Wow. I've seen textbook projections of self at others but, never on a beer can.
MAGA there is whiffing on the peach is associated with the pussy but here comes their projection telling us they're a bunch of pussies who drink fruity beer.
MAGA is a disease in this county because like if I see someone with the US flag on their house, car or anything I automatically think they are racist hateful maga people. Same with God quotes in bio etc.
This is a real thing?
okay you know what lol I say we do the same thing cuz God knows we have more than enough ammunition so to speak.
The best they can come up with is 'liberal tears' and the infamous 'libt#rd' which is deplorable and why I didn't fully write it.
They don't give one warm shit about anything they say they love: the Constitution, free speech, the flag, police, small government, veterans, family values, Christ, embryos... none of it.
They just hate liberals, and they use all those tropes as a cover for their racism, misogyny, and ignorance.
I think these people are bored and lonely more than anything else. They’re middle class suburban people. They’re bored with their families, their spouses, their jobs. They have all the material needs. They just want to feel something. They’re pitiful.
Absolutely and it absolutely tracks. My realization since 2016, is that Republicans are not REALLY interested in “policy” and they’ll even vote against their own interests just to piss off Democrats/Liberals.
It’s because their whole identity is being an asshole that makes others angry/sad/scared. They can’t be conservatives without liberals to offend/insult/attack.
I think it’s simply hardwired in there. During the first couple years of development, normal parents hug, kiss, love and give affection to their babies, these shitwits were left alone in the trailer to fend for themselves when they popped out of mama, so that part of normal development was left out.
Well, yes. Now that we’re in power, we’re forced to care about them but had Harris won, I wouldn’t be giving Trump or MAGA a second’s thought, unlike these dweebs who are still full of rage even though they control every branch of the federal government.
Exactly, it's the same psychology in the UK afeter Brexit. After they won they just stayed angry, gloated as the country floundered even when their own lives went down the shitter. I just don't understand the mindset at all.
Oh I didn’t realize MAGATs were into soul sucking. I guess they’re psychic vampires since only the pain of others seems to energize them. Maybe we should all wear garlic to keep them away?
"One sip triggers a thousand liberal tears"
Multiple people sat around a conference room, for hours, if not days and weeks, and ultimately concluded that this was a big brain tagline.
Reminds me of the sticker on the back of a car I just saw…it was one of those stick figure families with “just a mom trying hard not to raise any liberals” under it. It made me feel so sad for the next generation. They don’t stand a chance.
My mom and dad are both super conservative..... I'm a flaming liberal/leftist. My mom has told me numerous times she doesn't know how I ended up not being a conservative asshole like her 😆
I thought all that was 'woke'? Isn't it your right to eat and drink whatever you want? And you choose to go the beta-male route and drink a sugar-free, peach-flavored concoction?
The sad thing is there’s a market for it🤣some sucker buys it to show how they are owning the libs. It probably taste like sweaty dog balls but they will buy it and drink it🤣🤣 and pass it around at parties to their family and friends at the Na$i party wish I had thought of it 😞
They seem to believe a liberal would be bothered by a MAGA mouth breather throwing their money away on some schlock drink/flag/shirt/bikini/hat/gun rack/bumper sticker/end of days meal kit/testosterone booster/guitar/shoes/hat/meme coin...
It’s just one big loser grift!
Those are tears of laughter!
What gets me every time with this bunch is that they'd rather mock liberals ( to them, anyone not in MAGA cult) than have a government that functions. While they mock and fork over lots of cash for merch to scammers, their country is falling apart
MAGA there is whiffing on the peach is associated with the pussy but here comes their projection telling us they're a bunch of pussies who drink fruity beer.
okay you know what lol I say we do the same thing cuz God knows we have more than enough ammunition so to speak.
The best they can come up with is 'liberal tears' and the infamous 'libt#rd' which is deplorable and why I didn't fully write it.
They just hate liberals, and they use all those tropes as a cover for their racism, misogyny, and ignorance.
Do they know what irony is?
It’s extremely easy to reinforce MAGA ideology once they’re on the hook, and extremely difficult to get them off that wagon.
MAGA is behaving like schoolchildren whose parents don’t love them - bullying others.
And Trump managed to get them in his van.
Ok, now I’m done.
Like the guy at the gym that stands in front of the mirror and watches him flex his own muscles.
Multiple people sat around a conference room, for hours, if not days and weeks, and ultimately concluded that this was a big brain tagline.
I thought all that was 'woke'? Isn't it your right to eat and drink whatever you want? And you choose to go the beta-male route and drink a sugar-free, peach-flavored concoction?
How very low-T of them.
It’s just one big loser grift!
Those are tears of laughter!