It doesn’t matter. We all know what he will do. When the markets inevitably go back up at some point, he’ll say he saved us from “Joe Biden’s failing economy,” and MAGA will rejoice and call him the greatest president of all time. Because nothing matters anymore. Not reality. Not truth. Nothing.😣
Hitting him with his own words is great!
Do the same on prices! He said the prices was going to go back to pre- pandemic level, starting from day 1.
Keep reminding voters every day for the next 4 years.
Keep pounding him!
Unfortunately, many of the people who voted for him literally have no vested interest in the stock market. On the other hand, the billionaires should be pounding down his door, demanding the 🍊🤡 shut the f*ck up and fire Lutnik and Musk and his minions.
I don’t know much about the US population - but wouldn’t very many have some kind of vested interest because their pension fund is exposed to stock market behaviours?
The wealthiest 10% of Americans own 93% of the stock market, while the bottom 50% owns 1%. 61% of Americans have some investment in the stock market. This again shows the great divide in our capitalistic society, which leads to people voting for someone they think will change the system.
And, of course, this leads to the shit show we're all now suffering through with the 🍊🤡. He will do nothing for the bottom half of Americans but continue to feed the disparity.
It’s emotional. It’s guttural in the voting booth. Trump was very effective at hitting emotions. He made people, especially White, feel as though he had their backs. Like in a big bear hug sort of way that people connected with him. Kamala was the trial courtroom lawyer speaking to a Judge.
To continue. Many voters wanted a cruel thug based on the fabricated and false narrative that we had a border problem. All of previous Presidents spoke and work legalistically. Many think of that as “out of touch.”
In three months, my income streams have crashed. I have applied for jobs and have not had one interview. During the Biden administration my income boomed and I was interviewing regularly for new gigs.
This is a situation that Mr. Trump can't escape by declaring bankruptcy or stiffing his vendors, claiming they didn't fulfill their obligations. He set the explosives, lit the fuse, and still doesn't understand why things blew up.
Yet he runs off to tawdry gilded resorts every chance, Trump knows he’s too unsavory, too indecent to reside in White House. The root of his bullying bitterness is that he knows he’s totally worthless.
Biden got us out of Afghanistan and his polls never reached 50% again.
Trump economy will suck for 2 years then as all business does, will correct and start to go up and he will have 60% approval for "saving" it.
Do the same on prices! He said the prices was going to go back to pre- pandemic level, starting from day 1.
Keep reminding voters every day for the next 4 years.
Keep pounding him!
Democrats need to learn how to reach those voters. So do non-Trump Republicans.
He buys his buddies' loyalty using US stockholders and pension funds' money.
$4trillion price tag, so far. 20x more than whatever support was sent to Ukraine.
When they say “don’t do anything rash; historical markets have shown us [blah blah blah]”
…they completely ignore that we have an UNPREDICTABLE PSYCHOPATH creating market chaos that will tank the economy.
It just hasn't happened so far which breaks his promise.