#OTD in 1973, John McCain was released after over five years in North Vietnamese captivity. He refused early release until his fellow POWs were freed.
John McCain is a great American hero.
John McCain is a great American hero.
Then my mind goes to the Orange Shit-gibbon, who dodged his service with a fake problem saying McCain wasn't a hero.
I see red at that point!
He was polite but quite clearly put that woman was right.
I'm no RWer but McCain was, essentially, a good man.
None of them left now in that party. All obsequious self-serving traitors under an imperialist and a fascist.
Deplorable. And dangerous.
MAGAt hypocrites. Vile people.
Moral: engage brain before typing.
Trump might be tall(ish) but he's such a little man.
Vile creature.
Partially b/c the impotent, cuck, coward was a draft dodger and therefore unfit or worthy to even SNIFF the shit of ANYONE who did serve, but also b/c McCain called Pedo-Shitler on his stupidity.
Now Trump? He IS a traitor.
Happy to sell 🇺🇦 and 🇪🇺🇬🇧down the river.
Talking about 'having cards' he showed all his:
No NATO/peacekeepers
No territory return
& 🇺🇦to give up its mineral riches to him?
Now longer trusted by the West
May he Rest in Peace
That man is the opposite of what trump represents.
So being anti-Trump still supports those policies.
It's the party's platform, he's the tool.
Let’s be like John McCain!
But I admire his courage, and I will never forget the fact that he saved the ACA.
We need more McCains now.
trump's dollars daddy paid a doctor more than once to declare little dollars jr. unfilt because he has an owie in his foot.
That was a lie.
And spoiled donny dollars behaved poorly the rest of his life.
RedHats are like "sooo whaat? He fires people we hate!"
Hang your head in shame Chuck Schumer 🤮🤮🤮
Vile creature.
Now we have Kinzinger, crenshaw, mcconnell, most of congress doing the same thing in Ukraine.
At least that fascist pig is in the dirt now
And he was also a notorious jackass who treated the US Government as a plaything for the whims of his unstable personality.
Key to his psychotic indifference to the USA: trying to make the con artist and grifter Sarah Palin Vice President of the United States.
As a child he held his breath until he turned red.
His mother had to put him in a tub of ice water
to get him to breathe.
He only refused early release b/c the entire Navy
would hate him for being a privileged Admiral's son.
🚫 hero worship
The only thing patriotic about that filthy rat was his brain tumor. Good riddance to traitor trash.
John is a real American hero
Spurs, is a coward
-that wants to be seen as a hero-he wants the title
it pisses him he can't just buy it and skip the part where he has to earn it
It still isn't.
In 1973, the USSR was messing up the UN.
It's gone.
Why are we giving putin power over the world?
Trump loves criminals. We can bypass him and take out his sponsor. 🇺🇸 vote is not needed.
I’d always admired McCain, even though I wasn’t politically aligned on most issues.
He wouldn’t recognize his party in 2025 😳