Senator Lisa Murkowski says her Republican colleagues are ‘afraid’ of Trump and Musk:

“That’s why you’ve got everybody just like, zip lip, not saying a word because they’re afraid they’re going to be taken down. They’re going to be primaried.”


Everybody is required to help prevent the US in becoming a dictatorship with the #lunaticInChief at the helm. Imagine what will happen in the coming 46 months if no one stands up to this. #stopTheMadness #saveTheUS
They get threats of violence from his supporters if they defy him.
Military personnel put their lives on the line for much much less money and get less in return.
including HER?
Dear Canada, if saying ‘sorry’ burned calories, the U.S. would be the fittest country on Earth right now. Apologies for the chaos, and please don’t unfriend us.
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their constituents need to make them more afraid of themselves than they are of the administration
Can you figure out quicker? And what’s with the musical impersonation?
Senator Murkowski needs to change to an independent - no more lip service, just do it Lisa
The fear the GOP reps feel now is nothing compared to the fear and emptiness they will feel at the end of their lives if they continue to do nothing.

Btw: He lost and he admitted it.
So she is admitting it's a Fascist Party.
I would rather be primaried and be able to look at myself in the mirror, than become a despicable excuse for a human being.

Go figure
And she didn't vote to confirm Patel, Bondi, JFK, etc.?
Better late than never, but...

They are complicit, compliant traitors.
Will she callout Justice Roberts for Citizens United decision?
Republicans, their donors, their voters and lame stream media are 100% responsible for fascism in America. What a bunch of fucking cowards. Scared of some orange twat that should be dead soon
If you district is sending lawmakers to Washington that are afraid to do their jobs, get them the hell out of there!

There is exactly zero excuses for the Legislative Branch to cower to the Executive Branch as they were created equal for a reason.

Let them know you are coming for them!!!
She talks a good game then votes to enable all this bullshit. Stfu, Lisa.
Not all of it. She did vote against some of the cabinet nominees.
Considering how gross most were I’m still not inclined to give her an atta girl over doing the right thing.
Same. Her vote meant nothing when they all knew the cabinet members would pass. Same as her vote to convict on the second impeachment. She’s all talk
Lisa needs to try much harder and demonstrate she’s willing to fight Felon 47. She only votes against MAGA when it’s safe to do so. More action, less talk.
JFC there are worse things than being primaried. How about having your country destroyed by fascists and your constituents suffering. Honest to God people grab a brain. And a spine while you’re at it. will be primaried no matter what. You should be thinking of the COUNTRY, not yourselves anyway. But your time is limited and you did it to yourselves.
If they can't live up to their oath of office they should be primaried out and maybe get some people in government that know what the word ethical means!
God love you! A rare Courageous Senator who speaks out against the Trump, Musk blackmail!!!! We appreciate you more than you know!!!!
As a student of history, the inverse carries much more perilous consequences than a primary.
No offense, I like her, but it doesn't explain why she's going along with so much of it.
If you care more about your job than democracy you should not be representing us in Congress.
Some things are more important than a senate seat. Like democracy!
At this point- so what!!!!! The country is literally being destroyed. A primary should be their last concern!
So fucking what? Be a good person and to hell with the consequences. These soft little ppl can suck it.
A rather weak speech and representative, however, we need all the support we can get.
So everyone is in office to get reelected and that is it. But to do what?
(Ethical) congressional representatives would not care about being primaried if there were term limits

It’s almost like we should have term limits in Congress🤔
I don't disagree—BUT—brace yourself for a game of musical offices, which is what term limits have wrought here in Florida

election season is a frickin merry-go-round

it's not even ladder-climbing—they are happy to trade down (think school board) just to stay in power
If they are good for the people they have nothing to worry about.
Hell ya they are. 💙🌊🇺🇦🇨🇦
They should resign if they are afraid of the job
She is still a Republican and delivers her vote when needed. She is all talk. No courage.
The reason they are afraid is that any candidate Trump attacks can have the full weight of Musk's money against them. Not to mention Trumps petty attacks. This is the very thing they accused George Soros of for years. Meanwhile Musk just dumped 12 million into a Wisconsin Supreme court race.
Which is why Trump and Fox News are telling people to buy Tesla. If the stocks plunge even further, Elon could get margin called and lose Twitter.
Lisa’s “bring it on” moment. Repost this act of courage to those Republicans cowering under their desk who allegedly represent you.
"they might get a death threat"

do Republicans have any goddamn idea how many death threats that AOC and adam schiff get?
If you are afraid to do your job, you aren't doing your job.
Fight back or get out.
Finally a Republican “woman” who has balls tells it about the men that don’t.
They need to be primaried by democrats or non-trumplicans.
It would be much easier to beat these useless elected officials in a primary than in a general.
Why are there not more republicans and Americans willing to stand-up and voice their opinions against Trump & Musk.
Fight for your RESPECT in the world because currently the USA is losing ALL respect.
Duh!!!! You could tell by the way they stand, that they’re spineless!
So is she, the weasel who voted for almost all Trump appointees and his garbage budget
Congress can make changes to Campaign Finance, like placing $ limits, maybe. We know why they don't.
If the GOP had stronger leadership, they wouldn't have let Trump take over their party and turn them into a bunch of cowards.
I largely blame Mitch: he allowed DT to get off the hook in Senate impeachment trial, not once, but TWICE.

Rather than doing what GOP did when a delegation went to Nixon and told him it was time to resign, Mitch betrayed his oath to defend the Constitution & caved to DT.
Yup, saw it.

It shows how Mitch and Leonard L. achieved capture of SCOTUS by 2018, even though sadly some Dems still haven’t figured out the implications of judicial capture (it’s why Biden could’ve named Jack Smith as DOJ AG, & outcome wouldn’t have been any different: CJ Roberts had his back).
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She's one to talk? LOL
This is ridiculous. Trump has a regime of terror in the W.H.
There is safety in numbers and they need to speak up as every day is one less day of democracy….
That’s the problem, what’s the solution?
They are looking to say . You know I love you personal but my people back home need me to do this .
Actions speak louder than words….nothing to see here
I think most normal folk know this...
The cabinet confirmations demonstrated this perfectly.
This spineless GOP would have confirmed the Zodiac Killer if comrade donald told them to.
That group would not include all the very old male Republicans, like Chuck Grassley, who may not run again. In their case, they are too comfortable to represent their constituents.
Then resign! You are playing with our lives!
FUCK HER, she backed him
Please pardon my ignorance. I am Canadian and don’t always understand the nuances of US politics. What does it mean they are afraid of being ‘primaries’?
Being primaried means they will be challenged in the next election. Musk or others could donate to the campaign of an incumbent's competitor who could then beat them in the next election. They would be voted out.
So, other words, money is more important than values or goals or past failures or achievements??
To some, yes. Also, power. They are the driving force in this country's current administration and among many American politicians. They will be the undoing of this country.
A primary is when other candidates from their party can run against incumbents. To be primaried means when they run for re-election the GOP will fund other candidates and attack their campaigns. I think they’re afraid of more than that though.
Thank you!
I do too.
afraid but support
Our Trump Now (GOP) v1.1
[Joni Mitchell "Both Sides Now"]

Pumpkin face and haystack hair
A snarling mouth that perverts prayer
A hardened heart that cannot care
We've looked at Trump that way 1/10

#TrumpSong #TrumpCult
But he took over GOP
He incites hearts to hate with glee
An insurrection was their spree
With Trump to point the way 2/10

We've looked at Trump from both sides now
From fool to Fuhrer, yet somehow
He's GOP's new blow-up doll
We really can't fight Trump at all 3/10
Rabble chanting "stop the steal"
A mob with terroristic zeal
Where Trump-fed fairy tales seem real
We've seen his cult that way 4/10

But Trump sways primaries, we know
He drives our voters to go low
If we don't bow, then out we go
He lies and fools obey 5/10
We've seen Trump's cult from both sides now
As fools and tools and still somehow
Their narrow minds are our downfall
We really fear his cult, that's all 6/10

#TrumpSong #TrumpCult
Lincoln, Reagan, men renowned
Republicans when we were proud
Conservative convention crowds
We've looked and felt that way 7/10

But Trump's fascism made us change
Our values have been rearranged
Some say that we are now deranged
Trump warped our minds some way 8/10
Our GOP has two sides now
The sane must save the cult somehow
But Trump's influence makes men small
Now too few dare to fight at all 9/10
Fuck these Nazis. Stand up for Democracy
Say it like it is sister! I love that the only Republican actually showing courage is a woman. This from the party that touts its masculinity. 🤣
Here's going that she can stand up to trump and musk in the long run.
What a joke! There will be no need for any congressmen if Trump continues. They’ve already lost.
But think of all the ribbon cuttings they get to go to. The restaurant tables with the best seats. The parades they get to ride in. You don’t expect them to give that up, do you?
Musk used $10M of publicly traded Tesla funds during TXGIGAFACTORY build to buy windows for his private house for one of his Baby Mamas.
I he has their balls and ovaries!
Lisa, I would sure like to see you put your efforts where your mouth is. You don't need constituents to advise and guide you. We are at war with this administration. The suffering and damages are apparent. There is nothing to figure out. Get out there and be a warrior for the American people!
Why is it mostly women speaking up? Where is Dan Sullivan? Nick the 3rd?
No shit Sherlock! He is a dangerous narcissist who intentionally surrounded himself with oligarchs, racist's, Christian Nationalists, and mindless followers. What does he have on them? It took Republicans in the legislature to shut down Nixon. Time to STEP UP impeach him and his crazy appointees.
Don't you have any law against blackmailing or intimidating your lawmakers?
All we need are a few of these fuckers to say no more and we would not have the shit show we have… all because they want to keep their “job” …Well, I’m your boss and you should all (to quote our idiot in chief)be fired
They should all be primaried anyway… these fuckers work for us, for the interests of the greater good, not self preservation… then do t go into fucking politics if you are not willing to walk the walk..
I would rather keep my integrity than keep quiet.
All of our teachers will be wearing these on Monday. We love ALL our children
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What happened to principles? Is it more important to stay in power than to fight against a dictator. If that’s the case every fucking republican shud be voted out of office. You are more interested in power than helping constituents
Do more Lisa than furrowing your brows then. I like you, and I only really like a few GOP politicians now. I bet if you left the party and went independent that would cause a lot of chaos in the GOP.
And yet...
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If we have a fair election then if they did stand up. They probably would be elected without having to worry about it.
But you won't disavow Trump, you fascist collaborator.
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This comments highlight the internal dynamics within the Republican Party, where fear of political repercussions from Trump and Musk appears to be influencing lawmakers' willingness to speak out. It raises questions about the role of leadership and party loyalty in today’s politics
It’s more than that; they’re afraid that they and their family will be killed by some MAGA nut job
Better to die on your feet than live on your knees (especially if it means looking up at that orange face)
Loving God, We pray for the people of Ukraine, for all those suffering or afraid, that you will be close to them and protect them🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦
And of course their jobs are worth selling the country down this Purgatorial River to Hell. Their jobs are more important than the thousands wrongfully fired or coerced out. More important than the elderly, the poor and the minorities. More important than Democracy They are phonies, not leaders.
These are people who, if they lose their job, will go to a good possibly more lucrative job. It isn’t like if they’re primaried and lose, they will go to the unemployment line. So they’re willing to dump democracy for as little as this job.
The Democrats need to defeat them!
And she buckles under any time she has a chance to vote against fascism. Words are cheap.
Fck murk and all the other spineless gop . They own this pos!
In other words, they’re cowards. And they care more about holding into power than upholding the constitution.
She’s all Talk, the only time she actually votes for her constituents is when she knows the bill is going to pass/fail anyway. She never crosses the line when it matters. She’s only speaking now because 25% of the voters in AK work/ed government jobs and Elon fired all of em. But it’s all talk.
What's her excuse?
And what if they do lose their jobs? We're in a big fucked-up mess here.
I think we had guessed this already
She’s right. They’re going to be taken down. Just not in the primary
So sad that his minions choose cowardice instead being true to their oaths of office.
So they’re willing to let a lot of people die in order to hang on to their power.
Oh grow the fuck up.

Donald picks on fucking Canada, trans kids and illegal immigrants because… he’s weak as hell.
So true.
If they don’t do something there will be no primaries!!!
Grow a spine, losers.
Hmmmm… being primaried or tongue-lashed, embarrassed, mocked daily by mobs of people? Such hard decisions to make you poor babies.
It is a Rich spoiled clubs game.
Dear people in USA.
They dont care if you survive og need to leave your house, farm,business or land,they wait until you are down.
Then they take it or you get a few dollar .
Like the nazi’s did after they deported and killed , handicapped, jews and the resistance
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Painfully obvious. If they stood together against him he'd fold like the cheap suit he is.

To do nothing is a cowardly surrender of your country.
Exactly. More worried about your self importance than the people you represent.
Patriotism is dead.
Soldiers, sailors, marines and airmen are also afraid when they are sent into battle, but they do their jobs and head into the fray anyways….to protect us!
Then resign pussies. Kinda hard to be a representative of the people if you are keeping your mouth shut.

“The only thing necessary for evil to triumph in the world is that good men do nothing”

-Edmund Burke
to be fair, these magats are not good people
So, what they are thinking is screw our country, its people, and the world in general so I can remain in office. All of this with an active coup in progress. Spineless pieces of shit.
yup. typical magat behavior.
murkowski: "i'm not going to compromise my own integrity"
hahahaha- like she has any more than collins
She votes in lockstep. Talk is cheap
Then stand up to them together! Every party is spineless.
If you are afraid, you should be primaried and replaced. We need leaders, not cowards.
That’s exactly how you end up with lunatics that traffic little girls on Venmo, shoot their puppy in the face, support QANON, and give public handjobs as elected representatives.
Then quit voting with them
Good for her. The GOP threw a primary at her some years ago, and she won as a write-in — and people had to spell her name just right! She's earned that independence.
Cry me a river, coward. You took an oath. You failed. You own it all. This takedown of America is on you & all the sheep you baa with. You work for us, not the criminal psychopath. You went along with it all. A whole decade of bad. You are culpable. Maybe you’re worse because you knew it was wrong.🤮
Yeah, we all know
Does she address what will become of congress when they've freely given all their power away? I see that as waste. Doge isn't gonna let that fly. Why pay their salaries when they do nothing? At some point the excutive branch won't be operating in the shadows & won't need them anymore
If they’re not up there to fight and speak for their constituents, then resign and give someone else a shot. TERM LIMITS!
So they’re going to sit on their hands and collect a paycheck for doing nothing. Vote them out.
How about that, she's got bigger balls than ALL the GOP male senators and representatives!
My god that’s the worst thing in the whole be primaried..omg, the inhumanity of it all…the worst possible thing much worse than the evil rump is doing to innocent people on a daily basis!🙄
We need more republicans like Cheney and Kinzinger!
Why did she vote for the nominees? Fear?
So, they’re afraid of losing the job that they aren’t doing?
Judging by the town hall, their constituents aren't happy.

Reps have 2 choices:

Act as representatives for the people and face getting primaried.


Act as a puppet to this regime and face losing vote support.
And lose respect from decent people, as far as that hasn't happened already
Let’s primary all of them. Hee’s an idea, how about a ’straw poll’.
There aren’t going to be primaries at this rate possibly, nor elections
Think of all the money billionaires could save if we just did away with elections.
That’s what I think is so comical about all of the reaction of Republicans and most Democrats in Congress. They’re behaving as though business as usual will continue in Congress and they just need to ride out this rocky start. If they stopped hiding, they might see what’s actually happening.
They’re limited by their party-oriented minds from seeing the big picture maybe. It’s no longer about party, it’s about the existence of the very republic that makes such parties possible. The confrontation between the executive and the judiciary will likely determine the fate of the U.S. republic.
Then they need to grow a f'ing spine. The truth is they are too power and money hungry. They hide behind being "afraid".
The fear of getting primaried obtains from a mistrust of one’s own constituency. It means one is more concerned with keeping their job than doing their job.
So they are putting self above party and party before country..

Not exactly the types who should be in public service.
I guess their oaths and vows mean nothing. Time to check in with the first wives.
Lisa Murkowski has got balls! Love her work!
Wow. So … fuck the country, to hell with our oath, my God, we might be PRIMARIED!!!!!


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Her votes show she is afraid.
It’s true. There’s more of us than them. Just saying….
Primaried?? That's all?? I thought she was going to say they were afraid of bodily violence. Wanting desperately to keep a comparatively exotic and cosmopolitan D.C. life is not a reason to comply. Young men gave their lives over hundreds of years, and these guys are afraid of losing the lifestyle.
They are clearly idiots. At this rate we won’t even have elections!
So are democrats that voted yes
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I think she's late to the table on this but honestly is no better and he's the OPPOSITION? LOL! What a bunch of feckless, self-serving, cowards. This is NOT public service. These folks have enjoyed a quiet gravy train for far too long! Serving the interests of donor class!
That’s how an autocracy is !
So lose. With integrity.
So when are you switching parties, Senator?
But..that cabinet!
You should be more afraid if you don’t grow some balls
I wonder if the Republicans she's talking about are worried about being primaried - or whether they don't care because they don't think there'll be another election anytime soon
She is the first one who dares to say this out load. If there is one sheep crossing the line, others will follow? I ask hopefully.
We have all known for many years that they would rather keep their job than do it.
So her argument is that, “they are all cowards” and her evidence is she votes the same as them?
If your only goals and value in life is clinging to office, you don’t deserve it
Chastising is just lip service. She's not in the trenches fighting the regime. She's taking the safe road. When she puts her boots on the ground, then she will have a voice. Until then, she can SFU.
of course they are. they care about THEIR "jobs" - for which there are no necessary qualifications or required skills, or experience, and which could literally be done better by monkeys - but they don't care about the jobs of civil servants with actual relevant skills and experience.
Talk about waste, fraud and abuse.
Marjorie Taylor Greene, for example, is a waste, fraud, and abuse of purportedly human genetics
Talk about stating the fcking obvious. A key plank in the game plan!
These assholes want to protect their jobs but don’t give a damn about you and your job. Vote them out.
Then they should not be serving in public office in the first place. Cowards.
But Lisa look at who you voted for in the trump cabinet. You helped set up this mess. So do something.
That's why We the People must make them more afraid of US than trump. "May a million Luigis rise up." Send every one of them that msg. To their homes and offices. Make these politicians in Congress and the Senate fear We the People. That's our only chance.
If they actually cared about America; they would speak up and allow that to happen. Instead; they only care about themselves.
What a disingenuous cunt
Maybe they need a union.
🎶 Come together, right now, over he. 🎶
Afraid they're going to lose their jobs for submitting to a fascist.

The cowardice is next level.
Not just the Republicans.
Then they deserve to be primaried.
Who cares! Who cares. Who cares!? They weren't elected to win a primary next time. They were elected to support the constitution and to represent their constituents.
They need to do something soon. Look what has happened in 2 months. Ignoring & hiding will not work. They do not need to worry, they will lose it anyway for not impeaching the sitting president for conspiring to take over the gov't, treason, corruption, dismantling the gov't, [...]
Senator, how do you vote like 95% of the time?
I guess their self-preservation is more important than our country & Democracy. Hypocrites
Actions speak louder than words! Either do your job and stand up for your constituents and the nation, or shut up and get out of the way for someone with a spine to do the job.
The bigger problem is that democracy is dying and no one in the Republican Party is willing to lift a finger to stop it from happening. If enough republicans raised their voices we could keep America from drifting into fascist rule
At last a senator calling it like it is. I get that everyone is worried that if they get bounced out they will be replaced by a trump nazi . But at some point if you act smart and act together with democrats colleagues you can sort this. grow a pair
Now let’s see if she’s honest enough to follow through
If they had a shred of patriotism they’d stand up for what’s best for democracy and worry less about saving their jobs.
Then they shouldn’t be in office!!!

Grow a pair, a spine…


(Damn, conservatives, read your bible!!!)
Republicans are cowards.
They put him in this position in the first place. So, no empathy here.
That's my senator. Thank you Lisa for standing firm
All talk. How many fools did she vote to confirm?
She is, too. Her and Sullivan are a disgrace to public service representing Alaska. We are embarrassed…
Apparently their jobs are more important than the future of our country.
She is absolutely right. She has more balls than the rest of the GOP combined. But I worry their concern is more powerful than just being primaried—something more sinister must be afoot, eg, being exposed for something….
I hope Murkowski does not cave like the rest of the GOP.
The need to grow a fucking spine and work for their COUNTRY.
Thank you Senator!
they should NEVER run if they are cowards,WTF kind of garbage is running
Do they really think there will be another free and fair election? Seriously, what have they got to lose?
Like Butch said to Sundance when he didn’t want to jump off a cliff into a river because he couldn’t swim-“What are you crazy? The fall will probably kill you.”
Their fear does not excuse them. They are complicit. Disgusting traitorous cowards.
The only redemption is to switch parties and join the resistance
Someone should tell her that if her colleagues don’t start falling on their swords to protect America…there won’t be a country left and/or their positions of power with be made irrelevant and powerless.