KOOLSCHRANK PRESS is the newly-launched publishing house of Der Koolschrank, and it is a unique triumph to begin our venture with Philip Newton’s WAR And Other Poems. In literature, some works are epochal, defining the times as no other could…
full article here: https://derkoolschrank.com/war-other-poems-by-philip-newton-2/
That's the problem. At some point you run out of books in a genre that you think are "good enough". Then you have to find another genre and sift through those. No web site that tracks books you like has a recommendation system that really understands and can find the common thread.
Tell me about it. I must have read every James Herriot book 50 times by now. When a grand was looking to donate books, I told her to take what I have with the exception of the Herriot books.
I bought ACoTR a long time ago (after the last book was published) and just picked up the first book last week. I am on the second book now and can’t put them down.
But specifically Hades mostly.
full article here: https://derkoolschrank.com/war-other-poems-by-philip-newton-2/
If the world was ending, kinda seems sooner than later
let me be locked in with a good book
The sweet sound of baristas clanging in the kitchen and the hard metal chairs certainly make you want to stop reading
Sad but true…
...They no longer sell books.