LOL @ "CEO" - he just doesn't want to pay. $3.9m seed funding, 6 employees (half of which C-level+co-founder). 3 job openings. Attention is nice when you're in early start-up phase chasing investor capital, not so much when it's been >2 years and you're not making enough money yet.
I would never work for this guy, but I appreciate his let-you-know-up-front approach a lot more than an employer I had who claimed they supported work life balance before hiring then actually expected overtime and weekends regularly.
I genuinely don’t understand what these people think the point of being alive is if you spend 90% of your waking hours working, it sounds like masochism to me
Athletes get regular breaks, and rest, and have whole teams dedicated to their health and well being. This guy is conflating his metaphor with reality and also his youth as a baseline for everyone else health. Completely out of touch.
I can make any 22 year old a CEO. You just need to file the paperwork and send in a check. I would never work for a 22 y/o CEO though. LOL. Like yeah sure, lil kid is a "business genius" or some shit. Haha.
I have a 24 y/o coworker with a college degree and I wouldn't even work there if he was my boss. Today, I had to explain Fiat currency, the gold standard, and forex to him just to try and help him understand why gold is not a terrible investment. And he still remains unconvinced.
I can sell it 24/7/365 within 10 miles of home, I can carry a lot of it in my pocket, I can use it in any country on the globe, I can make things out of it, and it doesn't require electricity to be accessible. No, gold is not going up 30% this year, but everybody should have a little.
Wait till he’s 35-40 - if he lives that long. I certainly don’t have the stamina of a 22 year old and I stopped giving as much of a fuck after being taken advantage of for years. Quiet quitting.
normalize bullying bosses
Stop comparing your treatment of workers as dedicated when working smart never means working over 30 hours.
Prove you're doing something.