Does this mean that Trump is proposing building affordable housing like Harris would be doing already? Or just saying the homeless should be made even more poor and left on the same streets? Republicans attempt to blame homelessness on Democrats, when it's GOP Republicans who've created all poverty.
The guy who's cult members shit on the Capitol walls is offended that his rich ass has to see poor people when he leaves for the airport to go golfing. Donold, it isn't the homeless that are bringing shame on the Capitol and the WH
Aside from the real seriousness of his mental illness, he feels the need to sign his post, on his own media account, all in caps, like we don't have a fucking clue who he might be, you know, posting on his own media site in his own tiresome verbiage. We get it dumbo, it's you.
Well she gave in to his other demands. When will people learn you can never satisfy him. Give him an inch and he keeps asking for more and more and more.
He will create more homelessness than ever existed with his plans to gut safety nets. He will increase: hunger, disease, death, in every state. He just doesn't want the pain of homelessness where he has to look at it. Out of sight, out of mind.
This is a federal NIMBY response. Compassionless and stupid. Fucking asshole doesn’t get that homelessness is a result of failed government policies, be it mental health, income inequality, etc. Trump is such a douchebag.
"Thank you Mayor Bowser for your efforts on behalf of the Citizens of our Country."
Subtle, but the wording he chose to use here, in context, is showing that he doesn't consider the homeless to BE citizens of the country. They don't even rise to the level of a second-class citizen in his eyes.
He treats the unhoused as if they were vermin. How many homeless are working poor?
Maybe he should figure out ways to help them instead of vilifying them.
He has never had empathy
Go ahead, big boy. Let's see what you are truly capable of. Too bad we can't get the people to safety but leave crash test dummies, the tents, and lots of cameras to capture it all.
He's actively making more homeless people. Where tf does he think the boomers he denies SS, SNAP, Medicare, & Medicaid are going to live? They will live in the streets. They will die there too. Fucker.
"In July 1933 the recently founded Reich Ministry of Propaganda was urging a nationwide swoop in beggars informing the welfare agencies of its intention in August 1933 ... In September the SA and SS organized a so-called 'beggars week' talking many from shelters" - Evans "The German underworld "1988
Any sort of plan for what to do with them? I know you only get so much posting room on twitter, but maybe you could crayon up some ideas, have someone take a picture of it for you, then attach it to a post.
He’s not worried that it’s actual PEOPLE that are experiencing homelessness, he’s just mad that it’s “unsightly”. Zero compassion or empathy. How is he supposed to lead??
The big baby is wupset bc the Mayor has shown him that Black Lives Matter is not just a phrase for her. N she’s a woman. N she’s black. N she’s competent. N she’s educated. So he will send troops to jail them at “the camps”, to punish her, n to make $ for the owners of said camps.
No word on how he's going to provide for the human beings that live in those encampments. Or is he just planning on putting them down? Maybe he has room in one of his hotels or Mar-a-Lago.
You know what would make me proud of the Capital again? Like actually ending homelessness. Not moving them. The audacity of the system that caused the homelessness to complain about the problem they caused being outside their front door.
Imagine if the resources spent on criminalizing homelessness and moving encampments went into permanent housing, mental health services, and job programs. But nah, gotta protect the aesthetics of the city over actual lives.
Housing costs, wages, healthcare, everything is rigged to push people to the edge, and then they blame the victims for existing. Instead of actually fixing the root issues, they just shuffle people around like they’re an inconvenience rather than human beings.
It’s about the cruelty. Like someone wakes up one morning and says I think I want to be homeless. There are many factors that contribute to housing insecurity, instability and homelessness
gee...wonder why these folks are homeless? is it the 7.25 federal minimum wage? Is it homeless vets who can't get help from the decimated VA? Is it single moms who need healthcare for their kids, now unaffordable without Medicaid? Gee...wonder who these folks are....
It should be obvious by now that Trump is threatening all of us. Our healthcare, our food, and our money are all at risk thanks to Trump's lies and Musk's greed. Trump tried to blame Joe Biden, who had record highs in the market and lows in unemployment, while Trump created the opposite. Huge lies.
He hates nature and regular people, homeless people =shit on his shoe. He wants everything clean tacky and plastic and covered in fake gold. All one big playground for the rich, nothing ugly in sight.
"Must clean up?" Unless he's prepared to provide transitional or permanent housing, how does he propose doing this? What real solutions is he offering? (Rhetorical question)
Trump and his regime are unhappy with the court pushback, his falling polls and stock market.
The psychopaths are looking for scapegoats and an opportunity to flex their appetite for cruelty and violence.
I can fix it. Tax the FUCK out of the Billionaires and make housing and jobs for the poor. All the Billionaires are doing is hoarding the wealth that they pay very little taxes on.
We are currently not proud of our country. I bet most of these homeless people are veterans. Why doesn't he do more to help them? We should be giving them everything they need.
Also, he plans to cut Soc. Sec. even though he lied and said he wouldn't, that's will make a lot of seniors homeless too.
He’s a fascist who has shown nothing but disdain for those of us who didn’t escape serving our country by getting a dr’s note saying his bone spurs preclude service. He’s a coward. He hates veterans. A lot of us hate him a lot more.
You’re welcome. Hope it helps spread the word and people show up for the vets. They deserve our support since the orange shit stain isn’t giving them any. 💙
First of all, I want to sincerely thank you for your service. Your sacrifices for our country are deeply appreciated. 🇺🇸🙏It's almost unimaginable that a president of the United States could hate veterans, but the fact is, you're right.
Anyone else notice that all his posts are signed full name and title lately.....almost like he has to remind his base who he is and his role; since they are starting to get pissed at him as well....
He’s really going to mess with DC. This, BLM Plaza, whatever comes next - I hope folks realize he wants a fight so he can justify more “law” enforcement power.
They could take Elons billions and provide housing, universal healthcare and income, and free education to every single American for decades, if not longer, and instead, they decided to purge humans for a better tomorrow. 🙄 Holocaust 2.0
But of course he does. That's all Cheetolini ever does is make dumb threats then backtrack while pretending everyone gave into his childish tantrums. What an ass.
I'm going out on a limb here and guessing that there was security and neutral detectors at last night's performance.
Otherwise we wouldn't be reading this shit today.
A couple months ago I predicted they will start rounding up unhoused people and putting them in camps, then claim they've fixed the homeless problem in America. I still believe this.
If donnie can't suck money out of you, he has no interest. There is no heart in him. No moral compass. Just a bloated sack of nothing. A void. So of course he sees no value in a person down on their luck. His thought is make them disappear.
I'm his case, both.
Now ask yourself, where do they go if they are banned? How does he get "rid" of them exactly?
Subtle, but the wording he chose to use here, in context, is showing that he doesn't consider the homeless to BE citizens of the country. They don't even rise to the level of a second-class citizen in his eyes.
he's a disgrace to the office
Maybe he should figure out ways to help them instead of vilifying them.
He has never had empathy
Death camps are just around the corner.
does someone else have it?
The mere thought of homeless-person cooties could be driving him mad.
But we all know he considers them to be human garbage, and thankfully Mayor Bowser knows how to deal with his ... type.
D.C. got a lot of experience in early 2021!
That's an awesome idea.
Is that supposed to be a threat?
His need for the all CAPS name at the end is diagnostic of megalomania.
He straight up told her to have protestors to be removed by force.
He didn't call them protestors, he called them "homeless encampments". But you know what he meant.
Narcissists try to destroy your life with lies because theirs can be destroyed with the truth.
The psychopaths are looking for scapegoats and an opportunity to flex their appetite for cruelty and violence.
I hope they camp on his damn golf courses.
Thank you "Honor you Oath"
Maybe his will bless the filthy rich.
Not those dirty poor in spirit.
Okay Real Christians, still think he was sent by God?
Also, he plans to cut Soc. Sec. even though he lied and said he wouldn't, that's will make a lot of seniors homeless too.
be able to ignore it because they will be severely impacted by his actions.
No mention of finding homes, programs, family to take them in, zero.
This is why we stand up to bullies.
Because there is no low that is too low for the Republican party.
His policy is out of sight, out of mind!
Otherwise we wouldn't be reading this shit today.
No solutions,