..don't you dare call me dad!!
you son of a bitch!! it's yesssirrr!!
do you UNDERSTAND me!? - yes sir..
now get your little sister down here - i'm horny.."
I will never like you!!!!
You sound like a pitiful 7 Th grader trying to win friends!
Maybe use your great wealth to help the average person.
How about helping children with free lunch programs, seniors with meals on wheels?
How about you? Help someone other than yourself….
He just wanted to be one of the cool kids, and it hurts his soul, to realize that even his hundreds of billions of dollars, can’t and never will make him cool.
That's the best part about this; even most of the Nazis don't like him. Some right wing politicians, yeah, but the "cool" ones on 4chan hate him too; that's why he put up that pathetic Pepe the Frog "Keksimus Maximus" avatar like it's still 2016.
Don't worry, Herr Musk. We forgive your offenses against the human goodness in us, but we remain just as intent on ruining you.
It's not punishment; it's simply rebalancing the scales.
Are they talking about Nazi-saluting, America-spitting Musk? The vulture who sneers at Americans as "too retarded," lazy, and mediocre, calls Social Security recipients "parasites," guts safety nets, betrays allies, and hoards $38 billion in taxpayer money while laughing and insulting us?
The greatest wealth heist in US history is unfolding. Musk is set to become the first trillionaire. Bankrolled by taxpayers, mass layoffs, and gutted programs for the vulnerable. Meanwhile, they raise the debt ceiling and hand the rich massive tax breaks, leaving the public to pay for their empire
Uh, Mr Musk, generally people don't much like nazis. Cos nazis are genocidal and pretty much hate everyone who isn't also a nazi. So please, just fuck off to Mars, and stay there.
Domestic terrorism is ideologically driven crimes committed by individuals in the United States that are intended to intimidate or coerce a civilian population or influence the policy or conduct of a government per USA PATRIOT Act (18 U.S.C.).
He's one sick s.o.b. destroying our Democracy.
tramp loves this kind of hateful person as he is a
hater himself. Now they've created Concentration
Camps in El Salvador. Lawless bastards.
Litigate, Agitate, Demand Action against them.
Money can buy happiness. Sadly, the richest man in the world is too stupid to use his money on cool shit. "Sorry, I can't build a giant fighting robot. I'm too busy using the President as a hooker to work out my daddy issues."
Hard to feel anything but disgust for musk. All he cares about is money, power, greed, control. Corruption is how he does it. All his spouting off about wanting to save humanity is crap. I still am stunned the silent majority republicans are doing nothing to stop his onslaught against democracy.
This man turned his back on his entire customer base and makes decisions that undermines EVs. The shareholders MUST have enough evidence too file a class action against him. The board of directors should be able to remove him as CEO
I really want to like the guy but something always feels off with his innovations and motives. There have been a lot of half truths and misdirections with that guy. Despite what he has brought to the world you can't trust people like that.
I just can't imagine being able to launch your own car (made by a company you own) into space on a rocket (again, made by a company you own) and still somehow being THIS desperate for attention/validation.
I used to think Elon Musk was delusional and thought he was an impressive man.But the way he acts so desperately, he has to know that he is unappealing. #Toxic
of course he is despised. stopping with the hateful oligarching, getting off the public stage, trying to do something to undo the massive damage he has caused, would be a good start to defuse the extreme hate that he has earned.
Musk is dead-ass the kind of person whom rejection tactics, like boycotts and such, would work against, and it's because of this core wound of his that never was healed.
It literally doesn't matter if this is an Onion article or not. It's factually true Musk is like this
Many of my friends I grew up with were born into obscene wealth. They never had to work for success because it was always handed to them. None of them ever developed a talent or skill because they never developed the habit of persistence.
I feel like you guys went from the crazy guy yelling in the corner with a bullhorn to more truthful than this administration. It’s crazy. I used to laugh when I saw an Onion article. Who’s laughing now? Not me
Have you considered not being a ketamine-addled, Nazi-sympathizing man-child? I can’t guarantee it will solve all your problems, but it’s a great start.
Deep down inside that echoing shell of a man there is still an awkward, insecure little child crying out for attention and acceptance. I could almost feel sorry for him.
I mean, he was a furry and a part of a AHEM specific fetish group in the furry fandom. not throwing shade at the group but it definitely outlines his behavior.
There is nothing remotely likeable about him. He is a stunted adolescent apartheid shitbag who deserves to be public enemy #1. If not now, after the trump disaster ends. There will be no place of rest for him inside American borders. Deport or self deport is his only options.
How can we like a guy who is firing workers without following labor laws and who gets rid of government regulations overseeing his own businesses. Also he makes huge sums of money off our government contracts while at the same time firing people who could cure cancer. He’s a joke.
Don't hate you because you feel you are rich and monetarily, you are. EVERYONE HATES YOU BECAUSE OF EVERYTHING ELSE YOU ARE!!! You will never ever truly know what 'rich'. You do not deserve anything good.
Elon Musk is like AI run amuck. He was put in charge of a system and he might believe he’s helping but he’s causing untold damage he’s not aware of because of the way he’s programmed.
more like parents giving meaning to the kids lifes..
and kids giving additional necessarities to the parents lifes..
like feeding and asswipes and whatnot..
" my son -
life means war!..
you have to feed your ass to wipe it - son!
not gonna do either for you..
..don't you dare call me dad!!
you son of a bitch!! it's yesssirrr!!
do you UNDERSTAND me!? - yes sir..
now get your little sister down here - i'm horny.."
I will never like you!!!!
You sound like a pitiful 7 Th grader trying to win friends!
Maybe use your great wealth to help the average person.
How about helping children with free lunch programs, seniors with meals on wheels?
How about you? Help someone other than yourself….
Well maybe in Nazi circles.
I love seeing how much he is confused that he has “it all” but no love.
lol we are suffering other people’s daddy issues.
Internet is the biggest bully. Their time is now. Kill them with karma.
Alex: What caused Elon to commit suicide?
Alex what is - When you believe that you pulled yourself from the bootstraps instead of directly benefiting from apartheid flavor of white supremacy.
Musk: hold my beer...
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No Cow !
It's not punishment; it's simply rebalancing the scales.
Domestic terrorism is ideologically driven crimes committed by individuals in the United States that are intended to intimidate or coerce a civilian population or influence the policy or conduct of a government per USA PATRIOT Act (18 U.S.C.).
tramp loves this kind of hateful person as he is a
hater himself. Now they've created Concentration
Camps in El Salvador. Lawless bastards.
Litigate, Agitate, Demand Action against them.
Message me private for more informations and proper guidance okay
It the absolute least I can do to support your fine work.
The barest minimal effort to shoe I appreciate you.
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♥️ The Onion ♥️
It literally doesn't matter if this is an Onion article or not. It's factually true Musk is like this
I might consider, perhaps...
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Message me private for more informations and proper guidance okay
You’re invited to experience the
unboxing of the exciting new
gadget that’s the next big
thing in Tech.
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Message me private for more informations and proper guidance okay
Message me private for more informations and proper guidance okay
Though elon probably has about 50 more IQ points that trump. Doesn't mean he's not still an idiot in other critical ways.
Deep down inside that echoing shell of a man there is still an awkward, insecure little child crying out for attention and acceptance. I could almost feel sorry for him.
If he wasn't such an absolute dick.
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I am going back into uniform so I can kill you, you fucking scum.
That's a bundle of trouble. And he's running our country!
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