The "kid" he is defending is a 25-year-old MAN who wrote horrible racist shit within the past year and who is now privy to every American's private data.
There's a vast difference between getting sick-drunk at a frat party where you are videoed grabbing some girl laciviously (a youthful indiscretion) & insulting entire races of people while promoting eugenics, FFS.
If Elez is still a kid who should be forgiven for making dumb "mistakes", then he certainly is not adult/mature enough to be fiddling around with highly secure government info. This wasn't an 8 year old who didn't know better. Elez absolutely knew that that was not okay
Way to stand up for your kids and wife, you just let a racist kid that spoke about your wife back in to dismantle our institutions. You are an ass kisser!!
this needs to be stapled next to every republican office holder till they stand up to letting ELON MUSK who took all our BANKING / SSN / ID / Medicare / MEDICAID / VA medical data and TAX INFO and more.
He didn't give that guy a chance to feel remorse he rewarded him for being racist.
And he's not a kid he's a government official, there are standards of conduct.
These people are literal nazis calling for ethnic cleansing and they want us to be like “I mean, we’ve all said bad stuff AMIRIGHT?” No - saying some microagressions before you knew better is not the same as supporting eugenics. This gaslighting campaign is exhausting.
“Grow and learn and feel remorse” in a Tweet that reflects none of those things. He’s defending a man (not a kid) with a track record that lack ethics and who thinks JDs wife and kids should be uncomfortable in their own skin and this country. Shameful.
Is this the right’s new moral superiority complex?
They used to get on their high horse about swearing in hip hop and boobs in movies. Now it’s a smarmy, eyelinered dweeb bitching about people being mean to an avowed racist?
Sure JD, but you don't really want to turn the code the runs disbursements for the whole goddamned government over to a kid with no more sense or emotional maturity than to be posting racist, nazi shit on the internet, do you?
God what a shitty fucking dad and husband he is. A truly horrible human being. Those poor kids, one day they’ll learn that their “dad” never defended them.
His role model has famously said that he doesn't believe he's ever asked forgiveness for anything in his life...and yet many in the evangelical community think he's the best choice to run the country. My kids will grow up knowing it's ok to make mistakes so long as you ask forgiveness and learn.
So one of the little boys got exposed, resigned, then was begged to return by the VP hours later? Smells of Elon and others realizing Marko was on his way to China/Russia with his laptop and were desperate to stop him as to not blow up their whole ill-devised scheme within a week. Am I correct?
He’s saying they will pray the brown away. But MAGA and DOGE won’t care and will have them deported anyway. And JD will be like “Oh well, that’s the law now.”
I cannot overstate how much we loathe vile weak insecure little cucks who flip flop on a dime and who put position and purse above their own GODDAMN family
He’s the tech bros hand picked successor. 45 is an important means to an end. I’m wondering if the bros & the Christian nationalists thought they could control him long enough to get everything they wanted put in place. Vance needs OJT.
Again treating these little racists like innocent children when it suits them but somehow still acting like they're at all qualified to rifle through our critical data...
I'm all for offering grace for people who make and then own their mistakes. None of these people represent what a real man is (except Neanderthals). They live in a world where they justify being the worst version of themselves and get uglier and louder and think we should swallow their lies.
I always admire Vance's cute musings on a wide range of psychological, religious, moral, ethical and sociological concerns. Why the guy is like a regular gifted Plato.
Meanwhile USAID tanked and people are getting sick or starving, and his boss is having fever dreams about Trump resorts in Gaza.
Yeah, kids being racist is a totally normal thing that we should encourage! Why set an example when your kids can indulge their worst instincts with zero guidance! Guys, bigotry is healthy! Everyone knows that!
I just want to know whether JD is teaching them to tell the truth, or not so much. And how he has processed the fact that, in twenty years, they will read, objectively, about his 2017-2024 flip-flops and lying.
Being racist is a "dumb mistake"? Well, since he's still just a kid making dumb mistakes, it's time for him to learn a lesson. Kids are supposed to learn from their mistakes and I don't recall hearing this kid apologize for his "dumb mistake".
A 24-year-old who doesn't understand the ramifications of making repeated racist statements PUBLICLY is not a person with the judgment and temperament to have access to our government's complex and sensitive systems.
I believe we have a garden variety superiority complex here; my man J.D. constantly tries to put forward an image of being smarter, morally superior, and more reasonable than anyone who disagrees with him. I believe he does this because deep down he still feels like that poor hillbilly no one liked.
The “kid” he is referring to is 25 years old and has been granted access to various systems within the US Government. JD can F all the way off with his defense of these loathsome comments and his faux outrage of those calling out racist comments to begin with.
They will tell racist jokes. They will accidentally burn a cross or two. They will bully, possibly commit sexual assault, maybe even a little arson. Kids will be kids. I did all those things and look how I turned out.
JD Vance continues to call a 25 year old man a “kid” while defending him for making overtly racist statements. No concern for what this indicates about societal values, morals, or ethics. Meanwhile, this administration is banning anything that mentions the words diversity and inclusion.
It’s freaking Friday, JD. I get it. Your wife doesn’t want to go near you tonight. But FFS, stop tweeting. You’re embarrassing yourself, at this point.
Ughhhh…his gripe has nothing to do with who we are as a society. This “followed around for the rest of your life” crap is all about technology and social media. I hate how they’re sneaking in these blatant logical fallacies everywhere.
He's trying to justify rehiring a filthy racist who has the ability to collect Americans personal information from the United States government and sell it on the black market.
Like, maybe if we we’re talking about a tweet from 2007 it would be something that a guy could explain - how he’d been young and changed and learned as a person and show examples of redemption acts. But the kid probably posted it a few months ago because he’s still barely an adult.
He's 25, so I'm going to call that more than barely an adult. If it was a "dumb mistake" then he's far too impulsive and immature for the role with which he's been entrusted.
Those same instincts and lack of self censorship or discernment that made him think it appropriate are still in the forefront of his decision making skills
So...he's too young to be held accountable for racism...but not too young to be entrusted with access to American citizens' personal, protected, and private information, with little to no oversight?
Who’s gonna tell him? Ok, I will. Vance, you are still making dumb mistakes. Apparently that culture you grew up in was as fictional as that book you wrote.
Wow, this is the most objectively incorrect statement of the day! India and it's people are incredibly community driven, especially when living in a foreign nation.
You're not going to convince me that wealthy Indian men don't take advantage of the Hindu class system and that's why we find them in far right capitalist groups that are usually racist against them.
It's the same as Americans here, not caring about other Americans.
How very woke of Vance to use the phrase emotional blackmail. So very tender to be concerned about the deep trauma experienced when one's emotions are abused.
Not to mention, why is a vice president writing these angry, emotional tweets when he should be running the country? Are we paying for these public therapy sessions?
Well JD, I don’t think you matured at all. Your racist, ignorant remarks and kissing up to the felon tells us all we need to know about your lack of any morals and ethics. Your poor kids don’t have a chance with you as a parent
If they're that immature to be racist, they don't belong anywhere near a government computer system.
And he's not a kid he's a government official, there are standards of conduct.
They used to get on their high horse about swearing in hip hop and boobs in movies. Now it’s a smarmy, eyelinered dweeb bitching about people being mean to an avowed racist?
Is this the masculine energy we’ve been missing?
Kids taught values of inclusion and equality and treating people with respect, empathy and kindness generally don't become racists.
Now get off the couch, remove that rubber glove and return it to the kitchen sink where you found it!
Just sayin'
Meanwhile USAID tanked and people are getting sick or starving, and his boss is having fever dreams about Trump resorts in Gaza.
What a shithead.
No biggie.
Look at the choices he's making now. Look who he just had reinstated. An unqualified racist hacker. WT everloving F
Your kids, God willing, will someday know the truth.
That their father, who loves them, is a man who would blithely see orphaned the children of his enemies.
Children who look like them.
And they will wonder at those little sadnesses on their mother‘s face…
…we can all see even now.
It's the same as Americans here, not caring about other Americans.
He betrayed his kids.
What a complete piece of shit
Oh, I see.
See, that's the thing JD, I've seen you move in the wrong direction, you haven't learned from your mistakes, you just lost your compassion.