Social media ruined the internet, and turned people into a For You Page suckling mess.
"Why explore and create niche communities of people who care about the things they love when we can dilute the experience and give you an algorithmically curated load of slop designed to keep you watching?"
"Why explore and create niche communities of people who care about the things they love when we can dilute the experience and give you an algorithmically curated load of slop designed to keep you watching?"
When you fear the outside world, when you fear being out in public, and making connections with people, you've allowed them to win.
The future you foster for your grandbabies will not change.
We have to foster a better community than the one we have now. We have to make a change or our kids won't feel safe. I don't want them to grow up scared to be themselves.
I didn't mean for that last part to sound so rude, and I am sorry for that.
But I'm of the belief that social media creates harmful ideas on how we view the lives of others and ourselves, the constant access to the opinions on what everyone else thinks and feels without knowing anything about us, without having a connection to us. Its dangerous.
I feel like I've failed not only your teens, but any who come after me.
We used to have a world where we explored together, but now I worry that we'll all explore alone, and watch eachother through our screens.
Im scared we won't be REALLY connected.
I just hope that they're smarter than us. I hope I can help make them smarter than anything I could hope to be. Or at least more aware of the ways these things can hurt us.
Its all so fake and meaningless.