I went to college in Grand Rapids Michigan. This guy is a horrible person. Just walked into bars with his entourage and sexually assaulted any woman in sight. Total creep.
These fuckers ALWAYS find each and embrace each other. It's kinda beautiful that the rapists, traitors and grifters don't care about race, religion or orientation to meet on ground they all agree on. George Santos, Mike Tyson, Donald Trump, Eric Adams....Strange bedfellows.
The constant North Korean style praise we see from celebrities makes me think they are being paid to do this. My guess is they are paid in crypto and since it's impossible to trace who the sender and recipients are is why Trump now loves crypto (b4 he was against it). It's just weird
I heard that more than a few times when working Dem phone banks in swing states. You list the litany of his failures and folks still can’t connect the dots 🤦🏻♂️
There seems to be a trend. It’s like we are in an episode of Batman, where the criminals took over the city. Unfortunately this is real life & there’s no Batman to save us
Sadly anyone who has anything to do with trump has something to gain and obviously isn’t concerned about losing medicaid, their job or their farm…let that sink it…
Trump's record stands for itself: multiple bankruptcies, squandered all of his inheritance, failed marriages, way too many sexual harassment suits and settlements...I could go on but my finger's tired of typing 😁
How easy it is to sell expertise in America when you're nothing but a carnival barker. tRump, leon, have made being in debt and bankruptcy genius somehow. Fortunate sons without any intrinsic value.
Okay just so you know we call his type of black man Unca Tom. That means a black man who commands no respect, will answer to yes massa, and will sacrifice anyone for their own profit.
What really hurts with regard to the US is the realization that the obviously uneducated are constantly giving a testimonial of genius to the obviously uneducated. The obviously educated are sick to their stomachs at such obvious stupidity.
I have a sister who was kicked in the head by a mule and coincidentally she is a Felon47 supporter! Have not spoken to her since 2016 and don’t intend to, as she rots away from cancer. Tobacco and alcohol are a lousy diet 🤷♀️
Oh don't be mistaken, he knows Trump's a white supremacist, from Mayweather to 50 Cent to Ice Cube, these clowns care about their bank accounts more than anything else and would sell their own people out in a NY minute to enrich themselves
White supremacists will tolerate Uncle Toms as long as they toe the line and help further their interests. There are plenty of greedy narcissists that will play the Uncle Tom role willingly.
He tried to say in a debate that ‘he did not take it, that she ultimately did not want to do that’. Such a liar. He took her to court. The story is heartbreaking.
Easy, boomer.
Just because you think a racist term is acceptable because you think it's not a racist term doesn't mean it's not a racist.
Y'all old people are pretty touchy, aren't you?
Go have a bran muffin and a nice bowel movement like a good senior citizen.
Who'd have thunk?
But it’s not at all the same, because Biden was the best president ever and Trump is literally Hitler.
Racists to the right
Here I am stuck in the middle and blue
Any more questions about why Trump "loves the poorly educated"??
These people are warped! 🤦♂️
Stupidity has ceased to be ashamed. Obviously.
Just because you think a racist term is acceptable because you think it's not a racist term doesn't mean it's not a racist.
Y'all old people are pretty touchy, aren't you?
Go have a bran muffin and a nice bowel movement like a good senior citizen.
I'm sure you'll do better tomorrow.