When I was young, movies like Back to the Future or Indiana Jones felt like historical landmarks deserving national holiday because of multi-level marketing.
Now everything feels like a flash in the pan.
Wonder if It's age (impressionable), the access to multitudes with internet(abundance) or both.
Now everything feels like a flash in the pan.
Wonder if It's age (impressionable), the access to multitudes with internet(abundance) or both.
I figured that was called something else, multi-spectrum or some such
Every game publisher or film studio demands billions in revenue from every product.
It's safe. It pushes no boundaries. It doesn't seek to leave an impact or move you emotionally.
But yes, the content space is fractured. Not sure if that’s a bad thing but it’s harder for anything to rise above.
For every Raiders of the Lost Ark's you remember I promise there was some equally forgettable nonsense out that same month.
Quality always rises to the top and is remembered.
I obviously can't say what the kids will take from this current gen but they will.
I don't think it's age or access, but rather production quality: writing, directing, practical effects.
It WAS BIG and very present in media though.
Great memes too. Miss that lol.
Easy example-went to see INTERVIEW WITH THE VAMPIRE. Dad watched 5 minutes,left theater for another movie.In his lifetime, how many "Draculas" had he seen?
In our lifetimes,moviegoers have received between 1 & 30 would-be "JAWS"-level movies per year.After fifty years,burnout.
But it is so individualized that there is no one answer.
Pick any movie & it is both "best movie of all time"/"an atrocity against memory of Orson Welles" btwn 2 people
best franchise or content is thing you know, how can you be disappinted?!?!
Thankfully I always sought things from beyond mainstream but that bubble is where big budget is often invested in. Can't help it if that's what people vote with their wallets on.
I'm really torn about the diversity and quality of stories that get to be told now, vs the shared cultural experience and limited entertainment options of the past.
We've lost something. It'd be easy to label it as one specific thing, but I think it's all those things at once.