“Well, first of all…and this may seem weird but I think reality may have shifted again because I…don’t feel five years older? Almost as if the universe rebooted multiple times and timelines shifted and now the universe feels slightly fresher and smaller.”
-c- approximately four seconds before looking back at them
“Life is inconsistent like that. But nevertheless. Okay...how much time you got? Because to make a long story short? Half sister’s childhood friend modified copy mind transfer new body return after artificial intelligence half sister -c-
-c- from simulation became self aware and made her own body and tried to kill half sister and process was reused for…childhood friend. Okay yeah. Wow. There is no way to abridge that story easily.”
he pinched the bridge of his nose
“Real short story? …Some real messed up sci-fi horror shit.”
They got lost somewhere around 'copy' and they're still trying to process that. Even with superspeed, there's... a lot of dots to connect there. What they [do] gather is,
"You have a sister? Sorry, I'm pretty sure that's not the point."
“Yeah. Half sister. Lena Luthor. She’s Lex’s daughter. The one who he sold off to Brainiac in exchange for technology. But it’s totally okay, because he felt bad about it later.”
he stares at a nearby wall for -c-
“Life is inconsistent like that. But nevertheless. Okay...how much time you got? Because to make a long story short? Half sister’s childhood friend modified copy mind transfer new body return after artificial intelligence half sister -c-
he pinched the bridge of his nose
“Real short story? …Some real messed up sci-fi horror shit.”
"You have a sister? Sorry, I'm pretty sure that's not the point."
he rolled his eyes
“Father of the freaking year.”