That pic represents the biggest missed RKO “from out of know where in history”. You just pictured it didn’t you? Gavin turning and grabbing that turkey neck and boom! RKO! 😂
Lol I'm surprised they even ran the pictures. He looks like a pathetic child getting told to clean the shit out their shoes before they put them back on.
The elite have taken all news outlets and transformed them into a fascist propaganda machine designed to control the narrative and further enrich themselves... The people need to wake up...i remember when journalism had some sense
Yeah....because it looks like he's begging. I am very disappointed that there are so many "news outlets" that are exceedingly untrustworthy in the midst of this mess.
I watched the video of the exchange between Governor Newsom and chicken little hands and it looked like trump had his ass handed to him and to add further insult Melania gave the Governor a thank you for slapping that fat ass orange idiots ass down.
Lifts would push him even *more* forward... I think this pic (and the 'enhancement') merely shows that 🟠 leans forward from his "lifts" and his gut, but his blue suit is cut in a way as to minimize that lean...
I think Trump has some sort of gender dysphoria and I think he’s been taking female hormones.
1. He can’t grow a beard.
2. He has tits.
3. He is vain like a high school girl.
4. He has a shrunken penis according to stormy Daniels.
5. He wears make up.
I’m not saying I’m a alpha male cause I don’t believe in that kind of shit. I Wrestled, was on the track team and I played football. I was just one of the guys in my own mind.
I’m not mocking Trump for being a sissy. Trump is an asshole and the best part of him ran down his mother’s leg
Same. Real men are ones that protect, provide and help those in need, show empathy and integrity, etc. Not whatever the fuck Mango tits and his cult claim to be
One of the biggest sissy things that pissed me off about Trump was his lie claiming that John McCain was not a war hero. What pissed me off even more is that his MAGAT morons didn’t come to the defense of John McCain who was America’s greatest war hero.
Yeah, body language experts would probably agree, that the Governor pointing his finger at trump, would be an indication his calling trump out, not begging him for something.
the republicans are going to try using this tragedy to damage newsome, but the most likely outcome is that they make him the clear front runner in the next cycle which begins in about twelve months
Yes, the governor of an enormously prosperous state with the world's fourth largest economy is "grovelling" with a dementia-riddled, pants-shitting, illiterate, pathologically lying dim bulb who thinks there's a giant water faucet in Canada. 😂
LOL, that photo doesn't look like Newsom is begging. I watched the video, loved the body language. And Melania didn't mind kissing him (What woman would?), unlike her fat pig of a HINO.
The Post is a disgusting right-wing shit rag right up there with the Enquirer. And you wouldn't believe how many people I see buying it at the deli every morning. Stupid.
Dear why was Trump there (disaster). How is the governor of the state )where the disaster is) asking for aid )as a ton of red states did from the previous admin and received) either groveling,scheming, or crashing the visit THAT WAS ABOUT THE DISASTER!!!! You all are a disgrace
Far from it. He confronted the beta president head on and told him he is not going to take crap from him in his own state. Trump was shaking in his self leveling boots.
New York Post, obviously is a supporter of Project 2025, if they back insurrectionist Trump and MAGA. They then want to help destroy our constitution & constitutional rights.
I will not miss them. I will love boycotting them. I have despised their hate for our constitution & rights, for years.
Grovel? Remember How pissed off they were when NJ Governor Christie gave Obama a tour after Hurricane Sandy? They howled at the moon that he was courteous to the POTUS.
Off balance.
A few fries short of a Happy Meal.
Only has one oar in the water.
The elevator doesn't go all the way to the top floor.
Fell out of the stupid tree and hit every branch on the way down.
We all want our governor getting that FEMA cash when our state takes a hit. Like …isn’t that what the government is for? How is this a bad thing for Newsom?
Wouldn’t it be a wonderful bit of poetic justice if the headquarters for the New York Post were to be burned down and all the assholes in it were to perish?
Well, yesterday at "The Lodge" (Australia's PM residence) on the eve of Australia Day (the day the poms arrived down under in 1788) ... and it's not any of the Aussie Murdoch press ...
Didn't "make the news" or "the papers" ... I published it though.
Sorry Australia gave you ex-pat Murdoch. He controls over 90% of all media in Australia. Some Aussie capital cities and regional towns only have Murdoch newspapers.
Murdoch would buy the competition then close 'em down.
He's a grub. I know I started my career at one of his suburban newspapers.
Yall please stop posting my toilet paper on line! The thread count on NYP is a bit stiff but it gets the job done because it definitely doesn’t do a good job delivering news.
Hahahaha buologna. Other way around you will give support or as god is my witness I will slap your 🍊🤡 face right here on the tarmac. That's why $melonia kissed him.
The 5th largest economy in the world does not need to beg for cash. The conversation went like this, Newson, “If you F this up, I’m going to eat you for lunch.” 45, “ I heard it was bad, real bad. Just here to look. The rest of America needs your cash. Will you please keep sending us your cash?”
(when a Country's Press loses its integrity and honesty that Country has problems
He's systematically destroying the republican party from the inside out and they are too power hungry to see it
1. He can’t grow a beard.
2. He has tits.
3. He is vain like a high school girl.
4. He has a shrunken penis according to stormy Daniels.
5. He wears make up.
Trump is the ultimate beta cuck sissy boi.
I’m not mocking Trump for being a sissy. Trump is an asshole and the best part of him ran down his mother’s leg
Trump is not the only cuck in this equation
That’s what MAGA is afraid of. We think we can pick the winner in a Newsom v Vance contest.
In a free and fair election of course. What are the chances of that?
(the Washington Toast?)
I will not miss them. I will love boycotting them. I have despised their hate for our constitution & rights, for years.
A few fries short of a Happy Meal.
Only has one oar in the water.
The elevator doesn't go all the way to the top floor.
Fell out of the stupid tree and hit every branch on the way down.
Trump: K...
Good for Harry
Didn't "make the news" or "the papers" ... I published it though.
Murdoch is a shitstain on journalism.
Murdoch would buy the competition then close 'em down.
He's a grub. I know I started my career at one of his suburban newspapers.
They can’t even lie well.
Crusty Shar-pei Rupert Keith Murdoch has been buried with his diamond-encrusted bone ~