I've just come up with another thing that y'all can blame Democrats for not doing in the campaign.
Kamala Harris might have won if a Democrat had of taken a pot shot at her like the Republicans did in order to help get their dear leader reelected, #JustSayin
Yeah, because that's such a smmary thing to do...and then they could have just traded off, a new attempt every week...and whoever survived the most assassination attempts won...what could possibly go wrong?
One of his own fans died behind him seconds before this posed image occurred.
So also tasteless.
Lacking basic human decency.
And people will buy this crap.
Staged or not, it's in execrable taste. And here I used to think pink-ribbon breast cancer ornaments were in bad taste because who wants to look at a Christmas tree and think cancer? Well, who wants to look at it and think assassination attempt? Staged or not?
I don’t understand how this ornament and the meaning of Christmas could be interlace.
The only reason would be to gloat something that’s not very Christian like.
Kamala Harris might have won if a Democrat had of taken a pot shot at her like the Republicans did in order to help get their dear leader reelected, #JustSayin
One of his own fans died behind him seconds before this posed image occurred.
So also tasteless.
Lacking basic human decency.
And people will buy this crap.
if i saw that on my relative's tree, not only are they getting decked for it, but I'm throwing that thing as hard as I can out the front door.
Day 1: Your abuela's being deported
Day 2: Goodbye Social Security and Medicare
Day 3: Head Start just closed, find Johnny another preschool...
Yeah, there's a lot of stuff hiding behing those windows that they didn't expect.
The only reason would be to gloat something that’s not very Christian like.
I think of those people far more when I see this image, than the man depicted in it.
Hideous Xmas tree decoration though 🤢🤮
"A newt??"
"Well, I got better..."
We have it all.
-Donald J. Trump
This is the FA part.
They just don't know it yet.