When someone writes the book on how sycophantic cowards sold out the Republican Party and the USA to the MAGA mob, a whole chapter
will be devoted to this turd.
We have seen Graham in Congress since the 90s and he needs to resign and step aside for youthful values of this nation. Haven’t you been subsidized by the American citizens long enough?
Well, Graham was also the one who fucked him over his VP pick that ultimately led to the horseshit that was Palin so…what else is new for that jackass Graham?
True question... But why would he care what a dead man thought? He doesn't have a soul or shame to feel disgusted with himself... So again... Why would he care what a dead man, or any living man thinks?
Amerika scheint nun mehr und mehr gespalten--jedoch wünschte ich mir so sehr,das die Demokraten und alle die den Unterschied zwischen Richtung und Falsch--Lüge oder Wahrheit,kennen!!!Und ich meine keine "alternativen Fakten"
I seem to be in possession of many pertinent books for these times that have found us.
I pulled this one out last week.
I also have my 88 year old Dad’s copy of the Federalist Papers.
Oh, I have my dear departed Mom’s old paperback of 1984 as well..
This is surreal.
Here's a link to the John McCain Chief of Staff Xhitter post, so people can verify for themselves if they like, or share anyway they want. You're welcome.
It is a job for the psychiatrists to explain how someone can publicly do a complete 180 in just a few hours and then expect anyone to ever believe him again. I would say he is craven but I respect a certain filmmaker too much to make such an association.
When you shake hands with the devil, you have forsaken yourself and you have forsaken god, so it is natural that good men would be ashamed and choose to turn their backs to you. The devil is contagious. Just look at the Republican Party. One by one they fall.
Graham has been spinning in circles for years. I'm sure he has no idea how many times he's done a turnabout over his political career. The question is, why do Americans vote for these morons.
I’m an AZ Democrat who highly respected John McCain. I did not agree with all of his policy stances, but he knew how to work both sides of the aisle to get things done. Lindsey saw the social credentials that McCain carried and sucked up to him. After that golf game with Trump he became a sycophant.
Lindsey Graham is irrelevant and has been since he started supporting TSF. No one listens to what he has to say or even cares what happens to him. Time for him to leave public service because he certainly has done it for many years. He has been on a free ride.
Zelensky blew the meeting when he essentially said Americas children would feel the pain of war if Trump didn’t support Ukraine.
That kind of talk may work in Europe…
I can't stand Leslie Graham. He 🩴🩴s back and forth, hates drumpf, loves drumpf. He was bood so bad at a rally that no one could hear him. He needs to go back to his closet filled house in Columbia.
Ugh what a disgusting sellout. He probably just needs Trump's support to keep his name off that list of Epstein flight logs they're releasing a tiny bit at a time.
You know every time Lindsey Graham speaks, it’s because someone turned that same well-worn screw and reminded him of all the kompromat they have on him.
all Swedish newspapers and media (and probably most other international news sources) are saying that Trump embarrassed himself on the global stage. the global consensus is that Trump and his administration are fools, Graham is coping hard.
They threatened to out him, as if everyone doesn’t know or even care, so the closeted Queen turns on himself and everyone else so he can stay in the closet.
A Brit sending thoughts and prayers to the good people in the US. Keep fighting against Trump and what he stands for, absolutely devastated after what they have done to Ukraine today.
Every one of these people in Congress who support this regime through words or votes are human pieces of garbage and should be treated accordingly. May these people never know another day of peace or be able to show their faces without being shamed.
What a piece of shit I have no respect for the United States I hope the world turns their backs on the USA just a pathetic country and a disgrace of a country and the laughing stock of the world
One of these days we'll find out exactly what Putin has on Graham. Likely, a video of him with a young, male prostitute. I see Lindsey as liking them young.
I’ve said this for years, when McCain died Graham lost his moral compass. Graham doesn’t think for himself, he must have a leader and he chose the wrong one.
Once again remembering how he brought Jered and Ivanka to John McCain’s funeral despite the McCains’ wishes. It’s where his allegiance to Trump’s cult first raised it’s ugly head.
Oh Lindsey! You are the actual embodiment of being up his ass. All Republicans staying by him after today just shows what cowards you are. How can you look in the mirror.
Unfortunately this state is full of republicans who would rather vote for a spineless flip flopping coward than someone who would want what’s best our state and country. I am just a blue dot in this red state.
Graham is truly a spineless coward. He has zero purpose in life other than trying to stay relevant even if that means abandoning his “principles”. He will be noted in history books as a collaborator and enabler careerist who stood for nothing. Shame on him.
Lindsey Graham's soul has died a long time ago.
The last wise words it spoke was to warn us of nominating Trump.
His body betrays his soul's intentions.
Graham's words are nearly identical to Rubio's. Looks like musk or trump dictated what all of the sycophants had to put on their social media feeds. Revolting.
When will Miss Lindsey come out of the closet? He's just another disgraceful Republican. Yes, John McCain would be ashamed of him. He should be ashamed of himself but, like other Republicans, they have no shame.
Graham's craven presence in the U.S. Senate is an afront to the moral fabric and identity our courageous service members and Founders sacrified to create and uphold.
Lindsey Graham flip flops like a limp dick, because he is a limp dick. We manage to pick some shockers for parliament in Australia but, gee whiz America, you dig deep into the bucket of dolts, imbeciles, amd cowards at voting time.
To this day I believe when his good (maybe only true) friend McCain died, Lindsey died along with him. I haven’t seen the Lindsey Graham we used to know since then. 😞
Repugnants were given their marching orders… “go forth and say how amazing we were”…. Just like the influencers after getting the Ep files in skinny lil binders were given prepared statements to release.
Lindsay Graham is no better than Trump. He’s nothing but a fucking Traitor to our country. 100% A fucking Traitor that needs to swing from a tree just like Trump and the rest of them…
I'm an Arizona Independent who immensely misses Mr. John McCain. I did not agree most of the time with him but he always did right for his constituents. Lindsey Graham most definitely cries himself to sleep at night knowing what a sell out he is..spineless.
This admin is embarrassing they are sick and a betrayal . JD is immature he has no experience in life and no reason or merit to be any where near DC. MTG’ bf is a total idiot he made himself look foolish. We have a mentally unstable moron in the White House who needs to be arrested
It is clear that Trump has sold out the United States and our Democracy to Putin.
Watch the Rachel Maddow show for clarification that aired tonight (2/28/25).
Graham called Trump’s behavior a masterclass in showing strength. If anything, he gave a masterclass in self-serving corruption, division, and reckless disregard for the rule of law. America doesn’t need performative toughness; it needs real leadership.
Report this:So brave Volodomir Zelenskyy got set up.They wanted a break from this hero,and they lectured him on his manners in the Oval.
His manners
He got a lecture on manners from a social slob,a gold-leaf liar,a Queens real estate heir who grabs women’s vaginas for fun,an Epstein wingman scumbag.
He barely got reelected last time,, just barely.
We've got to get rid of these spineless cowards.
Congress is not working governing.
It is in the Rat motel cartel with muskrat and his rat sidekick DT.
Someone whisper this to Grammy.
Karmas a bitch and she's coming for you.
Fuck each and every one of these traitors. They betrayed us all and opened the gates to the enemy because they were too weak to do it on their own. And they now have the fucking nerve to assign Russian Warlords and Tech Nazis to rule us? Y’all failed the American test. Get fucked and die.
America Now = It is now Team Democracy vs. Team Fascism. The America we knew & loved pre-Orange Cheeto 2.0, is gone forever. No one can trust us, the Europeans will freeze us out, & isolationism will sink us lower, while Puttie keeps controlling us via GOP, Elmo, neutering us one X one. Horrific!
Lulu is a total worthless piece, a human reject, a monster's pet
It won't help you Lulu trump will still dump you when you usefullness has passed which might not be that far away
And Zelenskyy was SO respectful and kind when asked about those comments in his interview on Fox. Lindsey Graham has no integrity or spine at all. He's a sad sack of a human.
Lindsey Graham is a Syphilitic Prostitute, remember I won’t call him a whore bc most of them are kind women, Lindsey is the meanest most vindictive, spiteful Mary there is. We see you, you egregious, mincing, pompous, effete old Catchers Mitt, ur retirement is coming up soon!
Lindsey Graham is an ass kisser! How many times has he kissed up to bone spurs? He did the same as J D Vance and turned into a coward! It’s only so the orange POS will like him and not hurt his laughable career!
I would respect Lindsey so much more if he finally came out as gay, and admitted he sells votes for blow jobs.
At least it would give him some level of integrity.
will be devoted to this turd.
Or, at least in Lindsey's case, sashaying away.
I pulled this one out last week.
I also have my 88 year old Dad’s copy of the Federalist Papers.
Oh, I have my dear departed Mom’s old paperback of 1984 as well..
This is surreal.
They have knowingly aligned with Russia through Trump.
211 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Main: (202) 224-5972
Fax: (202) 224-3808
That kind of talk may work in Europe…
The king and his billionaire lords will not stop until we are the biggest, most impressively deep, shit hole country on the planet
(No one who knew Sen. McCain would doubt that).
They’re all traitors to democracy and the country.
Lindsey, clean up in aisle 47!
The last wise words it spoke was to warn us of nominating Trump.
His body betrays his soul's intentions.
Your sad democracy voted this fuckwit to the role of World leader.
WW1 and WW2 🇺🇸 veterans are spinning in their graves!
*my grandparents and their 🇮🇪 comrades defeated the 🇬🇧 Empire!
The time for a peaceful uprising is fast approaching.
To be embarrassed, one must first have a conscience.
I feel embarrassed for all Americans who think that Trump's despicable and cringe-worthy behavior was even slightly acceptable.
Shame on you Trump!
Shame on you Americans for making this crap possible!
Watch the Rachel Maddow show for clarification that aired tonight (2/28/25).
Elect ME… Lindsey Graham! Cuck for Trump! McCain who? Shut up! I need this!
His manners
He got a lecture on manners from a social slob,a gold-leaf liar,a Queens real estate heir who grabs women’s vaginas for fun,an Epstein wingman scumbag.
We've got to get rid of these spineless cowards.
Congress is not working governing.
It is in the Rat motel cartel with muskrat and his rat sidekick DT.
Someone whisper this to Grammy.
Karmas a bitch and she's coming for you.
Who am I kidding?
Lady G is a spineless little bitch of a man.
a political leach
he has no core values
he just latches on to whomever/whatever will provide him position
truly...Graham is the stereotypical vacillating, bent** politician
** as in-bent over-shorts on the floor-with a smile on his face
It won't help you Lulu trump will still dump you when you usefullness has passed which might not be that far away
At least it would give him some level of integrity.