Just as disturbing is watching someone like Hewitt, a one time mainstream Post reporter, go full MAGA. Are there no mirrors left in any MAGA households?
What happened to the mask-less OAN reporter who used to stand at the back of the Press Room during the White House press briefings during the pandemic?
This is precisely what I'm expecting. They will select who attends the briefings. Assuming they have them. I seem to recall they stopped at some point last time.
Nobody should cover Trump. DON'T attend. He lies his ass off. He scares everyone so don't cover him any more. No airtime or sound bites. Fuck Donald Trump.
NEVER understood why Hugh Hewitt was at MSNBC... he was like a mad Nun at a disco. He's got worse with age too. Like all these Maganuts he's now bending deep for a job on the government gravy train they all claim to "hate".
The speed at which these folks are both capitulating to and facilitating totalitarianism is something to behold. Historians one hundred years from now will have entire courses devoted to the idiocy of MAGA.
Endless source of batshit is a regular WaPo opinion columnist. WaPo used to be my favorite fearless newspaper. There’s a long road back to earning my subscription.
Hewitt quit the Washington Post right before the election, after he got into an argument with two other WaPo writers in a live broadcast. It is a shame that the Post didn't fire Hewitt years before.
Send this traitor to Antarctica to freeze his ass off. Hugh Hewit is a scumbag that chases money. He doesn't care about politics, as long as his advertisers are paying for his bullshit
Whenever I see or hear Hugh Hewitt’s name, I astonished and angered by the fact that he was once employed, featured and highly paid by MSNBC. Just because foam doesn’t visibly oooze from his mouth doesn’t mean he was ever a sensible Republican.
Decades of MSM marketing tells you we have to cater to journalists in this way. There's zero evidence it helps and plenty of evidence that it's aided cynics and anti-government zealots.
Please, and I mean this with all due respect...fucking old people like Huge Hewitt, go be a fucking grandparent. Color in and outside the lines with them, but for god's sake please go all the fuck away.
What's the difference between banning all reporters and having a press secretary that doesn't give any press briefings? That's what we had last time (the 4th press secretary, I think? There were so many, I lost track.) She basically did nothing. Kind of like tRump.
They don't want anyone but their official mouthpieces to be present, because everybody else will ask questions and Fox will be like, you look nice president Elon.
All Media just needs to ignore the Musk/Putin/Trump Party!
They are not going to say anything of importance. The whole works are Criminals, Sex Offenders & Pathological Liars!
Wonder where they got that idea?!
Oh, wait!
The transition to an authoritarian state like Russia & China continues just as the billionaire oligarchy has been dreaming of creating.
Political talking heads with no real skin in the game say dumb shit. You're an adult. You should know this by now.
poster child for GQP cocksucking pieces of shit
We must carry on the pretense that Doocy is asking relevant questions and that whatever liar he's talking to is providing actual information.
After I Googled him I thought, "Typical."
Totalitarian. Yup.
They are not going to say anything of importance. The whole works are Criminals, Sex Offenders & Pathological Liars!