Honestly if you went into the subforums (well, most of them) everyone was normal! I ended up spending a lot of time in The Book Barn and No Music Discussion back in the forum's heyday and got so many great recommendations from people.
Heck even GBS had some great threads. I was always a big fan of the Star Wars Questions thread that usually just ended up taking the piss out of the books. That's where I found out about the horse pilot and lightsaber knees
The forums scared me. But I had a lot of friends who would send me the front page and the articles. Really kind of fucked up to think how we were 13 year-old girls reading that site.
Weirdly the SA goons grew up to be one of the most progressive millennial communities out there and tend to be very outspoken against the bigotry of other places that are edgy or just plain evil. It's a fascinating communitarianism compared to many other places that either died or never changed.
My experience with Goons is all from MMOs. Doesn't matter which one I'm playing, I somehow always end up on the Goon server. Never had any problems with them though. And their EVE Online Corporation antics were entertaining.
Aside from me pretty much everybody on the internet was a goon at some point I think I was just a little too young for it and then once I found out what it was I didn't want to support Richard Kyanka