Somehow this has produced zero reflection either from Democrats or the media class about what makes something "presidency-ending," which is not the substantive severity of the scandal, but HOW OTHER ELITE POLITICAL ACTORS REACT AND TALK ABOUT IT
Reposted from
Mark Copelovitch
Presidency-ending scandals for any previous POTUS now happening daily
He was forced to resign because of a late night robbery at an office building in Washington DC
Dems need to wake up and change strategies, fast.
When their base is so delusional as to believe every word they emmit they get to lie and move on...the lie will be called out in press that does 2\
This is how America dies.
Hitler was elected because the German people were in dire straits and he promised salvation.
Trump was elected because he TOLD the people they were in dire straits , even though they weren't, and he promised salvation.
Propaganda works