Uno? Like the card game as a video game? How did the video game version make it not suck as a game? I ask as if it would make me try an uno video game anyway
It was primarily an online game and it had camera support in an era when people weren’t automatically afraid to turn on their camera around strangers. Absolute mayhem combined with a classic card game.
in case you were wondering if this approach of ranking games alphabetically biases your list towards over-representing the games you ranked first, the answer appears to be no. with an r of only 0.016 and a p value of a whopping 0.94, there appears to be no relation.
Really enjoying the bonus episodes Jeff! Keep up the great work. Xbox 360 generation is one of my favourite consoles of all time. Was great to go through the list and hear your thoughts.
(asking only in a last-ditch attempt to vault Crackdown to the top 25)
1) Sonic '06
2-25) Don't matter because Sonic '06 destroys all games
You’re dead to me. I worked hard on those gamerpics.
I think I take Skate 2 over 3 just outta personal preference but genuinely wouldn't change anything else.