"We need more aggressive masculinity," Mark said quietly and softly, as he bloviated about martial arts and bow hunting with strong hints of self doubt in his voice.
Everyone’s homework will be to watch “The Day The Earth Stood Still” 1951 to see how the earth will be destroyed unless we all start living by the Golden Rule: A moral principle that states people should treat others as they would want to be treated. It's also known as the ethics of reciprocity.
I really feel like you're giving them all far too much credit here. A pack of dorkass losers to the very last. Wildly unattractive, inept, socially backward dweebs that wouldn't have a single advantage in life if it weren't for money.
Because they might freeze his assets. Or arrest him.
The dash is silent.
Dammit, typo!
Now that they've stopped SUPPRESSING basic right-wing speech, they are the worst? And people wonder why the world has swung to the right