A new Quinnipiac poll found that 58% of voters disapprove of the way Donald Trump handled his meeting with President Zelensky at the White House, while only 35% approve.
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Its the cult, you come out and say that he's going to fire every single cult member and they would say well that's great Mr President you're my Messiah. That's what happens when you're in a cult
The MAGA cult reminds me of Parsons from Orwell's 1984, who was thankful for being arrested by the Thought Police and praising his daughter for denouncing him just before he was about to be tortured
So 35% of the country is in favor of blatant abuse and disrespect towards the leader of another country that has shown no aggression whatsoever towards us. Noted.
What the fuck is wrong with 35%. If that is how they believe that the president of the USA should behave on the world stage, the US has a serious problem
He really does have a core of about 35% that will approve of him no matter what he does (no matter how much their groceries go up, no matter how many of them lose their jobs, no matter how many wars he gets us in). It's truly mind boggling.
Trump is Putins asset, puppet & lapdog. He’s been working for Russia & the Kremlin for years probably decades. Trump is weak & a coward. He speaks with his boss weekly to report into Russia. Putin is eating the FELON for dinner.Putin owns trump and he has for a long time.Vance is a puppet for trump
Look how Trump and Vance are starting to raise their arms...A little higher...A little higher, that's it...Straightening out the arm...Keeping the palm flat and facing downward...
1942-1946, over 100,000 Japanese-Americans were unjustly imprisoned in internment camps. They lost homes, businesses, and livelihoods. This racist policy, initiated by FDR's Executive Order, caused immense suffering and $1.3 billion in property losses.
1942-1946, over 100,000 Japanese-Americans were unjustly imprisoned in internment camps. They lost homes, businesses, and livelihoods. This racist policy, initiated by FDR's Executive Order, caused immense suffering and $1.3 billion in property losses.
Approvals don't mean a thing. You've already had your chance to vote. It's not like anyone can do anything to stop this idiocy now. There's no power to manifest disapproval into anything.
35% is the lowest the oligarchs paying for these polls will let it go, to try to keep up the impression he's not much less popular. Those 35% are cult members they can rely on to even it out
Dammit! No one should have agreed with how trump treated the leader of a foreign nation. No one should be treated like that no matter who they are, what they do, or how much $$$ they have.
Every time I see this photo it makes me more pissed off at Vance. No one should hold a hand up at anyone like that much less the President of a country that was an ally until this Administration
Does it really matter since Trump and his minions are dismantling US democratic institutions and 2024 will probably go down as the year of the last democratic election in the US with 2026 being the first in Putinized Amerikkka.
I hope the Putin/Trump-loving MAGA hardcore is not that high in proportion. I thought maybe 25% hate representative democracies...I'd even allow 30%. But 35%?
Opinion polls don't matter anymore. At this point the united states will be lucky to have another free and fair election. Russian style democracy where the leader gets low approval ratings in opinion polls but gets 97% of the vote in an election. Turning into a banana republic.
Trump clearly has demonstrated he is a poor negotiator and his obvious dementia doesn't help him. Why even have an immature VP and couch molester JD in the room making everything worse?
Remember how Mike Pence would mirror donnie's actions? Like, donnie takes a sip of water, Pence takes a sip. Vance is doing the same thing with his right hand. Pure deference, subservience, submission.
The fact that 35% of American voters approve, really says a lot about the state of the US right now.
Imagine not too long ago, the US was kind of a role-model for many in the World. How far away those days seem now.
That thing was a shitshow. I was so embarrassed for humans. I am not American or Ukrainian, I was just embarrassed. I was like “what in the world is this”. I was watching like 👀
Not to mention the rambling “(…) came from Hunter Biden’s bathroom, bedroom, it was disgusting”. Completely surreal
Real Republicans need to start getting pissed off. I have a few REAL lifelong Republicans in my family who dispise Trump. I mean mentioning his name at this point gets them irate.
Isn't it listed as an object of cultural importance?
Trump is halfway there to stopping the war and he has a plan for Russia. You might not like it but it’s going to work.
That’s 35% WAY out of line.
35% would approve of Donald eating live puppies on TV.
35% would consume the flavored drink crystals.
1942-1946, over 100,000 Japanese-Americans were unjustly imprisoned in internment camps. They lost homes, businesses, and livelihoods. This racist policy, initiated by FDR's Executive Order, caused immense suffering and $1.3 billion in property losses.
1942-1946, over 100,000 Japanese-Americans were unjustly imprisoned in internment camps. They lost homes, businesses, and livelihoods. This racist policy, initiated by FDR's Executive Order, caused immense suffering and $1.3 billion in property losses.
plans to CAPITULATE to the Trump Regime & the GOP by supporting the dirty CR.
Call 202-224-6542 (direct) to tell Chuck what a sell-out coward he is. Call him over & over again. Keep calling.
#coward #CR #capitulate #resistance #indivisible #50501movement #spineless #protest
I hope the Putin/Trump-loving MAGA hardcore is not that high in proportion. I thought maybe 25% hate representative democracies...I'd even allow 30%. But 35%?
Imagine not too long ago, the US was kind of a role-model for many in the World. How far away those days seem now.
Not to mention the rambling “(…) came from Hunter Biden’s bathroom, bedroom, it was disgusting”. Completely surreal
Jasmine Crockett
Same fkg uneducated idiots