Using gigantic scissors for ribbon cutting at opening ceremonies has been CANCELLED.
We must embrace societal progress and do cool things like invite a tortoise friend to bite through a ribbon of leaves, as was done by a biological sciences laboratory at the University of Lincoln.
We must embrace societal progress and do cool things like invite a tortoise friend to bite through a ribbon of leaves, as was done by a biological sciences laboratory at the University of Lincoln.
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A prior Cleveland, Ohio mayor attempted to cut through a metal ribbon with a torch to open an event and...well...set his own head on fire.
The news footage is on Youtube...
It was a windy day, so as he left the office for the steelworker convention, his secretary had helpfully sprayed him down with hairspray.
Mayor Perk
The other thing his admin was notable for?
You know The Fugitive? And how it was inspired by an actual Cleveland-area murder case?
In hindsight, it appears he may have employed the real killer (and killer of several other women) to redecorate City Hall...
(Okay okay, Voinivich did end up going two terms, but no Republican mayors since the '80s.)
1) sympathy vote as his daughter had been killed by a drunk driver
2) the incumbent was Kucinich, who about 15 years back made a list -voted in by historians- of the worst big city mayors in US history
I loved it.