Just wait until Stephen Miller gets the OK to starting building concentration camps and eventually death camps once no more foreign nations will accept US deportees.
Everyone keeps yelling at people when they call Trump a Treasonist instead of a Traitor for his actions on J6, saying you can only commit Treason during times of war.
Does that mean we can call him a Treasonist now?
Remember that the party of the President had an opportunity to support a bipartisan bill to deal with border crossings of people and drugs. Rather than deal with the crossings he is using a flimsy excuse to expel brown people. It really is as simple as that. He is racist. We know this.
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But the democrats couldn’t find an article or law or create one , so a convicted felon couldn’t take the highest office of the land a criminal that incited an insurrection.
Either apt or patently absurd, using a Spanish American war era act to send people to Guantanamo which the US arbitrarily acquire in a land grab during that war.
If Trump gets away with invoking the Alien Act, then the Sedition Act won't be far behind. The coup will be complete. The fears of Jefferson will have come to pass. We will live in an actual dictatorship.
There were two Sedition Acts. The first was a companion of the 1798 Alien Act. It banned false, scandalous, and malicious writings about the government. It expired in 1801. The second became law on 2918. It made "disloyal" speech a crime. It was repealed in 1920. Expecting a Sedition Act of 2026.
The president invoking emergency powers to imprison and detain people is alarming under any circumstance. Doing it illegally, outside of wartime, for a made-up emergency, is literally the Hollywood version of a fascist coup. Cover it for what it is
Imagine being the journalist who puts Hitler's seizure of power on A14 because you're scared you're being alarmist. History will damn you forever. Don't screw this up
Dems MUST act in Congress to withdraw this war claim. There are 3 republicans who agree calling something a war doesn’t make it so. The Cola Wars didn’t require habeas corpus being suspended.
Does that mean we can call him a Treasonist now?
It'll be to the vast private prison systems which are drooling for all that government cheese.
Mini and Maxi camps all over the US. All overcrowded due to foreign nations refusing to accept deportations.
With Private Prison owners demanding more & more money
That it was really the fault of the immigrants themselves or of Biden for not shooting them at the border. Or whichever President they came in during.
(James Madison is literally talking about the Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798 in the screenshot in this post.)
Will this include Melania tRump’s parents?
so what do we do ?
what steps can I take today, next month ?
Unsure how you frame this as anything BUT a full seizure of power
Star Wars v Star Trek?
Dems MUST act in Congress to withdraw this war claim. There are 3 republicans who agree calling something a war doesn’t make it so. The Cola Wars didn’t require habeas corpus being suspended.