How do I make my dreams more violent? I'd give a finger or a fucking toe to be able to vent in my dreams. You kidding me? I'd wake up with a much more constructive tolerance for dictatorship and societal collapse.
in dreams i'm a flying ninja warrior... i'm really fast, merciful and merciless at the same time... nope, i think i'll keep my dreams just the way they are... a tad dangerous and OMG, i'm flying!!
Wow that’s so cool! I have thirty years of journals with dreams scattered throughout them. I love dreams, but have never been able to be aware during them. Thanks for sharing that; I’m so impressed
In a recent one I moved into a really nice apartment in the middle of nowhere. Soon, it began growing new rooms. Then it started throwing parties, hired a DJ, and invited people who wouldn't leave. I did an exorcism, then there was 100 people in a small apartment.
If you try and bring laws to my dreams can we start with the people who are suddenly morph into another person inexplicably at an important part of the dream narrative and ruin the plot line.
This morning, I woke up from a dream about 1am that I was an OLD man having threeways with two women in their 30s and 40s behind my wife's back. After the 2nd time, my wife tore the younger chick's head in half and stabbed me in the eye with a screwdriver. I cut her head off with a metal comb.
just incredible
"My brain is making you up right now and you don't actually exist."
Some of them get upset and try to prove their existence. I made one cry the other night. They asked me what happens when I wake up.
I actually dream this way and spent years honing my lucid dreaming ability.
I'm aware I'm dreaming most times, can control and change the world, read text, time travel, and have super powers.
I write the good ones down for short stories I hope to publish some day 💜
In a recent one I moved into a really nice apartment in the middle of nowhere. Soon, it began growing new rooms. Then it started throwing parties, hired a DJ, and invited people who wouldn't leave. I did an exorcism, then there was 100 people in a small apartment.
"Then why did you come to Best Buy!?"