Sen. Murkowski thank you. I hope you can work with your fellow GOP congressional members and help them find their hearts, their patriotism, and their honor once again Even just a couple of them so we can end this destruction of our democracy. Thank you.
This is part of a coordinated effort to dismantle the world order forged 85 years ago from the ashes of 80M lives. As allies like South Korea & European nations lose trust in the U.S. for security, nuclear proliferation will accelerate, plunging the world into a more dangerous and unstable future.
How fucking politely poetic. Did she give anyone roses while she typed this? She can't say this while standing face to face with her republican senators, fuck no. But type it and post it on social media, how republican brave of her.
"Appears to be"? He full on is. That is what he is doing. That is what he said he would do. She needs to have some decency and not pretend to be shocked since she has been helping support Dump.
Trump has chosen to step aside as Leader of the Free World in search of mineral wealth for Russian and American oligarchs. "We have some good deals lined up with Russia."
Soft, suit wearing Republicans can't even begin to fathom what it's like to fight against a bully. Our country was humiliated before the entire world. While simple-minded idiots celebrate the childishness of our president's administration, educated people are embarrassed to say they're Americans.
She doesn’t get any brownie points. She still supported a budget plan to help the wealthy get tax breaks; while millions will go hungry and loose healthcare.
Why can’t the rest of those chicken-shit Republicans band together and denounce him?!?! Him yelling at or mean-tweeting ALL of them won’t have any power!
She has an account on BlueSky but never posts here. Probably afraid of having to actually deal with the comments. She has the power to do something and she’s not taking it.
Trump told in advance his program to the voting USA public.millions of voters agreed with this and voted for Trump.he won the election and became POTUS Donald Trump and started go execute his program!it seems that some who did not voted for Trump have a big problem accepting the election result...
She is my Senator. I have called her office multiple times to urge she vote against cabinet picks. She voted to confirm every one of them. Not convinced she will do anything but clutch her pearls.
If Russia decides Alaska has stuff they want, is the US going to say oh that is cool. Let’s split that up. You take these resources and the US will take those resources. Yeah? Peace and all that? And Murkowski will what, wring her hands and sigh?
There have been problems for years with Russia crossing over the boundary to crab fish, etc. For all we know, the orange flaccid traitor already signed the US over to Putin.
Here is the problem, no one living in reality found this surprising. Lisa Murkowski has voted for a bunch of fascist enabling dipshits as nominees and the rest of us knew Trump was a piece of shit a decade ago. I'm going to need more than a tweet before I trust her to do anything meaningful.
She is just as concerned as Susan Collins. Even Tillis might make a weak statement like this but in the end they are in lockstep with MAGA and are the enablers of far right policies that is supporting an authoritarian regime. The isolation has started
There has to be other good Republicans who see the light. Other Republicans must join this wise woman impeach Trump before he starts WW3 and let's Putin take America.
I can put myself in your shoes because I’ve been there. I resigned from a good paying government job, after spending 40-years in the military, because I couldn’t and wouldn’t support a morally corrupt “leader.” It’s easy if you are not, yourself, morally compromised.
perhaps these Republicans in Congress are finally understanding that siding with ( and ass kissing) Trump now only saves their job for another 20 months. The people will make sure they are replaced at mid-terms.
Eking out just a little bit of hope…again. Still has more balls than most of that crew. I’ll hope for the best. 🙏 Please keep the condemnation going, talk to the others who have a bit of life left in them and act on this! 🙏💙
This one has had her chance to prove to her constituents that she is fighting for them. she is as spineless as the rest. She should have thought before she voted for all the corrupted and loyalist racist cabinet. She is the problem along with the rest of the cowards.
It’s sad to see every Dem on this thread who is responding to this statement exactly as if she had endorsed Trump’s perfidy. She will catch hell from her constituents and colleagues for this statement. If she got some encouragement from our side, maybe she would be more inclined to work with us.
I’ve never seen a group of people who are so reliably discouraging of new converts, or even possible allies in a time of crisis. We don’t have such a commanding and reliable majority that we can afford to piss on people who sometimes do the right thing.
I'll note she voted to confirm the second impeachment and refused to endorse him last year. There are far, far worse than Lisa Murkowski. I've been disappointed in some of her votes, but I'd rather worry about Lee, Tuberville, Cruz, and the rest of the totally irresponsible clowns in the R caucus.
Give him time, they’ll all be feeling sick to their stomach. Whatever deals he has with Putin will come out. His cutting American jobs and screwing veterans and social security will backfire and everyone will see he is a stupid grifting con man. This might be a good time to consider declaring yourself an independent & throwing support to the Dems considering what trump is doing to our country. You are the one republican Senator who actually seems to be a thinking person & not just a rubber stamp for donald trump.
Then she needs to do something about it. Vote against every bill the GQOP try to pass and FOR every bill aiding Ukraine. Call the Hero Zelenskyy and give him your word.
Every American needs to understand, that the single biggest threat to Democracy, our Nation and Society is this administration pushing our Nation towards Communism. We must Stand Up and Fight. We must defend American Values. We cannot allow this to happen.
Posting on X and doing something in the Senate where she’s part of the majority are not the same thing. When she shows a spine while doing her job I’ll applaud her for “condemning” him via tweet.
Traitor antacids for when you can’t stomach humanity & you have to worship treasonous billionaire frauds because what’s the alternative, doing the American right thing? Ridiculous.
Like the American people are in charge of anything that has to do with the American govt. traitor pills coming soon
Words will never fix this mess she helped create! Until she stands up to potus, I don't believe her. Senator, #DoSomething! Your words don't mean a thing to any of us. You LIE, you vote on bills that hurt Americans and you vote for cabinet members who want to kill us! Grow a spine already!
FN duh!
Should be Kremlin backed fascist thugs.
Don't bother to answer that. We've already seen how you vote on the felon guy's nominations & agenda. 🤬
I hope this is the beginning of the end of the republicans willfulness to look away from the trump administration’s corruption.
Once the furor does down she'll find "new facts" to justify flopping back to "daddy"
Ask yourselves why.
I see no media in the USA talking truth.
Get some antiacids. This is your fault.
Has he finally gotten your attention?
"The Administration!"
Say. His. Name!
My neighborhood has a big Ukrainian community.
Please sign and pass on:
Like the American people are in charge of anything that has to do with the American govt. traitor pills coming soon