I found several references to a second series being planned, but they alll date back to 202. Supposedly it was planned to air in 2024, although at least one site mentioned it beginning to film in 2024 with plans to air in 2025. There seem to be scheduling problems with the cast.
Only after watching Extraordinary Attorney Woo do I finally understand the appeal of David E Kelley series. Completely ridiculous, and completely here for it
Such a great show. I'm currently rewatching it for the third time. A while back they announced a new season for 2024, but I haven't heard anything about it for a long time now.
I'm buying sea monkeys in bulk, and saving the finest consumer distilled water available to help spawn the aquatic progeny. And hatching they are. Multiple generations, many tanks. We're training for combat. Tridents mostly. It's a lethal weapon that can be stealthily introduced during formal meals.