Former Dem Sen. Bob Menendez outside the courtroom after he was sentenced to 11 years in prison for bribery and corruption:
“President Trump is right. This process is political and has been corrupted to the core. I hope President Trump cleans up the cesspool and restores integrity to the system.”
“President Trump is right. This process is political and has been corrupted to the core. I hope President Trump cleans up the cesspool and restores integrity to the system.”
debase yourself before the Orange Menace, he will not pardon you.
No, Bob, you just committed crimes.
For thieves and liars in the Democratic Party! 🫏 > 🐘
It just gobsmacks me that they think they are victims.
It is not a 'hit job' if it's proved you committed the crime.
You got caught, dude. Deal with it.
Shut up
Go to jail
Go straight to jail
Don't pass go
Go directly to jail
Here’s some advice: Don’t do crimes 😆
No matter what your stance in politics or what level in life you are. Period!
He should work on restoring some integrity to himself.
Daad get me outta this!”
But he should have LOTS of company. I want accountability among the gop.
These are the worst people among us. And somehow
we have them the power and platform.
Want to avoid prison? Don't do crimes.
Big baby.
We knew they were in the walls, but they're coming out of the woodwork for this moment of lawlessness.