BETRAYAL 🚨: The IRS is about to hand over immigrant tax data to DHS — after 30 YEARS of telling immigrants to file their taxes. Paying into the system, no benefits — and now THIS? Trump’s fascism in full force. OUTRAGEOUS. SHARE THIS NOW!
Yes they do pay taxes and social security, even though they are not eligible for any social programs (with the exception of WIC and emergency care at a hospital which is provided to everyone). They have what is called an ITIN instead of a social security number.
So these people worked hard and dutifully paid their taxes and now they will be betrayed. And don’t forget they are trying to look at information on the rest of us, too. This administration is not to be trusted.
Gestapo bullshit. This country isn't going to be recognizable in 4 years and by then their behavior will be so normalized that they will be coming after all of us with similar tactics.
I think we should get rid of that last line in the National Anthem about the land of the free and the home of the brave, and just end with the question that comes before: Oh, say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave? Seems more fitting nowadays.
I know that some won't agree with me, but I feel that if someone is working here and paying taxes and being self sufficient, then we should leave them alone. They are paying into America.
I guess someone figures that the benefits American society has received from the participation of such immigrants is now maxed out, as if they're spent sponges; so it's time to get rid of them.
Trump is trying to destroy America for Putin. Cutting the IRS decreasing the agency that supply's the revenues that the Government operates on. Now eliminate the revenues from all migrants due to fear of deportation. Deportations of non-criminal farm workers disrupts food supply causes inflation.
BLOG: Get used to it. Great cowardice & capitulation is coming. As I explain, most people & institutions will submit in the face of coercive attacks by the Trump/Musk state. Officials will do Trump’s bidding. It happened in Nazi Germany, it's happening in USA.
Undocumented immigrants use ITIN numbers to file taxes The IRS is not supposed to turn them in for applying for an ITIN if they are undocumented. The government wants them to pay taxes and didn't punish them for trying to get an ITIN
Now we're gonna hunt them down for doing the right thing! 😡😡
Maybe he’ll fuck off from DOGE if his shareholders get pissed off enough to demand that he focus on Tesla! Keep up the great work on killing Tesla people!
"empathy is good, we should care about people—but if you let empathy override reason, you end up with policies that feel good in the moment but lead to civilizational suicide."
I think what Elon is saying is don't fall off on the other extreme of too "much empathy," that it blinds common sense, like allowing pedos to read children books at libraries.
If they will sort through tax documents to find non-citizen, there's nothing they won't use those documents for. Need to hunt down every same-sex couple that files jointly? Check. Need to find anyone who has changed their name? Check. Horrifying.
A complete betrayal. Similar to the betrayal of American citizens being forced to pay into Social Security and Project 2025 calling for its elimination.
This makes me sick. I worked unaccompanied minors at the border and told them, their families, friends & neighbors that the information they shared w/ us (addresses, IDs, phone numbers, etc) would never be shared w ICE.
So many of us reassured and made promises on behalf of the US gov, because that is what the US gov told us. It’s something we all talk about often, how awful we feel for being betrayed as well.
thats odd remember during the convicted felons campaign he bitched about the money they got, they didn't pay taxes??? The whole time we were screaming they pay taxes, they are not paid to live by the GOV. Now the nazi is going to get there addresses from the tax information. Classic.
Just asked my husband that question. About 30 yrs ago gov't told illegal immigrants to get an Individual Taxpayer Identifctn # to file taxes. So they were being 'allowed' to stay as long as they paid taxes w/o any #SS benefits or right to vote. We are going to lose billions in tax revenue.
It’s easy to complain and be complacent. What are you, as an American, doing about it?Are you all going to protests? Preparing for April 5th? I’m just curious.
Look. When you tell Ukraine you will protect them if they give up their nuclear weapons and then give Russia the keys to the country, the US government demonstrates that it cannot be trusted.
It demonstrates they are a hostile, and aligned with Russia.
Not trusting presumes you will be cautious about betrayal in the future, a hostile means you have already been betrayed.
Use the right words!
So they’re going after the undocumented immigrants.. who pay taxes, even though they can’t receive benefits. These people are dumber than a screen door on a submarine.
#trumplardo is causing the US to collapse at #Putin's instruction. They are wiping out the middle class. No schools or universities. Banks will shut down. We'll be in the early 1800s in a few months.
An ITIN (Individual Taxpayer Identification Number) is used by people without a social security number to file federal income taxes. DHS will most likely target these folks because many (if not most) are undocumented.
I thought taxes can’t be used against you, why would this pass the smell test. But also, side note, this is really going to be an issue for the census if immigrants are afraid to answer their doors, complete forms or respond at all. How can anyone trust us?
Wait, so they are admitting that undocumented workers are paying tax?
Why would we pay to deport them if they generate revenue?
Worst businessmen ever.
All the guardrails about data sharing between agencies and departments, that have been in place for decades, have dissolved because #Trumpovich and the #Muskovites have taken it upon themselves to defeat the standards put into place by the former GOP. The #GQP sees no need for #privacy any longer.
Remember Trump's proposal for no taxes on tips?
So now many workers will either flee or pay no taxes on their wages too. What's that going to do to the economy?
Turbo Tax was RIDDLED with ?s about whether or not your children lived in other countries some/part of the year, confirmations on social security #s, whether the filer lived OOT country, whether migrant work was claimed. I have filed with TT for 25 yrs and those ?s were glaringly new and pointed.
By removing these employed immigrants our government will then lose those social security taxes that don’t ever get collected by those employed immigrants!
Sad part is that MAGA isn't smart enough to see that if an immigrant has tax documents at the IRS, they've most likely paid taxes, which negates their entire argument.
This will result in BILLIONS in lost tax revenue including Social Security Taxes paid by working immigrants that would’ve never been entitled to benefits.
Way to go fuckers. Let’s take a group that pays taxes and doesn’t get social programs benefits and use that to deport them and raise the debt even more.
I’m hyper-aware that the whole El Salvador thing is just a warm up. They are testing the limits right now with easy targets. Remember, the Nazis built the camps outside of Germany for a reason and they didn’t turn to the final solution until they had consolidated their control.
Oh sure it’s only for undocumented people immigrants. Do they keep a special file for them or all mixed with ours and when looking for undocumenteds one of an American born person’s file comes up. They just put their hands over their eyes so they don’t see anything. 🙄💩
They are literally trying to completely destroy the USA.. financially, physically, politically,
He is literally going to crash and burn this country as he steals all the entitlements we have paid into for years.
Like so much of what he does… it is hateful and just plain stupid.
Like Trump getting rid of income driven student loan repayment plans. Some have seen there monthly repayment payment increase by 350% with no possible way to pay the new monthly amount.
The loans which were being repaid will go in default. But hey he’s punishing the people who took out loans and getting back at Biden for his loan forgiveness.
He doesn't care if it is economically stupid and will decrease tax revenue from immigrants.
Well, why would they want to do that? Donald Trump et al. have been assuring everyone that undocumented people are freeloaders who don't pay taxes. Is this finally an admission that, yes, they absolutely do pay taxes?
They don’t care if they pay taxes or not it’s irrelevant. It’s the cruelty and the power to inflict that cruelty that matters. Why do you think it’s so popular amongst the powerless and uneducated - it’s the coliseum the Roman games and they can get off on the pain
Question is that people actually pay their taxes unlike the rich who don't pay any if they can get away with it which they usually do they buy their way out of it sometimes wondering if it wouldn't be cheaper to actually pay their taxes
I’m afraid they also may soon force state level records of driver’s licenses issued to non resident aliens to be used for deportations. And immunization and school records. The trust in any system was a mistake.
THAT is what this Nazi regime is all about ... betrayal. They have betrayed their oaths, the Constitution and the American people. And frankly they have betrayed the entire world. They are traitors - period.
Am I the only one who sees this along the same lines as when the Jews were told they only had to “register” at their local council and everything would be all right? How’d that work out? Fascism- we’re soaking in it.
No… the rest of the world is looking on and seeing it … very clearly!! Jus’sayin… you guys need to have a massive walk on the White House. Make the felon47 hide in the bunker!!!!
Timothy Snyder’s book “On Tyranny” explains it well. Do not obey in advance… most of the power of authoritarianism is freely given. The person(s) obeying in advance think it will protect them from further harm, but in the long run it basically does the opposite (my paraphrasing)
At least they will get nice easy identifiable stickers in all different colours & shapes when they report🤮🇺🇸
You DO know what happened in Germany c.1930's when deporting became to expensive but camps became economically more viable to slaughter 'undesirables' by the millions🤷♂️🤮
This is maybe a tangent, but the Trump admin is cratering tax revenue collection from multiple angles. They’re ending audits of the UHNW folks. And it’s now going to be bye-bye to the estimated $100B that undocumented workers have been paying.
Sure are finding a lot of ways to reduce revenue for the government. They may have to cut back on federal politicians to reduce costs. Maybe get rid of those who don't represent their constituents?
Wait... I thought MAGA wanted undocumented immigrants deported because they are supposedly "not paying taxes and getting all the welfare", but now they are wanting to deport immigrants that are working hard AND PAYING TAXES?!
Oh I know!!!"
This administration has already violated WE THE PEOPLE’S privacy
They’ll be prosecuted
Every Republican without exception is a piece of shit that does not deserve anything that they have.
Now we're gonna hunt them down for doing the right thing! 😡😡
"empathy is good, we should care about people—but if you let empathy override reason, you end up with policies that feel good in the moment but lead to civilizational suicide."
Is that the same as saying you should only be kind in very limited curtailed beneficial circumstances?
It wasn't reasonable to hide Jews in Germany in WWII.
I think what Elon is saying is don't fall off on the other extreme of too "much empathy," that it blinds common sense, like allowing pedos to read children books at libraries.
They know empathy is fundamental to society. They are using a quote from Elon against himself.
And now it has been. Just like this.
The US gov will never be trusted again.
Nazi Germany in America.
IRS / ICE move will also destroy lives
Not trusting presumes you will be cautious about betrayal in the future, a hostile means you have already been betrayed.
Use the right words!
These jackals are horrific.
Horrible, sinister, sense.
Why would we pay to deport them if they generate revenue?
Worst businessmen ever.
Not surprising considering how utterly stupid Leftists are.
We cannot let DOGE into the IRS records.
This will NOT end with immigrants — legal or otherwise.
It will let the bull into the china shop. NOT a GOOD IDEA.
IRS data is highly sensitive and private FOR A REASON.
WE cannot afford to have Musk and his minions roaming around in there.
So now many workers will either flee or pay no taxes on their wages too. What's that going to do to the economy?
Is this really how Americans want to treat people- ANY people???
We can easily measure felon dons policies when next year our Gross Domestic Product is reduced from the 26.4 trillion under Great President Biden!
Bankruptcy is this countries future under felon Don!
This will damage tax revenue that helps everyone!
I don’t trust this government
Immigrants pay taxes!!! Billionaires do not!
Ain't no white folk going to do it either.
Maybe next time.
Maybe check with Eldolph Musk.
I wouldn't last 6 minutes.
But it's good to have a forum where we can say out loud things that are as outrageous as, say, a Trump executive order.
#MAGAts voted for that.
He is literally going to crash and burn this country as he steals all the entitlements we have paid into for years.
Who is going to support the government if not tax payers?
Because, I doubt musk and Trump pay anything.
He did.
And here we are.
Immigrants contribute to national revenue via paying their taxes unlike wealthy tax cheats.
Like Trump getting rid of income driven student loan repayment plans. Some have seen there monthly repayment payment increase by 350% with no possible way to pay the new monthly amount.
He doesn't care if it is economically stupid and will decrease tax revenue from immigrants.
We must Never obey in advance
You DO know what happened in Germany c.1930's when deporting became to expensive but camps became economically more viable to slaughter 'undesirables' by the millions🤷♂️🤮
Republicans are assholes.
When do Republicans grow some fucking balls?
Then I'll drag him to the FBI agents' faces.
And in court.
And in Jail.
And at the Revolutionary's Victory Party.
So they make money if they go along with it or they die - because #trumplardo will have them killed - if they go against him.
They look quite happy.
This administration couldn’t be more stupid or depraved.
Always making America great.... 🙄
So much betrayal and hate
Awful elon.