, in fact, a lot of them, i bet, were gay or lgbt sympathetic. It's always the cruelist thing possible with emperor tangerine 🍊! He wants people dead or scared to death.
Oh man my tattoos are all book or nerd themed. I'm doomed because I read. 😑
(My family has only been here since 1912. Will I get deported back to Ukraine?)
Humans that aren’t terrified what Trump has done to these young men, throwing them in to the hub of hell, aren’t thinking and have lost their humanity, giving power to this action is a recipe for death to the innocent
It’s not about the tattoo’s just as it wasn’t about the eggs! Until people take responsibility for how we are here today, these deplorable stories will continue. This must be accepted by many even those who voted for Harris. There are consequences to the 🗳️! If we get THAT in 26/28 maybe turn back ⏰
Many people concentrated ONLY on the WH in 2024 & not down ballot; HR,& Senate seats could have been flipped! This is a 3 level system! HR makes bills, Senate makes laws that can check a POTUS! Supreme Court is the law! This isn’t talked about enough by anyone! Just 🗳️ for WH, screw the rest!
This is heartbreaking.💔 The cruelty of this administration knows no bounds. Sending love and support to our American friends who are standing up for each other.🇨🇦❤️🇺🇸 Stay strong and united. We see you.
When ignorant people hold power this is what happens or it could be that racists are in charge and they really don’t care if these folks are criminals or not. They just don’t want brown people in America.
When Trump & company are out of office, and sanity is restored to government, I hope the American Bar Association disbars the hooligan lawyers who participated in this.
This is just an excuse to get rid of anybody that they don't want. They'll be a different excuse next time in a different type of people. Next time. They will come for all of us
Nobody should be deported irregardless of ideology.These people obviously suck,but to argue that deportation can be good if it's done towards "bad people" is downright fascist
It's like saying rape as a punishment can be ok if it's done towards people who are guilty of it
The ICE system is completely flawed, and needs humane leadership, not one led by H -I- M -M -L- E - R ......oh wait, it's spelled Homan. Until it gets humane/empathetic leadership it is really just the nascent new SS.
i believe the same. One right winger (a doctor) I know is a major Jesus freak.
So that's how he justifies all his support.
Others i have known on a lower economic level were all total slimeballs.
Lets say 'knew of'
Because this is about eradicating people smh they want to dehumanize people they view as lower it gross and grotesque, but the cruelty is what they want 🤬 murderous orange scum!!
The world is about to practice tough love on America. And you know the sad thing is that many of those experiencing a teachable moment are already showing they can’t learn shit.
There can no be no just impeachment. This is a nazi takeover... no suspended sentences , no pardon bullshit.
Treason sentencing guidelines are pretty clear.
They act like there is a simple solution to everything. Yeah if you just lie about what you're doing and do horrible things to innocent people I guess it does seem simple. They (musk, Mr. T, etc) deserve a fate worse than death.
So anyone with tattoos that are not obviously White Christian Nationalist, probably should keep them covered or removed. Anything else could get you sent to a concentration camp-in El Salvador.
This is cool! I’m a 62 yr old heterosexual woman (in case you were curious) and I got my 1-and-done tattoo about a year ago of an adorable llama with a rainbow scarf to honor the rights of the LGBTQ community. In case you were curious (LOL) it’s a 1-and-done bec they hurt! We must stand together!
Trump voters and supporters do not care.
None of them care about what's happening they don't care about right and wrong they don't care about truth Injustice.
They voted for an adjudicated rapist in a convicted felon
Also…. For someone who thinks we should “solve our problems in other ways than bullying the weak”…using a term like “boomers” seems to fundamentally go completely against that idea particularly when referring to our ELDERS🤷🏻♂️ In case you were not aware, they are properly referred to as “Baby Boomers”
Boomers are not "the weak" and they literally bully everyone else. Being for world peace doesn't involve bowing to tyrants, that's slavery, not peace. It's why I'm anti-MAGA instead of getting on board with their philosophy of conquest.
Do you really know any GenX that are actually part of that? It's primarily for boomers, like any other device that serves "elderly". Mark my words, when all the boomers die off, it's going to be fine to leave elderly in the wilderness to starve again.
You misunderstood me. There's this huge cultural push of respecting our elders, but that's because of the boomers. Other generations aren't going to get that. And while I don't want to rule the next generation with an iron fist, I'd also like not to be abandoned like garbage.
I assume that what these people, who are questioning your call for AARP, do not seem to understand is that since SOCIAL SECURITY is under attack then the “Lobbying Organization” AARP who collects $300M in annual membership dues with total annual revenue of $1.8B is EXACTLY who we’d call on for help!
Trump is different from all the other presidents because he truly hates us all, he wants this country to FAIL, he wants us poor and sick and ignorant. He IS THE ENEMY WITHIN.
Racism is a tool fascists use. There are always the 'others' to scapegoat. In fairness to the other poster yes they are just gearing up for more atrocities.
Such terrible crimi...wow they sound like decent human beings. The blatant lies we receive daily boggles the mind. People that did nothing wrong, other than being brown, sent to a foreign prison. We know that's why they did it, they know that's why they did it, why feed us bullshit.
I have no problem with tattoos, my wife has two. I will never permanently mark my body, and there’s millions of people who don’t want tattoos. I agree, tattoos are benign, but you’re drastically overestimating their popularity.
There is no anger emoji or any emoji to even get close to how sad upsetting and mostly enraging this is.
At what point, white america, will u stand up & be heard. your silence is deafening.
I know, there's some of u out there & yet we know the're more than 100 mil white ppl that could be on streets right now😞
Fight for them!
Sooo Ive got a total of 10 tattoos and 🤷🏻♂️ maybe I should reconsider getting my annual deep dark Summer tan this year? Probably should think about going blonde if I do though🤦🏻♂️
I’m seriously not even really joking 😒 This is so completely fukkedup that these are now valid thoughts🫤
Republican members of Congress need to be made more afraid of their constituents than of Donald Trump. That is the only way we are going to get him out of the White House.
The #KKK #Nazis are in the White House, led by #PutinsPuppet.
How racist IS the Trump Administration?
How dishonest about their motives IS the Trump Administration?
How much longer are WE — as a nation — going to put up with the Trump Administration?
WE don’t have to PUT UP with this!
And you all thought it couldn't get any lower.
I wonder if it will infuriate white people who have tattoos to finally vote for democrats?
Not likely.
This administration (actually it is a regime!) has illegally arrested, detained and/or deported so many people without due process, one of these cases will get through. Then they will deport ANYONE THEY WANT.
the horror!
the violence!
also, doesn’t, like, every other person have some ink nowadays??
Jon Cooper, how to help these ppl?
✅ drunk
✅ rapist
✅ gang member
✅ gang tattoos
(My family has only been here since 1912. Will I get deported back to Ukraine?)
they're not white, and
they have a tattoo, and
they flash hand signs that seem to be gang tags,
then the NBA and the Entertainment industry is fill of them.
Get to it!
You would haul Anne Frank out by her hair, wouldn't you.
Their definition of 'exportable criminal' applies to many others.
Just sayin'
'Look how we are going to work!'
How many did they send away who were legitimate Americans?
Do they even care?
They all had brown skins'
YOU are next.
Here's an idea:
People with completely different tattoos should be deported . . .
... for example...
It's like saying rape as a punishment can be ok if it's done towards people who are guilty of it
Scratch all that.
Your majority, or at least those who voted 3 times for the Nazis, have none of all of the above...
So that's how he justifies all his support.
Others i have known on a lower economic level were all total slimeballs.
Lets say 'knew of'
Sledgehammer breaks up a palm-sized rock: "My Spongebob 'Imagination' Back Piece pegged me as MS-13."
Treason sentencing guidelines are pretty clear.
Tattoos are on trial here? Freedom of expression is a first amendment right
Are here again- but we are.
I do this? Where is the ACLU or whatever.
None of them care about what's happening they don't care about right and wrong they don't care about truth Injustice.
They voted for an adjudicated rapist in a convicted felon
Dude….GenX is now AARP too! So its not JUST “boomers”.
Also in case you were not aware…. You can literally join AARP at 18yrs old (with limited benefits)
and…FYI….AARP stands for:
Association of
You can “retire” at any age.
Its not …AAOP🤷🏻♂️
Consider yourself MUTED!
back at this moment. At least the bastard had some fucking shame. And I don’t think he hated America, like this tyrant does.
Such 1930's Germany.
Christ, he breaks a law every day. I can't believe this country has gone batshit insane.
They knew damn well that wasn't a gang tattoo.
Especially daughters. They can be terminators....ooh, seen me tying, gotta go
Fuck this administration