Some excellent points there, Will, and I believe you're spot on. The 'anger' isn't truly aimed at the wealthy themselves. Instead, it's directed at a fabricated 'elite,' serving as a scapegoat onto which all kinds of blame are projected.
I had an old friend who would just say “Jews?” as a bit whenever something mildly inconvenient happened like a printer being out of paper. This is that phenomenon, but with complete seriousness.
The Global Financier Class theory is not removed…it’s here…
Ask any 25yo why they voted GOP and they will tell you corporate greed, Nancy Pelosi’s trading accounts (or Paul) and lifestyle unaffordabilty…
…but they don’t see the forest coming thru the trees…
It feels to me as though the last election was lost largely because the Biden... and then Harris... campaigns could not (or would not) throw their weight into the populist anger against the systems that be.
I understand that MAGA is more anti-"other" than anti-"elitist," but how is that useful now?
Post mortems are generally useful for learning from both successes and failures. I believe this one is difficult because there were multiple mistakes and types of mistakes made along the way, and a lot of people are focusing on one or two, if they're even acknowledging any at all.
Ask any 25yo why they voted GOP and they will tell you corporate greed, Nancy Pelosi’s trading accounts (or Paul) and lifestyle unaffordabilty…
…but they don’t see the forest coming thru the trees…
Genuinely befuddled by the awfulness and idiocy of (gestures at everything).
I understand that MAGA is more anti-"other" than anti-"elitist," but how is that useful now?